BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

just looking and a basic entry level was 40 bar without the spear to fit, i know tunis have strict policy of who's allowed and i don;t think johnny foriegner without a license is going to go down to well, but then again with a loaded speargun who's to say :fire:

nae sweat bout ya bike i was just interested you were talking about taking it off the geez when we say ya in Nov last year
Hey donny mate. Just wanted to drop in and let you know the whole jig family has been thinking about you and yours. Hope you start feeling better soon.

plants is looking nice.
Likewise bro my girl thought yours was super cute! My heads ok now I've come out the other side. Getting fit isn't the only life change needed. Gotta drop the frequency of class A or ill be wallynutter with a mean right hook. No one wants or needs it.
Here she is Don, doesn't look like anything special but remove that 10foot chain I have wrapped around the seat and you can literally pick the bike up with a pinky! I was told it was one of the last hand made Gary Fishers.....
yeah fred we've had a couple now they are lush like. i'll have to seriously stop myself so i can take the pips out some of them lol.

@hem, down to 208:clap: me n you are probably about the same right about now i think i was roughly that last time i checked. i'm still 20% fat ffs. it's now at that annoying plateau

lest week i had a breakdown this week i'm fine. putting it up and taking it down is the phrase i think ;) staying off the trouble juice and just having the odd one here n there. hitting the gym regularly, how you doing it, diet or strict corps exorcise or a mix. or ruining good walks with that silly ball game?! golf i think it's called :razz:

i'm good man really looking forward to going on hol to tunisia they've got a gym so i can do that when it's ridiculously mid day hot my Arabic's still not great mind....

hows you man?
Doing OK Mate. I'm doing the combo diet and exercise but yeah I can't seem to lose anymore. So I gotta stop smoking and dial down the weight to 190. Trouble Juice LOLOLOLOL. Really starting to play golf with a purpose maybe start playing a few mini tour round here. We'll see how it goes. I'll take a few pics of the shop today the PSS x 2Toke look great. And of course the smelly cherry is well CHERRY!!!!
Here she is Don, doesn't look like anything special but remove that 10foot chain I have wrapped around the seat and you can literally pick the bike up with a pinky! I was told it was one of the last hand made Gary Fishers.....
nice bike! aye mines the same light as a feather chains heavy as fook. i've taken to just taking the small D Lock and putting it through the wheel or just round the frame and a thin railing. fits nicely through the belt loop of me shorts too ;)

Doing OK Mate. I'm doing the combo diet and exercise but yeah I can't seem to lose anymore. So I gotta stop smoking and dial down the weight to 190. Trouble Juice LOLOLOLOL. Really starting to play golf with a purpose maybe start playing a few mini tour round here. We'll see how it goes. I'll take a few pics of the shop today the PSS x 2Toke look great. And of course the smelly cherry is well CHERRY!!!!

cracking work lad! exercise in the heat over there must be like doing everything at 20% more intensity or are you in aircon gym? i realised when i hit the wall losing that 200-210 is about my comfy weight it fluctuates a bit with the trouble juice lol i know,. it's cos i love the beers that are belgian and 7% and my local specialises in them. it's like your hitting almost goal weight so you start to relax and up the food intake and it slides.

PSS x 2 Toke ? not sure what PSS is mind You sure it's not QQ: QrazyQuake got the packet still and i'll tell you straight off ( hopefully) you know me and labelling :shock:

remember your cam when you get those F1 cherries up to a decent height ;)
2 locks are a necessity in the Dam, and one has to be almost as pricey as your bike (if not dearer, lol).
Ffs :( I got a motorbike one and the chain weighs about 3kg its ridiculous. No small pair of bolt snips would get through the links. Stand a better chance with the lock haha
I am growing Jesus OG right now. (Hells Angels OGxJack the Ripper) I have searched the globe for anyone growing it right now. no takers. it was bread in march of 2013 feom what I gather online. my clone donater told me it was a rare one. he have it to me as a bonus. I couldnt e ven order mor!!! just wondering what to expect and what the smoke would be like.and.if my breeder is full of shit
Of course sorry my heads been up my arse trying to do a hundred jobs a day. Should be a cracker smoke wise your first and only to grow em.
Mate I forget a lot, I mean my brain ain't like other folks. I'll be reading something anything say the destructions for how to put something together if it bores me I have to re read it over and over cos subconsciously I've deemed it not really important enough to remember so it doesn't get saved. My working memory is excellent. Show me n I can do it pretty much.but if it doesn't interest me forget it. LOL I think. Kinda frightens me. Alzheimer's runs in the line and what I do speeds it up I reckon.

Mum is much the same man ty for asking. Looks like she'll wipe the floor with em on technicality.
Mate I forget a lot, I mean my brain ain't like other folks. I'll be reading something anything say the destructions for how to put something together if it bores me I have to re read it over and over cos subconsciously I've deemed it not really important enough to remember so it doesn't get saved. My working memory is excellent. Show me n I can do it pretty much.but if it doesn't interest me forget it. LOL I think. Kinda frightens me. Alzheimer's runs in the line and what I do speeds it up I reckon.

Mum is much the same man ty for asking. Looks like she'll wipe the floor with em on technicality.

Glad to hear it!!!! Give em hell!!!!
208 what? lbs?.....94-95kgs?
aye bang on. like hem my goal is 190 lean then i'm off to wing chun. i was fast with my hands when i was young and thin wanna see if i've still got it.
cracking stuff man, you guys never saw the purple sensi star male that got used but he was a stud! can see the 2 toke's viny structure in there too. really should be a class act when she swells. puttin in work marine;)
Hÿdra;9473152 said:
Glad to hear it!!!! Give em hell!!!!
you know it hydra, me and pops are staying well out the way of the place or we'll have numbers on our backs too. everything is going through the solicitor and mum won't be going back to the place on stress/health grounds. not even for the appeal.

i've seen them play with the straight bat all their lives and get shat on. not this time.

one of the best intro's to a song ever.