• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Help please, plot is being watched!


Well-Known Member
Hey guys, got some crazy shit going on lately. My most beloved guerilla plot
of them all, that I have used successfully for 3 years now has been intruded. I went to check up on my plants a week ago and when I came out of the woods
and into the thicket there was brush laying around, small trees hacked with
machette and some pushed over to the ground. Being dark, I didnt see the
plants at first and I honestly thought that the chopper had either blew it down
or had sent in leo's to cut it. Then to my suprise i looked at the ground and in a
zig zag pattern for about a hundred or hundred fifty foot was plants
staggered. About 45 of them. Most were vegetating clones about 8 inches
tall and some were seed plants.

So out of anger and frustration I pulled them all up and laid them in a pile. I
was angry cause the seed plants could have pollinated my females which
already has beautiful buds on most of them. Also because of the big ass
opening they had created that stood out like a sore thumb to the choppers as
they were flying the area a few days before this happened. I went to check myplants and they were all there, untouched. I had mine spread out '2 here'
' 3 there' and so on. There plants were about 500ft away from were mine
began. So im assuming they didnt see them or they woudlnt have put theirs
there. But they could have put them in the ground, walked up more, found mine and just decided to leave and come harvest theyres and mine.

I ended up writting a note and puttin on theyre plot 'smile for the camera,
hope you have a good lawyer!' and signed it as the state police. I took small orange trail markers and attached to a wire and stuck in each hole using a
sharpie I labeled them with codes and just made it look like an investgation

Now im afraid when they come back they will see theyres gone and they
will smell mine and find it. I seen on the other side of the location that
someone else had entered into the thickets by the brush pushed down. This
was just yesterday when I noticed it. Several things have crossed my mind.
Fishhook traps? Spreading out dead opposums everywhere in the thick stuff
'they cant see em only smell em' to kill out the smell of my plants? Trip wire
perimiter devices made of rattraps, fishing line and shot gun shells 'blanks of
course!' so maybe they will think someone is there shooting at them and gtf
out of there. Maybe somewhere visible but away from the plants hang a solar
powered landscaping walkway light from a tree on string so that it moves and
looks like someone is around at night. As no one else will see any of this but
the people that are doing it. It really pisses me off please guys, im sure some
of you guerilla growers out there have been in similar situations. Im just
afraid they will see the note and think hmmm there is another grower
around here trying ro scare us off or that they might have already
found mine and waiting. Ive set limbs and such that I can use to tell if any
one has been around, but I have a good idea of who it is, and theyre smart
when it comes to wildlife, im in east ky, these hillbillys are smarter than
you think in the woods. Any adivce please!!! Thanks!


Well-Known Member
You pulled someone else's grow...in eastern KY no less?.

We have another poster here in that area, hope it wasn't his/hers you yanked.

Now you have to look for their booby traps, they don't mess around in dem' hills.


If someone planted that close to your spot, you didnt find a good enough spot....

Trashing their grow for being just as stupid.... Just plain ignorant...

Karma's a bitch man.... I wish your plants no harm, but if they do get ripped, you deserve it.


Well-Known Member
No I pulled up a meth addicted pot thiefs grow. Every grower around this
area warned if they found mine that they would take every piece of it. They are
well known thieves targwting pot patches and elderly people for theyre pills.
I had 3 dealers tell me that the guys doing it are more than likely using stolen
clones also. This is not anyones grow on here because they arent educated enough
to use a computer. Its also on my brothers farm which is private propert that he
gives me permission to grow on. Maybe I should have explained the situation more


No I pulled up a meth addicted pot thiefs grow. Every grower around this
area warned if they found mine that they would take every piece of it. They are
well known thieves targwting pot patches and elderly people for theyre pills.
I had 3 dealers tell me that the guys doing it are more than likely using stolen
clones also. This is not anyones grow on here because they arent educated enough
to use a computer. Its also on my brothers farm which is private propert that he
gives me permission to grow on
. Maybe I should have explained the situation more
That makes it a whole different situation...

But... you also said that every grower said that they would rip your shit if they found it..... How exactly do they even know you grow?

Rule # 1.... tell no one....

Good luck man.... prolly gonna need it. There isnt really much you can do, except hope they think it was the law, and leave and never come back.


Well-Known Member
And what if it was a cancer patients grow that you just ripped up? Or somebody that really needed them?
You my friend are a piece of shit for doing what you did. I hope it happens to you as well.
The punishment does fit the crime, but I highly doubt someone is growing medicine to treat cancer in the bush. ;-)



Well-Known Member
The punishment does fit the crime, but I highly doubt someone is growing medicine to treat cancer in the bush. ;-)

Maybe they can't grow at home or afford the electricity. From my research I don't think there is a difference in the THC,CBN,CBDs because you grew it in the bush or in your front yard.
Should treat nausea as well as random pains that come along with chemotherapy the same way.


Well-Known Member
They dont know exactly 'whos' it is. They go onto people private property and
grow it on others land. I doubt they know it has anything to do with me. But the way
the commercial growers around here talk, if they are planting and find a grow they make
that grow theirs also. Ive told no one. But my brother and hes known for years, of course,
it is his land.


Well-Known Member
No I pulled up a meth addicted pot thiefs grow. Every grower around this
area warned if they found mine that they would take every piece of it. They are
well known thieves targwting pot patches and elderly people for theyre pills.
I had 3 dealers tell me that the guys doing it are more than likely using stolen
clones also. This is not anyones grow on here because they arent educated enough
to use a computer. Its also on my brothers farm which is private propert that he
gives me permission to grow on. Maybe I should have explained the situation more
Well in that case, make sure you space the drywall screws far enough apart so they penetrate.



Well-Known Member
dude a guerrilla grow is as stated ,, growing on someone elses land as not on your own land and for NOBODY TO KNOW WHERE IT IS. but to rip up anyone elses grow is just wrong..


Well-Known Member
Their plants were near yours so maybe they figured it was cool to grow there. You bud was almost done, and theirs was just starting so you really didn't have to worry that much about pollination. What you will have to worry about now is an eye for an eye, and you can probably kiss your shit good by. Harvest now before they call the cops or rip your plot up because they have nothing to lose anymore.


for the last 2 years i have a realestate buddy who hooks me up with houses with big yards, that the bank ain't planning on doing construction on till the following spring. visit at night leave no garbage nothing noticeable. douche bag kids pulled a few, (they figured they could smoke the leaves or something lol) but other than that its been quiet. after i lost a few to rippers i laid down a few big planks of pressed wood with screws drilled in at specific area's. (where they jump the privacy fence). and they ain't been back since. but thrashing some one's shit is a big karmic no no. never do to someone elses grow that you wouldn't do to you're own. bogus man. completely and utterly ignorant.... regardless of where you are


Well-Known Member
Wellyes karma is a bitch I do so agree. And thats what they just got for stealing
lbs and lbs of other peoples shit over the years. I think you that disagree need to re
read my posts and think of what you would do if rippers were growing next to ur crop
on your OWN property. They are the ones messing with karma....


Well-Known Member
you should have not rip up there plants,you should have watched and caught them there and said get off my property no growin here,if and when they come back sure as shit your plants are gone.


Wellyes karma is a bitch I do so agree. And thats what they just got for stealing
lbs and lbs of other peoples shit over the years. I think you that disagree need to re
read my posts and think of what you would do if rippers were growing next to ur crop
on your OWN property. They are the ones messing with karma....
I do kind of agree.... If I found someone elses plants on MY property, I would either make them mine, or rip'em up. But... If my grow was rather close to theirs, and I pulled theirs, I would pull mine as well, chalk it as a loos, and find a better spot, for next year.

I would expect to loose my plants if I was you....

Best bet woulda been to just keep an eye on them thru the season, And when yours done, THEN pull'em up and put them in a pile....


maybe they will tear ur shit up if they find it buti dnt think they knew ur shit was out there or they wouldn't have planted more they would've harvested urs or both urs and theres but its hard to say id find another spot or better security barbwire fence or something ur risking getting caught they dnt have plants n e more so they have nthing to loose and they could rat u out man good luck cause ur def gna need it in ur fuked up situation id relocate better and smarter


Active Member
major bad karma for ripping anothers grow. 45 plants is hard work. also it seems by how you talk people know you are growing another mistake. putting booby traps up is three strikes perhaps growing is not your cup of tea aye?
if it was you land ripping tem can be overlooked i suppose bt it doesn't seem that is the case. I hate to hear these stories, last year I lost my favorite spot was only 4 plants but that 4 would be enough to smoke for the year. the idiot who stole mine also left a note. and this was my property much less.

don't steal someone elses hard work. time to find another spot and some better morals


Well-Known Member
I love thread Necromancy!
1 People were/are still hating on OP for tearing up someone else's 45 clones. This thread was made mid august. Those 8 inch tall clones were going to flower the day they were put out in his area. It's safe to say they weren't going all out to LST/Top em for max harvest.

2 It was his BROTHER'S PRIVATE PROPERTY. 45 clones in a zigzag pattern would be like spelling out "weed grow here" when the choppers fly over. It's gonna look like 2 things. Alien landing spot or a dope crop. Either way the dudes in the choppers are probably gonna take notice. Also it's his BROTHER'S PRIVATE PROPERTY. In the event it was spotted from the air they're going to comb the whole area and chances are go knocking on his brother's door. Their grow was putting his grow AND brother's property/well being at risk. The only thing OP was doing was taking care of his business.

3 OP is in an illegal state. See #2. So what happens if OP did let em finish their crop? Then he'd have to worry about creeping out there and NOT running into them. Throw the point of his grow out the window for a minute. What happens if OP were to go wandering out there and then some dude came out of the bush and stuck a gun in his face? I don't know if you guys are familiar with KY, TN and VA areas but if you're out trespassing on someone's private property you can expect to be shot at. Especially in KY. OP mentioned a lot of meth addicts and pill heads. That's a very real problem there. People out there will steal a fucking lawnmower to take it to a scrap yard for some extra change. People will steal anything that isn't nailed down. Go to Harlan, Louisville, Richmond or any other more urban areas there. The people there will rob you blind the second you're not looking. Then help you look for who done it. If someone's sneaking around your private property then you can almost bet they're up to something they're not supposed to be.

4 It's a guerrilla grow. Plants get found sometimes. It happens. Don't put your eggs in one basket. If I were to creep up on someone's property and start a garden. I wouldn't be pissed if they did tear it up. Obviously the 3 posters that bumped this didn't bother to read it was private property. Bad Karma? I have yet to see any documents on any faith during the history of mankind involving a bushhippy stoner god/goddess who's job it is to protect peoples ganja grows and send rippers off to the 7 consecutive level of hell. OP didn't steal anyone else's hard work. He stopped them from putting his business at risk. It's THEIR fault their plants were found. If they were to come on here and make a thread guess what? You guys would be preaching the same stuff about "You should have picked a better spot bro" hurrrr durrr fucking rippers! If OP would have been shot in the face then you guys would have made a thread off in MJ News about violent illegal growers and bad for the movement blah blah blah.

There's not a person here that can honestly say they wouldn't destroy an illegal grow on their own fucking property. His property. His plants. He can do what he pleases with them. That'd be like someone discovering a gold vein or something in the woods behind your house and building a mine there or something. It wouldn't be theirs it'd be yours.
