And all vegans are assholes
Generalizing is fun!
We're talking about an animal who has been inbred more than your family, bro.
You can't compare a lesser animal to a human. Their reasons for living are much different than humans. That doesn't make them any less important than a human though, just different. A wolverine can be a nice fellow too but will one day snap. They're not pets. Pit bulls aren't pets, they're killing machines which were bred that way. The difference between a wolverine and a pit bull is the wolverine is a wild animal.
The pit bull is a man made selective breeding animal. I'd be all for letting the pit bulls free, but they're not meant for the wild. They're not meant for pets. They're meant for an era where people thought animal cruelty was a fun hobby, much like that fucker Michael Vic.
I once thought like you. It's not the animal, it's what happened to it and they can be good if their "owner" is good. But sadly, it's not true. The domestic dog comes from the wolf. At any time any dog can revert to its old roots, just like a human. The problem is, a pit bull has a will power that was bred into it. A wolf can crush the skull of any forest animal. A pit bull can't come close to that. Unlike the wolf, it'll never give up until it dies.
And yes, you're right. All us vegans are assholes. That's because you meat eaters don't realize just because you don't do what Michael Vic did, that doesn't mean you're not being cruel to animals. I also don't buy clothes from companies if I find out they support sweat shops. Etc, etc. So yeah, that's just how it is.