New bong online shopping


New Member
so my brother and i are looking to buy a bong online (up to $400) and we're looking for a combo of perc(s) plus a glycerin if anyone knows were to find these or any other good sites that have quality bongs around 400, please help!! thanks
400$ on a bong...seriously i could think of a hundred different things to better spend 400 on LOL
Man, 400 bucks for something you know is going to break your heart or make you wanna kick a buddy in the gonads is crazy.

lol..............j/k bongsmilie


Bongs aren't cheap any more. They start adding the perks, ice catcher, and ash catchers...And it is a couple hundred at least. Maybe thats why I don't have a super elaborate one, but I do see the value in a good thick piece of glass with at least the ability to hold ice and diffuse. I wouldn't buy glass online though. Find a headshop somewhere around you. Make a road trip out of it if you have to. Find some good thick glass that is least likely to break, then love that baby
Bongs aren't cheep any more. They start adding the perks, ice catcher, and ash catchers...And it is a couple hundred at least. Maybe thats why I don't have a super elaborate one, but I do see the value in a good thick piece of glass with at lest the ability to hold ice and diffuse. I wouldn't buy glass online though. Find a headshop somewhere around you. Make a road trip out of it if you have to. Find some good thick glass that is least likely to break, then love that baby
ive had the same bong since highschool that i bought for 10$ ive dropped it plenty of times still has yet to break
I have a bong. But it usually stays in my pants. I guess if I have my bong out a lot, people consider that sexual harassment.
ive had the same bong since highschool that i bought for 10$ ive dropped it plenty of times still has yet to break
Lucky. Is it plastic? I Bought one for like 250 last April...About a week later dropped it off my bed and it didn't break, but I about shit myself. Not sure what the moral was there. Don't smoke in bed?
Lucky. Is it plastic? I Bought one for like 250 last April...About a week later dropped it off my bed and it didn't break, but I about shit myself. Not sure what the moral was there. Don't smoke in bed?
no its glass.

you know those like stores that are just novelty stores, they have like cheapo halloween costumes, stupid funny tshirts, bongs, nicknacks and other bullshit...i bought it there, in highschool LOL
no its glass.

you know those like stores that are just novelty stores, they have like cheapo halloween costumes, stupid funny tshirts, bongs, nicknacks and other bullshit...i bought it there, in highschool LOL

they call them headshops in the united states of america, and generally can only sell tobacco related products, and some states allow the sale of water bongs and other sorts of ill shit.
they call them headshops in the united states of america, and generally can only sell tobacco related products, and some states allow the sale of water bongs and other sorts of ill shit.

its not a headshop, we have headshops its anovelty store it has other things and only a tiny section dedicated to pipes and bongs
its not a headshop, we have headshops its anovelty store it has other things and only a tiny section dedicated to pipes and bongs

can't have those sorts of things here in the united states of america. bongs can only be sold in head shops. unless they are plastic and under a certain size.. like 3 inches or some shit.
We may be getting off topic...I say road trip to your nearest headshop. Get your brother, and a couple joints, and make a day of it. I will do anything for an excuse to take a road trip :). Speaking off, road trip to Chipolte. Booom
can't have those sorts of things here in the united states of america. bongs can only be sold in head shops. unless they are plastic and under a certain size.. like 3 inches or some shit.

its like a store with a bunch of a junk and stupid shit in it, we have a bunch and some of them sell bongs and pipes and papers, of usually very low low quality
it has like toilet humor products, stupid cheap halloween costumes, dildos , bongs, i dunno just cheap dumb shit penis pasta
Bongs aren't cheap any more. They start adding the perks, ice catcher, and ash catchers...And it is a couple hundred at least. Maybe thats why I don't have a super elaborate one, but I do see the value in a good thick piece of glass with at least the ability to hold ice and diffuse. I wouldn't buy glass online though. Find a headshop somewhere around you. Make a road trip out of it if you have to. Find some good thick glass that is least likely to break, then love that baby

the reason we want to buy online is that sometimes you can find better prices online, with aloooot of searching lol, im going to talk to him about doing that though
i wish i could hit a bong

Why on earth would you want to do that, it might break, cut you, give you an infection that could lead to the loss of one or more limbs. It just is not the right thing to do. :eyesmoke:

I think you meant a bong hit, now that, my friend, is a wonderful idea.

