Open Show & Tell , Outdoors 2013

My regular feed has just been the recipie for success by techna flora.. anyways the overall plant looks healthy so if I have problems I wanna act fast. So would really appreciate advice on determining if it is indeed leaf spot desease and if so what the curre/remedy is. Or if I just need more Ca & Ka and what would be good products for all the above mentioned issues. Sorry to be needy. I'm just still new. Much appreciated!

I've noticed unless you have perfect cal-mag in your soil most plants will start needing more cal-mag from about week 3-6 in flower and probably start the deff in week two. Some Og's are worst . I think that's your problem if you aren't losing leafs up the ying-yang. I have a friend who grows a certain og and it doubles on the cal-mag. Maybe google your strain/cal-mag deff and see what hits ?
My regular feed has just been the recipie for success by techna flora.. anyways the overall plant looks healthy so if I have problems I wanna act fast. So would really appreciate advice on determining if it is indeed leaf spot desease and if so what the curre/remedy is. Or if I just need more Ca & Ka and what would be good products for all the above mentioned issues. Sorry to be needy. I'm just still new. Much appreciated!
I would hit that thing with two tsp per gallon of cal -mag or go get some Epsom salt for 2.00 bucks at the wallgreens or something. :mrgreen: I would all so look into getting some Micros or feeding some molasses .
Pic #2 looks like the leaf spot disease my plants have but I'm not saying that's what you have.
Apart from the storm has your weather been wet and humid?
Check other trees and plants to see if it's on them.
Sorry man not trying to spook you or anything but early detection is vital on the off chance that's what it is.

That's why I'm stoked I ran across that Icmag thread. Many growers didn't know what was going on thinking they had cal-mag or other deff . It starts out looking like the same thing until your pulling buckets of dead leaf off a day .
Sorry bro.
I know I got bad eyes, but I'm just not seeing a bug.
Your first leaf looks like my diesel's leaves that were Ca. hungry but I had a lot of rain so I couldn't feed, and now the yellow spots are old and the leafs look like shit.View attachment 2775035
I know it's hard to tell, my pic is too far away, but they had started out just like your second pic.
Like you mentioned in next post though, it IS possible that the rain washed away the buggies.

That's cuz you keep humping that bud, your going to go blind . My mumma told me once you can only play with your bud once a day or you'll go blind.
I went with the 1% skim because of what I read seemed to make sense but I see your point lol. And I'm glad you answered because I would have used a sprayer instead of a I'm obviously staying away from the buds right and just wiping the leaves.

Sorry for highjacking the thread btw, my bad.
No jacking here. I can't say enough about this post I almost want to make some to try on my bushes and have some cheese to boot. We might be having rice for dinner lol.
I'll find some extra nutes with Ca & Ka and in the meantime hit it with epsom. But yeah you are right I think its an og thing b/c like I said the pineapple skunk is jusr living it up and the og looks overall quite healthy . The leaves are always reaching for tge sky never droopy. What's the molasses about? Is it worth doing?
I've read some articles and they say the same thing and I checked my local store and it was a no go on the products you guys listed so I'm going with the milk. Grabbed some 1% skim milk {low fat} and we'll see if I can get some positive results.
From the sounds of it, there is a good chance it will work but knowing myself I probably fuck it up some how LOL.
Organic dish soap and water work way better then milk. IMO. Spray n wash the leaves, then put a fan on her to dry.
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