Well-Known Member
- got a couple Big Buddah Cheese autoflowering s33ds, if anyone wants them to try out give me a shout u can have them free as im giving autos a miss from now on.
i ended up giving them to a friend of a friend who is now growing them and will chuck some of the finished product my way.Looking good good garybhoy. Did anyone take your bbc auto pips?
i got some other s33ds going spare but they are regs so u wud need to sex themSound mate, just thot id chance my luck lol
i got Bubblegum and SLH lying around,What you got? We could swap if u want. I've got regs and fems
no worries m8 give me a shout wheneverI'll defo have the slh mate. Fucking love that strain. I'll get back to you in a bit mate, gotta go and pretend to do some worklol
no worries m8 give me a shout whenever
WE are up to nearly the top 20 in the world!c'mon u mighty boys in blue, tartan army thru and thru,
, i'd happily take a 1-0 win over England any day
Yeah man its about time we are after all the nation that invented footballWE are up to nearly the top 20 in the world!
Absolutely but others don't like hearing it lolYeah man its about time we are after all the nation that invented football