Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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That's the thing, how do you know it's actually happening unless you know how it actually happens? How do you know you're not simply buying into and perpetuating someone else's agenda? After all, there are many more people on the side of vaccines than are against them, so using your own logic, the rational thing to believe would be the many more experts supporting vaccines, wouldn't it?

How do you know the vaccine is responsible for the side effects and how would something like this be missed during clinical trials?

do you watch tv at all during the day time pada?? i always thought the fda was our friend, but i watch tv during the day time.. one commercial is for the new cure all drug.. take it for a depression, but beware, drug x can cause depression in teens and adults over 21.. it can also make you hair fall out, your left testicle swell to twice the size, and oh, it can also give headaches..
the next commercial is from the law offices of johnny cochring and co.. did you recently take the new cure all drug x for depression and jumped out of a building as a result of severe depression brought on by drug x?? if so, call 1-800-dad-drug now and get in on the class action law suit against drug x today, if you're still alive that is..

countless commercials for bad drugs on tv all day.. birth control pills and shots that cause bleeding and heart issues, birth control ring that grows into your uterine wall and causes all sorts of issues..
i often wonder weren't these drugs ever tested before going to market?? or don't they really care and see a way to make a quick buck and will just deal with the bad drug lawsuits after they run to the bank with their money.. it's disgusting..
do you watch tv at all during the day time pada?? i always thought the fda was our friend, but i watch tv during the day time.. one commercial is for the new cure all drug.. take it for a depression, but beware, drug x can cause depression in teens and adults over 21.. it can also make you hair fall out, your left testicle swell to twice the size, and oh, it can also give headaches..
the next commercial is from the law offices of johnny cochring and co.. did you recently take the new cure all drug x for depression and jumped out of a building as a result of severe depression brought on by drug x?? if so, call 1-800-dad-drug now and get in on the class action law suit against drug x today, if you're still alive that is..

countless commercials for bad drugs on tv all day.. birth control pills and shots that cause bleeding and heart issues, birth control ring that grows into your uterine wall and causes all sorts of issues..
i often wonder weren't these drugs ever tested before going to market?? or don't they really care and see a way to make a quick buck and will just deal with the bad drug lawsuits after they run to the bank with their money.. it's disgusting..

Of course there are bad drugs, I completely agree with that

What I oppose is the idea that all vaccines cause harm, as the other guy apparently believes, and that the best method for curing all diseases is some "all natural" shit you'd find walking through the rainforest..

That belief has killed innocent people, and is demonstrably false

There are also legitimate reasons a person would be prescribed FDA approved medicine. I absolutely agree the prescriptions in this country are sky high and probably more than half the people taking medicine don't need to be and could better their situation by simply changing their diet or getting more exercise. However, that doesn't negate the real benefits of proven medicine and the real need for certain people to take it.
That's the thing, how do you know it's actually happening unless you know how it actually happens? How do you know you're not simply buying into and perpetuating someone else's agenda? After all, there are many more people on the side of vaccines than are against them, so using your own logic, the rational thing to believe would be the many more experts supporting vaccines, wouldn't it?

How do you know the vaccine is responsible for the side effects and how would something like this be missed during clinical trials?

Not really, you seem to think I make my opinion based off popularity, which is false. It's based off evidence and there's tons of it that proves the devastating effects of vaccines, including this one. The dangers regarding vaccines is quite new and people are starting to realize that it's all a scam. They do nothing but put money into the pharmaceutical industry's pocket. You're suggesting that people just blindly accept vaccines because doctors and the pharmaceutical industry told them too, without researching into it further. How do we know the vaccine is responsible for the side effects? VAERS reports (http://sanevax.org/vaers-hpv-vaccine-adverse-injury-reports-through-february-13-2012/).
Of course there are bad drugs, I completely agree with that

What I oppose is the idea that all vaccines cause harm, as the other guy apparently believes, and that the best method for curing all diseases is some "all natural" shit you'd find walking through the rainforest..

That belief has killed innocent people, and is demonstrably false

There are also legitimate reasons a person would be prescribed FDA approved medicine. I absolutely agree the prescriptions in this country are sky high and probably more than half the people taking medicine don't need to be and could better their situation by simply changing their diet or getting more exercise. However, that doesn't negate the real benefits of proven medicine and the real need for certain people to take it.

That's because most diseases are caused by nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical activity. Environmental pollution is a factor as well. And why do you think FDA approval means anything? That would be the government approving their own shit so they can profit, and as I've already shown, they throw out all trials and studies that prove how dangerous and/or ineffective their drugs are and cherry pick the one where it didn't cause damage. The FDA will not approve anything that they cannot profit off of. Get it?
hey jtp, is there any evidence of the fda getting kick backs from the big pharma for approving drugs??
and i'm always saying when asked if i want a flu shot, idk wtf is in that thing, no thanks.. usually get all sorts of crazy looks, but i haven't had the flu in probably over 20 years or so either.
hey jtp, is there any evidence of the fda getting kick backs from the big pharma for approving drugs??
and i'm always saying when asked if i want a flu shot, idk wtf is in that thing, no thanks.. usually get all sorts of crazy looks, but i haven't had the flu in probably over 20 years or so either.

Plenty of it. Here are two examples: http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2013/March/13-civ-270.html http://www.healthnewsreview.org/too...ing-studies/off-label-drug-use-and-marketing/ Also, FDA approved drugs kill over 100,000 people each year. The people who give you looks are just extremely misinformed, but the funny part is they probably consider themselves "knowledgeable" when it comes to health and think your chances of getting the flu increase if you don't take their shots. Big pharma and many doctors will go out of their way to talk shit about natural remedies because they don't profit off of them. If everyone knew they could cure their conditions/ailments by going to a health store and buying certain products, or by simply eating healthy and exercising... big pharma loses billions. If you search something like colloidal silver, which can kill over 650 disease causing organisms, you'll find many doctors claiming that it's useless and has no evidence of being effective or that it's dangerous. Just pathetic. They love scare tactics. "Don't get this vaccine and you put not only yourself but others at risk"... really? How can I put vaccinated people at risk... isn't that the point of the vaccine?
If you watch the last video I posted on this thread as well, it's a doctor talking about how studies done on many drugs will show that many of them are dangerous and/or ineffective, but they cherry pick their data. For example, you could have a drug that fails 30 times but passes the standards twice, and those 30 studies will be thrown away and the two studies which provided the data they were looking for are used as evidence for safety. In other words, they couldn't care less about your health and just want to put more drugs on the market for profit.
That's because most diseases are caused by nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical activity.

I agree

Environmental pollution is a factor as well.

I agree

And why do you think FDA approval means anything? That would be the government approving their own shit so they can profit, and as I've already shown, they throw out all trials and studies that prove how dangerous and/or ineffective their drugs are and cherry pick the one where it didn't cause damage. The FDA will not approve anything that they cannot profit off of. Get it?

Can you provide a medical study that corroborates what you claim, that medical professionals at the FDA approve drugs for the public that they know will cause harm in order to collect money on the sale of those harmful drugs, or if you've already provided evidence, can you give me the post # so I can read it myself?

Not really, you seem to think I make my opinion based off popularity, which is false.

No, you obviously don't base your opinion on popularity, as the majority of medical scientists agree that vaccines save lives

It's based off evidence and there's tons of it that proves the devastating effects of vaccines, including this one.

How can you ignore the amount of evidence in favor of vaccines that far outweigh the "evidence" against them? Are all of them, each individual scientist, all the way back to Pasteur (1800's) in it for the money? Is all of the research in favor of the success of vaccines simply bullshit? The fact that we've eradicated smallpox using vaccines all made up? How do you explain that?

The dangers regarding vaccines is quite new and people are starting to realize that it's all a scam. They do nothing but put money into the pharmaceutical industry's pocket. You're suggesting that people just blindly accept vaccines because doctors and the pharmaceutical industry told them too, without researching into it further.

How do you figure that when I just asked you if you know how these vaccines you claim are poison, poison the carrier? When I just advocated that you need to know what is in a vaccine and how what is in it operates inside your body? That sounds like blind acceptance to you?

How do we know the vaccine is responsible for the side effects? VAERS reports (http://sanevax.org/vaers-hpv-vaccine-adverse-injury-reports-through-february-13-2012/).

I'm having a difficult time understanding the chart on that link, could you explain it?

If everyone knew they could cure their conditions/ailments by going to a health store and buying certain products, or by simply eating healthy and exercising... big pharma loses billions.
Do you believe every known disease can be cured by natural means (exercising, eating healthy)?

They love scare tactics. "Don't get this vaccine and you put not only yourself but others at risk"... really? How can I put vaccinated people at risk... isn't that the point of the vaccine?
This is what I was talking about when I mentioned homework..

Virus' evolve, vaccines treat the virus in it's current state. So if I go get vaccinated and you don't, later on down the line when the virus evolves inside of you and you come along and cough on me, guess what, I get infected because the vaccine I got treated the 122nd generation of the virus, and you gave me the 146th, not only that, my condition is far worse than yours because the virus inside of me is now immune to the medicine I take, causing an epidemic. And virus' evolve fast - weeks. Which is probably why you believe they are useless, because they're not 100% guaranteed to work, so to you, that means that if I get a flu shot and then get the flu 2 months later, it didn't work, which couldn't be further from reality.
Also not all vaccines work for every person. If you are the 1 out of 100 people that the vaccine will adversely effect, then you don't get vaccinated, but you still get protection because 99 out of 100 people won't even carry the virus because they are vaccinated. But if 20 of those people don't understand how to read scientific studies and opt out of vaccination, well now you have 20 people potentially carrying the virus for no good reason which poses a much higher risk to the person who can't vaccinate for legitimate reasons.
Jtprin denies that vaccines have eradicated smallpox and greatly reduced polio. There is literally nothing you can say, and no evidence you can produce that will change his mind. His bible says anti vaccine and that is the way it is.
Jtprin denies that vaccines have eradicated smallpox and greatly reduced polio. There is literally nothing you can say, and no evidence you can produce that will change his mind. His bible says anti vaccine and that is the way it is.

That's because they haven't and this has already been discussed. Smallpox and polio hide under different names. That does not mean they cease to exist. Want to know why people in other non first-world countries get polio? Because they don't have easy access to food (nutrition), clean drinking water, live in poverty, lack sanitation and hygiene, etc... not because they didn't get vaccinated. They have depleted immune systems from extremely poor living conditions. Polio didn't get greatly reduced because of some man-made concoction, it got reduced because we have superior living conditions.
I agree

I agree

Can you provide a medical study that corroborates what you claim, that medical professionals at the FDA approve drugs for the public that they know will cause harm in order to collect money on the sale of those harmful drugs, or if you've already provided evidence, can you give me the post # so I can read it myself?

No, you obviously don't base your opinion on popularity, as the majority of medical scientists agree that vaccines save lives

How can you ignore the amount of evidence in favor of vaccines that far outweigh the "evidence" against them? Are all of them, each individual scientist, all the way back to Pasteur (1800's) in it for the money? Is all of the research in favor of the success of vaccines simply bullshit? The fact that we've eradicated smallpox using vaccines all made up? How do you explain that?

How do you figure that when I just asked you if you know how these vaccines you claim are poison, poison the carrier? When I just advocated that you need to know what is in a vaccine and how what is in it operates inside your body? That sounds like blind acceptance to you?

I'm having a difficult time understanding the chart on that link, could you explain it?

Do you believe every known disease can be cured by natural means (exercising, eating healthy)?

This is what I was talking about when I mentioned homework..

Virus' evolve, vaccines treat the virus in it's current state. So if I go get vaccinated and you don't, later on down the line when the virus evolves inside of you and you come along and cough on me, guess what, I get infected because the vaccine I got treated the 122nd generation of the virus, and you gave me the 146th, not only that, my condition is far worse than yours because the virus inside of me is now immune to the medicine I take, causing an epidemic. And virus' evolve fast - weeks. Which is probably why you believe they are useless, because they're not 100% guaranteed to work, so to you, that means that if I get a flu shot and then get the flu 2 months later, it didn't work, which couldn't be further from reality.

The chart shows all the adverse reactions from HPV vaccines during that time period. And yes, I believe that all diseases can be cured through proper nutrition and natural remedies. Humans are apart of nature, it'd be foolish to think nature does not have the answers. I just posted two links (on this page) regarding off label marketing, and those are only a fraction of what takes place. I also posted a video of a doctor explaining the fraudulence of how many drugs get approved. I don't need to know exactly what is in every single vaccine to know the dangers because the dangers have been documented. However, many of the recommended vaccines, which are injected into infants before they even have a developed immune system, contain multiple neurotoxins (mercury, MSG, aluminum). And where is your evidence that directly links vaccines to the reduction of ANY disease? Note how I say directly, meaning not being oblivious to any other factor that could extend life/increase immunity (like access to nutrition, clean drinking water, the ability to wash your body, etc.).
That's because they haven't and this has already been discussed. Smallpox and polio hide under different names. That does not mean they cease to exist. Want to know why people in other non first-world countries get polio? Because they don't have easy access to food (nutrition), clean drinking water, live in poverty, lack sanitation and hygiene, etc... not because they didn't get vaccinated. They have depleted immune systems from extremely poor living conditions. Polio didn't get greatly reduced because of some man-made concoction, it got reduced because we have superior living conditions.

See what I mean? He has a back door to make everything about the conspiracy.

Vaccine appears to work? Nah, vaccines must not work because doctors are reclassifying the illness under a different name. All the doctors. All over the world. Every medical school. It is an even bigger, more intricate, more involved and elaborate conspiracy theory than 911 being an inside job.

Anyone that believes smallpox is still thriving at the same rate it was prevaccine and you simply don't hear about it because doctors are calling it something else is a full blown delusional retard. You are so far disconnected from reality that we cannot even have a meaningful discussion.
See what I mean? He has a back door to make everything about the conspiracy.

Vaccine appears to work? Nah, vaccines must not work because doctors are reclassifying the illness under a different name. All the doctors. All over the world. Every medical school. It is an even bigger, more intricate, more involved and elaborate conspiracy theory than 911 being an inside job.

Anyone that believes smallpox is still thriving at the same rate it was prevaccine and you simply don't hear about it because doctors are calling it something else is a full blown delusional retard. You are so far disconnected from reality that we cannot even have a meaningful discussion.

You are right

jtprin, if you believe vaccines are useless and every medical professional in the world is behind some deep dark conspiracy to intoxicate the civilian population, there's nothing that can be provided that will change your mind, so this is where the discussion ends for me.
The biggest conspiracy of them all is the fact that Lee Harvey Oswald DID NOT kill JFK by himself but actually casted a spell bringing John Wilkes Booth back from the dead who in turn dished the fatal blow to President Kennedy from the grassy knoll with a scoped muzzleloader.
And if anyone wants to argue the validity of this statement, I saw it on the history channel and Giorgio Tsoukalos also made it very clear that aliens where involved too... ancient aliens 2.jpg
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