bye bye freedom...


Well-Known Member
This is 2nd hand info from a friend who is probably the smartest friend I know..
The NSA is currently tracking all communications in the country and working tightly with the d.e.a. and handing over all communications pertaining to drugs to them..they are then told to fabricate evidence and cover the source of the 'lead' and go about their own investigations of said lead to get convictions...this means ALL communications..cells,homephones, road is target number one,and with george bush securing we have no right to say no to an NSA agent,I feel that soon the drug war will have another victim..who know how much $ the government will throw at this situation since they have now circumvented our freedom with a judicial loophole...this really has little to do with this part of the forum,but I thought it'd be best to post it out guys! Its getting real sketchy these days...


Well-Known Member
Who would be ok with this..hell I can't even text dirty talk to my wife at work now..I feel some geeky ass napoleon cop type person will be getting sweaty behind a desk..its affecting my sex life..wonder if I can sue the government...


Well-Known Member
It was expected after they started/finally admitted they were monitoring all calls and emails etc. Just have to be more careful. I've assumed that they've already been doing this for years anyways???


Well-Known Member
oh fuck... they can't kill all the frogs and cut down all the cacti at least. how can they try and regulate drugs. our government is so stupid choking on the dick of religion and all its power and money. We are all getting felt up by the christian religion. christianity dictates more policy in the U.S. than anything. Stuffing jeezus down your throat while they take money out of your pocket and tell you what is best for your body. Some fat fuck politicians telling me I can't take LSD or Peyote or smoke Marijuana, because if not the Mormon church will stop sending them that fat ass campaign check.
Turn on. Tune in. Drop Out. we need a new Acid wave.


Well-Known Member
Skuxx..they've been monitoring for years,but just for they are working with the with the bush freedom act..the nsa can say 'hey we just thought he was a terrorist,but he's a drug dealer..he ya go guys..' or the dea can say 'we know he's a drug dealer,we have no evidence to support this theory,so well say he's a terrorist and sick the nsa on him,when we have evidence,well take back over and bust him'...see the dea needs probable cause...nsa don't need shit but a reason....


Well-Known Member
Impman..lsd is coming back to mainsteam slowly..lot more circulating now days..17year old dishwasher at my old place got some..I hadn't heard of any younger kids getting/wanting lsd in years..the emerald crystal is def going around on tour and the east coast..somehow there is a lot of liquid going around,and I'm glad!..btw,I think we could be brothers seperated at


Well-Known Member
Skuxx..they've been monitoring for years,but just for they are working with the with the bush freedom act..the nsa can say 'hey we just thought he was a terrorist,but he's a drug dealer..he ya go guys..' or the dea can say 'we know he's a drug dealer,we have no evidence to support this theory,so well say he's a terrorist and sick the nsa on him,when we have evidence,well take back over and bust him'...see the dea needs probable cause...nsa don't need shit but a reason....
Oh I know all that. But that's just what they tell us. Never trust what the government tells us. lol.


Active Member
It's been a long time coming, but still that's a ridiculous misuse of power and in all legitimacy FUCK any government agents looking for keywords in our conversations... This sucks...


Well-Known Member
Tell every stoner (or freedom lover) you know to text or email the word 'cocaine' or 'heroin' at a precise time all in unison..see how many months it takes for that geek behind the desk to go through the pings they get...


bud bootlegger
i just got contacted by a publishing co..
come to find out they got a couple of my records from the nsa, now they won't me to write a romance novel for them.. they said all the ladies in the offices got all turned on from my superior sexting skills...
pssst, you thought this was all bad, i got meself a job now from all of this spying.. see, there is a sliver lining here.. :D:D


Active Member
You know tormail just got seized by the FBI and NSA right?
Tor does not hide shit.


Well-Known Member
Headienugz..if it can be built by man,it can be destroyed by man...tor is not 100% safe..if big gov said they want it,they'll take I've quoted john gotti before..'the government don't run outta time or money'...if they want you,you're gonn get got..ask osama bin hidin.


Well-Known Member
Who would be ok with this..hell I can't even text dirty talk to my wife at work now..I feel some geeky ass napoleon cop type person will be getting sweaty behind a desk..its affecting my sex life..wonder if I can sue the government...
As an exhibitionist I actually like this.


Well-Known Member
So what can or should be done to minimize? Take my rudimentary knowledge and do as the 60-70s fellas did and work it out on my own over the next 30-40 years?