Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member

  • I tried that Baka,was only 2' off the ground outside and was doing great,till we had over 30plus days of over 100f in a DAMN row.
    I was watering everyday,Got old real fast carrying 5g of H2o over 100ft,and just said to hell with this!!

    Had to go back and look new it was not 2" its 2'



Well-Known Member
ah yer im sound been quite busy....next few days of trimming me girls....3 down 7 to go....seedlings comming on 2 had bit of yellowing trying to sort that at the min..but yer all good lad....sorry to see my girls go tho.....bongsmilie
How ya been bro?
I haven't sen ya much lately.


Well-Known Member
Yeah. 2" off the ground and vined out I know what I was saying.
I am going to keep them no higher than the pics I posted. the ones for the contest will grow at that height until they bud and then flower horizontally..

If it's too early oh well. it's done and staying done. I really don't see where it would be a problem since I didn't bend the small stalk by hand just pulled it down with a bobby pin. NO damage or stress.

I've gotta get off for a few. I'm getting aggravated for no reason.
Sorry if I sounded rude at all. i'm just in a bad mood.
No offense taken, no offense perceived bro, I'm just confused because that was not at all what BEECH meant, so I don't want you to have the wrong idea.
It's all good here man.;-)

Dude, did you peep my thread from this past winter?
I pulled the shit out of that one.


Well-Known Member
they haven't been inside, the ol lady says no to the box in my closet, said it draws attention, and she's right. i haven't had time to work on my new room, and even if it was ready, i still have to come out your way before i start up. i'm just trying to get a little something before it turns cold, and cold it is not today. muggie is the word.
Ya man, every day I worry about the mold/ rot, I just hope the rain quits before I actually start getting buds.


Well-Known Member
ah yer im sound been quite busy....next few days of trimming me girls....3 down 7 to go....seedlings comming on 2 had bit of yellowing trying to sort that at the min..but yer all good lad....sorry to see my girls go tho.....bongsmilie
Cool shit bro, glad to hear you're still with us.


Well-Known Member
hell if i could keep the bugs off of them i might try to do a little lst. i dust with sevin dust, and it rains. these are 13 to 14 days old. it has rained so much i can't even feed them. they stretched like hell, and have been in direct sunlight, looks like i need taller stakes too.

YEAH MAN FOR SURE! I feel ya on the rain, what a pain in the ass ;)


Well-Known Member
Sorry bout earlier. The g/f was bitching about something that made no sense to me. so i just had to take off for a few to clear my head(aka get REALLY REALLY FUCKIN HIGH) Now that i am back...

BEECH- Sorry I guess i had another stoner moment and misread what was said before.

However I will still continue with this unless it seems to be harming them in anyway.
I also LST's the one FEM I do have of the Spyder bunch.

2 males for pollen collection. and BOTH stink, so I know they are good.

BAK-Yes I did misunderstand what was said before and thought he had some extreme stealth shit going on. lol.
I'll try it and keep it as tight as I can in hopes of either the Buds to look like "Side Show Bob"(The Simpsons in case someone DOESN'T know). or similar with just horizontal growth...

Checking out the thread you posted now. :)


Well-Known Member
I'm here. just had to kill the AC part of the AC and set it to fan. cooled off quite a bit outside. :) save me water drippage


Well-Known Member
I'm here. just had to kill the AC part of the AC and set it to fan. cooled off quite a bit outside. :) save me water drippage
good thing! glad you are getting things under control :)

did you treat with bleach? is there concrete underneath or carpet? worried about your grow man ;)

ya don't want mold....VERY BAD mold....:shock:
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