Mom just called the cop's


Well-Known Member
She wont stop by, she is not welcome to the grow house of the gods.
lmfao, I'm glad my mom just ask where her bag is when i stop by her place and smell like herb. hahaha! Putting together an oz for her in a few mins, I give her for 1/2 price basically to knock off some of what i owe her every month, bwhahaha...


Well-Known Member
lmfao, I'm glad my mom just ask where her bag is when i stop by her place and smell like herb. hahaha! Putting together an oz for her in a few mins, I give her for 1/2 price basically to knock off some of what i owe her every month, bwhahaha...
you charge family?


Well-Known Member
My mom refuses to smoke weed even though I know it could help her with a lot of her problems. So I have come up with a plan. Once my grow is done, I'm going to make some cannabutter and buy her favorite choice of butter (Blue Bonnet) fashion the cannabutter into a stick of butter and put it in the blue bonnet wrapper and replace one of them from her fridge. :fire:



Well-Known Member
My mom refuses to smoke weed even though I know it could help her with a lot of her problems. So I have come up with a plan. Once my grow is done, I'm going to make some cannabutter and buy her favorite choice of butter (Blue Bonnet) fashion the cannabutter into a stick of butter and put it in the blue bonnet wrapper and replace one of them from her fridge. :fire:

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that's a whole new level of fucked up! to your mom, really?


Well-Known Member
The funniest part of that last line is that her and I are the last people left in the household besides the dogs and even on a bad day I usually get more done than they do! .
Congrats on contributing more than the dogs bro! You deserve a spot in that house IMO...
at the end of the day, she shud call the police if she wants, her house. Should have enough respect for her to not get caught anyway.

But iv been 24 for a long while now.
And iv been a dad for a little while.


Well-Known Member
1. Snitches get stitches, no exceptions, so, what's your excuse, OP?

2. The argument that parents brought a child into this world, and the child somehow owes them for that is ridiculous. Kid wasn't doin' the fuckin', kid didn't decide that wire hangers are best for clothing. When we make a decision, we're responsible for the consequences of that decision. If it's too expensive to raise a kid, than support progressive doctors, and day clinics. Otherwise, just like any other mistake, you gotta fix it, once you make it -- if that means taking care of someone for 18 years, than that's your responsibility. Arguing that people have to be nice, simply because dude squirted in a chick, or chick decided to shit an 8 pound turd of flesh out doesn't in-debt the child to the parents.

3. Kid, you think you are slick, you're 18 (maybe) ... "Getting away with" smoking pot at 18, and then mocking your mom's not all that cool. Your future's not exactly up on the neon (more like lit by flashing neon...) Do yourself a favor, pull your head outta your ass, and realize what a fuckin' retarded mistake you made. You're planning on growing, but don't know how to walk into your house, past your mom, without getting busted? Yeah, maybe my letters to you will get through the DOC censors.


Active Member
I'm over 30 with kids. Married and have lived on my own since 18. My mom still makes faces when I'm burning it down. Until the day she said " Son! You look great today! You are so fun and loving. You have a healthy acceptance of life! " To which my response was " ya probably because I just smoked a fatty" Hahaha , ever since then when I "look good" she asks me ... "Are you on pot?!"

I always say" hey either that or I could continue my cocaine abuse" to which her look says it all. She never called the cops on me tho. Always respect your folks. Until you move out from under their roof or they are total dooche bags. MY 2¢
1. Snitches get stitches, no exceptions, so, what's your excuse, OP?

2. The argument that parents brought a child into this world, and the child somehow owes them for that is ridiculous. Kid wasn't doin' the fuckin', kid didn't decide that wire hangers are best for clothing. When we make a decision, we're responsible for the consequences of that decision. If it's too expensive to raise a kid, than support progressive doctors, and day clinics. Otherwise, just like any other mistake, you gotta fix it, once you make it -- if that means taking care of someone for 18 years, than that's your responsibility. Arguing that people have to be nice, simply because dude squirted in a chick, or chick decided to shit an 8 pound turd of flesh out doesn't in-debt the child to the parents.

3. Kid, you think you are slick, you're 18 (maybe) ... "Getting away with" smoking pot at 18, and then mocking your mom's not all that cool. Your future's not exactly up on the neon (more like lit by flashing neon...) Do yourself a favor, pull your head outta your ass, and realize what a fuckin' retarded mistake you made. You're planning on growing, but don't know how to walk into your house, past your mom, without getting busted? Yeah, maybe my letters to you will get through the DOC censors.
another one with 'issues'


Well-Known Member
But i agree with your third point.

Cupcake, I don't have issues, I have a fuckin' subscription.

Tell me though, why exactly do people react that way about non-family snitches, and get all "eww, don't put a smile on your mom's face with that knife" when you take street justice to a snitch in your own family? And, why should anyone feel indebted to another, for decisions that other person made, prior to their even existing? So, she fed, clothed, provided an education (public, judging by the writing) why exactly should OP owe that person a single thing, when she was doing what she was supposed to? (Nobody throws parades for me, when I use my signal to indicate I'm turning...)


Well-Known Member
What I love about this thread is the title.
"Mom just called the cop" as in singular. I live in a place with no cops
so I can relate. :)


Well-Known Member
So the one cop in your town knows you smoke now and you plan on moving out and growing in 2 days when at the age of 18 you can't even cover up the smell on you, good luck with the grow and the one cop, maybe he can run security for ya.


Well-Known Member
I just want to know why the dogs haven't been putting in their part of the household dutes? Those dudes are f'd up... They should be looking for a new pad.


Well-Known Member
Seeing as how your argument is based on me being 18 and thus being unable to "even cover up the smell on you" is not only dumb as shit but it is more and deeper than that, it just shows how dumb and idiotic you really are on a spiritual and emotional level, If you can honestly say that you have never had a problem in your life and decided to talk about it then had a bunch of assholes judge you then by all means tell me how it is in the real world because I obviously can't understand it because of my age. But since as I am assuming while writing this you indeed are not free of all sins and can not cast the first stone then get the fuck out of dodge bitch. and If you have never heard of the current date it was 2 days before you posted this when I said I am moving in 2 days.. So I had been in my own home for 5 hours while you were trying to be a smart ass.

You don't strike me as a very intelligent individual. Don't take that wrong, you're probably average... Unfortunately, you're average, without prior experience, but not able to deftly maneuver a non smoker... Doesn't matter where you were dodgin' to, doesn't matter where you moved to. FACT is, you got tagged, a rookie mistake, just like setting up a grow house with other young guys.

You won't do well in prison. Please, don't tell me about how big and bad you are, or how you won't get busted. I survive by knowing people. I know how people react, and what their responses would be to certain stresses.

By the way, I'll sin more, tomorrow morning without guilt, remorse, or care, against other people, more than you will in the next month. I'll cast a stone, because you came here to brag, got pegged for it, and turned it into a "problem session." That shit don't smell like a rose, sunshine. You've picked one of the many people who offered you advice through insult to respond to ... And, it was only an insult to your "street cred" at that. You're young... Let me give you some advice. Shut the fuck up, and listen to the people around you. You never ever have to actually fuck the pooch. People will tell you how not to; unless you're an arrogant little cunt that thinks he's the one that can always beat the system...


Well-Known Member
Seeing as how your argument is based on me being 18 and thus being unable to "even cover up the smell on you" is not only dumb as shit but it is more and deeper than that, it just shows how dumb and idiotic you really are on a spiritual and emotional level, If you can honestly say that you have never had a problem in your life and decided to talk about it then had a bunch of assholes judge you then by all means tell me how it is in the real world because I obviously can't understand it because of my age. But since as I am assuming while writing this you indeed are not free of all sins and can not cast the first stone then get the fuck out of dodge bitch. and If you have never heard of the current date it was 2 days before you posted this when I said I am moving in 2 days.. So I had been in my own home for 5 hours while you were trying to be a smart ass.
My argument? I fail to see where my argument is at here phucup, or is it cupcake, sorry it's early in the morning and I can't tell the difference.

So I'm dumb as shit huh? Oh that would be why I've been growing for almost 12 years and have yet to never had to talk to a cop about me smoking or tell him I'm smoking some FAKE weed, ya I'm cool like that so you know I'm dumb as a box as rocks, my bad I won't bother you with trying to help you or have fun with ya. It's way to early for that.

Ask anyone here if I"m dumb or idiotic on a spiritual level, I can guarantee you aren't going to like the answer's you get, but hey from your name and responses you don't like anyone that tries and telling you to watch your back and giving you advice.

Like minne said, were full of sin and plan on doing it over and over again, but guess what that doesn't make me a bad person, I sin for all the right reasons. Ever watched The Boondock Saint's? Guess they are just dumb and idiotic to.

Oh and I'm almost forgot, I know what a current date is, unless I forgot magically over night, so you have fun being in your new home with your "homies" and growing that dank oh dank, cuz I'm going to bet your going to be back here for advice on the grow and I'm going to troll you like it's 1999, cuz I'm everywhere buddy. So if you want some grow advice go ahead and ask fishnaggy, I'm sure he can teach you a thing or to. He maybe even lend you some milk.

Good day to you cupcake :D