Peter King seeks the R nomination in 2016

Now the anti-war movement belongs to the right wing.

Shit's upside-down in Merica.

What? have you heard John McCain? Hell, all but the newbies in congress think we need to be back in Iraq, think we should pre-emptively strike North Korea and Iran, are ready to blow up the Palestines...

seriously dude. Don't you have some funny pics left?
America is a fucking empire.

Keep trying, you'll get it eventually.

Of course words like those sound kind to your ears, but they were not meant kindly. Obama is a warmongering emperor and that is precisely what I criticize about him. You're just a bumbling moron if you think Obama hasn't been the best thing that ever happened to the American empire.

Where do you get this shit? As far as emperors expanding the American empire, how do you compare Washington, FDR, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Reagan to Obama? You honestly put Obama ahead of them?

Remember when you posted that meme claiming the US press was less free than North Korea's? this is like that.
What? have you heard John McCain? Hell, all but the newbies in congress think we need to be back in Iraq, think we should pre-emptively strike North Korea and Iran, are ready to blow up the Palestines...

seriously dude. Don't you have some funny pics left?

Try again, What a bunch of politicians want and vote for has nothing to do with the anti-war movement.

But here's a pic for you anyway.

Quit being a dumb fucking hick republican, it is no different from being an idiot liberal democrat. No different at all.

Yes, the right wing owns the anti-war movement. I didn't say the republicans own it. Rawn pawl owns it. Well he is a republican, but you know what I mean.
Where do you get this shit? As far as emperors expanding the American empire, how do you compare Washington, FDR, Eisenhower, Kennedy and Reagan to Obama? You honestly put Obama ahead of them?

Remember when you posted that meme claiming the US press was less free than North Korea's? this is like that.

You're so busy criticizing Obama over meaningless crap that you are blind and I can't help you. Obama is the greatest thing that ever happened to the military industrial complex. He saved it from swoon.
Yes, the right wing owns the anti-war movement. I didn't say the republicans own it. Rawn pawl owns it. Well he is a republican, but you know what I mean.

No, and I seriously doubt you know what you mean. There are lots on the left against Obama wars but they still love Obama. Besides, was anyone on the left really going to vote for Romney? There is a serious anti-war movement from both sides, it's just not being covered here. There are leftist RIGHT NOW outside of the WH picketing the wars. It's just that Obama is in office and if the media shows them then they are RACIST!!
No, and I seriously doubt you know what you mean. There are lots on the left against Obama wars but they still love Obama. Besides, was anyone on the left really going to vote for Romney? There is a serious anti-war movement from both sides, it's just not being covered here. There are leftist RIGHT NOW outside of the WH picketing the wars. It's just that Obama is in office and if the media shows them then they are RACIST!!

Anti-war activists are overwhelmingly "libertarians".

Just in case you're fucking stupid, "libertarians" are right wing.
You're so busy criticizing Obama over meaningless crap that you are blind and I can't help you. Obama is the greatest thing that ever happened to the military industrial complex. He saved it from swoon.

I'm lost as to any post I have ever made anywhere that says I'm in favor of the military industrial complex though. I think you have me confused with somebody else.
I'm lost as to any post I have ever made anywhere that says I'm in favor of the military industrial complex though. I think you have me confused with somebody else.

No, you're confused. You're reading my words and translating them into something you can understand, but you don't understand what i am saying. I said the anti-war movement belongs to the right wing and you read "the anti-war movement belongs to the republican party". I said Obama is an emperor and you thought I was praising him. You're dumb.
Anti-war activists are overwhelmingly "libertarians".

Just in case you're fucking stupid, "libertarians" are right wing.

You should stop. Libertarians are overwhelmingly anti-war, but anti-war activists are not overwhelmingly libertarian. Hell, organizing libertarians is like herding cats. We are very individualistic and not real good at "acting as a collective".

Oh shit, I just realized who I'm arguing with. You get to make up definitions to words, I'm wasting my time.
No, you're confused. You're reading my words and translating them into something you can understand, but you don't understand what i am saying. I said the anti-war movement belongs to the right wing and you read "the anti-war movement belongs to the republican party". I said Obama is an emperor and you thought I was praising him. You're dumb.

You are claiming the anti-war movement is the rights, but refuse to acknowledge the old guard of the right is still running things in congress and lusting for more "interventions". Or has McCain and his ilk become left-wingers in AC world? You think the left supports the wars just because they voted for Obama when every poll taken shows the left overwhelmingly against the military actions other than killing OBL, they just think Obama is too dreamy not to vote for and make apologies for the wars. The man won a friggen Nobel Peace Prize for "promising" to end wars.

The entire country is suffering war fatigue, you hear only the right. I bet you claim to be unbiased too.

I was a founding member of IVAW. I am telling you what i know. Go try to get involved with anti-war activism, you will see.

Obama has created a lot of Libertarians, I'll give him credit for that. But it's because when your party that you have been so loyal to goes against your beliefs, you look elsewhere. A libertarian who calls for increased government feels as wrong as Justin Beiber dating women.
Obama has created a lot of Libertarians, I'll give him credit for that. But it's because when your party that you have been so loyal to goes against your beliefs, you look elsewhere. A libertarian who calls for increased government feels as wrong as Justin Beiber dating women.

Yet they worship the constitution and advocate for private armies. The only left wing party in the US is the Green Party.
remember when the left all praised Obama for ending wars? Remember the campaign promise that all troops would be home in 2014 no matter what? Remember the right saying what if this happens or that happens, how can you say that unequivocally?

I agree that the actions don't match the words, but that's on the lefties who continually voted for it thinking somehow it would be different. It's not because they are suddenly cool with invading sovereign nations.

Actually you are right in the aspect that the right is more involved, but that's our vets. Our vets are the biggest anti-war movement we have presently and if you want to say that ex-military is put in a box and labelled right, then that's on you and your definitions.
Yet they worship the constitution and advocate for private armies. The only left wing party in the US is the Green Party.

Haven't you called yourself a libertarian-socialist? You don't worship the constitution, in fact you say it's the foundation for the existence of state or something like that (ignoring that the UK and other countries have never operated under a constitution).

Are you a statist? Or are you NOT a libertarian? Please post a funny unrelated pic, your logic is dizzying.
Look at you trying to ascribe arguments. I didn't say they were right wing because they are veterans, I said they are right wing because they are free-market advocating libertarian hipster capitalists of the decidedly and conspicuously laissez faire variety. That is right wing.

While Obama's approval is dropping, it has remained high specifically because of libtards who excuse him for being exactly like Dubya.

Like always, I have to write an entire thread page to explain this to you, because you thought you disagreed with what you thought I was saying.
Haven't you called yourself a libertarian-socialist? You don't worship the constitution, in fact you say it's the foundation for the existence of state or something like that (ignoring that the UK and other countries have never operated under a constitution).

Are you a statist? Or are you NOT a libertarian? Please post a funny unrelated pic, your logic is dizzying.

To be honest, I'm not sure what you are asking me? Are you just trying to point to what you think is a contradiction in the word libertarian being next to the word socialist?

I'm a libertarian socialist, that is correct.
Try again, What a bunch of politicians want and vote for has nothing to do with the anti-war movement.

But here's a pic for you anyway.

Quit being a dumb fucking hick republican, it is no different from being an idiot liberal democrat. No different at all.

Yes, the right wing owns the anti-war movement. I didn't say the republicans own it. Rawn pawl owns it. Well he is a republican, but you know what I mean.

which wars are obama's wars?