If Nature Is Efficient?


Well-Known Member
If nature is so efficient, then why did it come up with humans? seriously, i need an answer to this. The religion people argue that God created humans gave them choice and will judge them based on this choice. The athiests say humans are a product of nature. i can see both sides. but if nature is all about effieciency, (it is, ask any biologist) than why humans? in that mindset, humans are natures biggest mistake. If we were trying to survive in the most efiicient way possible, then wouldnt nature make us without choice, so we wouldnt massacre eachother and such. I dont go either way, I guess you could say im agnostic. so please dont attack me. I was just blitzed and thinking. P.S, excuse the horrible spelling.


Well-Known Member
It is nature and if we are sooooo horrible in a few million years more we will be eliminated, either extinction or evolved into something different just like everything else that wasn't such a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Life isn't geared to be efficient, it's geared for survival. Efficient organisms just happen to survive better than organisms that are ill equipped for their environment.

If we were trying to survive in the most efiicient way possible, then wouldnt nature make us without choice, so we wouldnt massacre eachother and such.
Maybe homicidal tendencies towards other humans is natures answer to over population.. for any species there is a tipping point in population, when that point is reached the species either adapts or experiences a mass die off from famine, disease, disaster, etc.

Here's a fun fact; In 1950 the world population was an est. 2.5 billion, in 2000 it was 6.65, by 2100 it's estimated that the world's population will exceed 12 billion people.
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Well-Known Member
Survival is the correct answer for the win. Survival of the fittest is nature's rule. If you can't keep up with or cope with the changes you die simple & plain. We are not a mistake we just have made many mistakes & will continue to do so until(which it has already started to do) nature balances things out. Humanity will ultimately never reach a population of 12 billion because of many factors - mostly ourselves - we will kill each other for resources before that.


Well-Known Member
If you think about it we are actually one of the most efficient creatures on the planet, but we don't produce like we should. For example think about all the resources that are important you use in your daily life & how many can you honestly say you produced. Did you harvest & clean your own water, grow & hunt your own food, make your own electric? Do you even know how to do these things? This is what's happening to modern society with some exceptions like farmers. We now have a bunch of grown of people who think going to work, making money, & buying shit at the store is taking care of yourself - complete bullshit. The governments want people to need them & trust me the masses do - check out chaos theory. Guess who else needs someone to take care of them - babies - see the connection. If human beings in general were even close to being civilized we would quickly realize we don't need a government in the traditional sense. Think about it - we allow other people to run our lives & for anyone who thinks I'm wrong wake up tommorow & try to get through your day with just nature - I'll bet you can't.


Well-Known Member
We do produce of ton of one thing - more people - somehow we seem to think that this will ensure our survival when it actually makes it harder. I'm not saying people shouldn't have children, but just think if we keep having more & more children as well making these medicines for people to live longer we are going to hit a breaking point. I think that older individuals need to be more accepting to death(IT'S PART OF LIFE).

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Stephen King said in one of his books something like humans arent exactly the fittest species on the planet but we are the most murderous, and thats why we survived.


Well-Known Member
That sounds about right - we are capable of great things, but we tend to act more like a virus. We spread everywhere & destroy things without thinking.


Well-Known Member
thats crazy. you know whats nuts about that is i bet no one individual person considers them evil (normally) but as one organism humans are destructive


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We are part of nature, we are a natural occurrence. We are enormously successful, but until we match ants and termites, we're the new kids on the block.


Well-Known Member
haha you make i sound like the world is a highschool and were the new kids who used to be homeschooled


Well-Known Member
I agree. Ants are super-productive & the resources they use are few. These creatures have an almost flawless balance in their life.


Well-Known Member
Did those biologists also tell you that nature is extremely inefficient as well? We're not the only ones who're inefficient.


Well-Known Member
i respectfully disagree. every aspect of nature is about effeciency otherwise it wouldnt survive for trillions of years. good discussion. but back it up


Well-Known Member
The Panda's Thumb, wings on flightless birds, leg bones in whales, sightless fish with eyes, the human tail bone, wisdom teeth, sexual organs of dandelions, male breasts, the human appendix. To name a few..