Sloppytitfuck F2s

Cuthbert Green

New Member
Hi guys ive just acquired 8 "sloppy tit fuck f2" cuttings but icant find any info on them, all ive been told is it 1/2 haze 1/2 kush and take 9 weeks to flower, does anybody have any knowledge of this strain as i paid quite alot for the cuttings.
Only think I can say is that you shouldn't pay a lot of money for cuttings without a good provenance.

You have to know exactly what you're getting AND be able to trust the one selling.

Have no idea what your strain is, and based on that name, I think I can say with a reasonable degree of confidence that its not from any known breeder or big name ceed-house.

Might be good. . .might not. If you need to know more, go ask the one who sold it to you where he got it and/or exactly what's in it.
for sure i know "anal tounge darts" was hitting the scene.
f1 i think.

sloppy drunk ho' , she's not only dank but a real crowd pleaser if you can dig my vibe?

pics ...or this thread is worthless.


push em together.

spit, spit.

I was going to tell the OP my old girlfriend would be flattered to hear someone named a strain after her. Yep except we called her drunk old sloppy tit fuck, I'm sure she was at least a f2, hell I'd still f her more than once.
Cheers, a buddy of mine would tell people that the grape god was god's vagina, so you might have a cut of northern lights by that reasoning.
Amen Gandalfdagreen Amen........In the 60's and 70's we took so much pride in things, so much love for our plants. Today, it is all about the money it seems. People want every gram they can out of a plant and spend huge sums on snake oil fixes, the newest post on how to strip your plant of leaves to get better results. If people would just learn to grow a plant, what makes soil work to feed your plants properly they would be better served IMHO.
You want the best pot, go back to landraces, you like hybrids great start with the best stable strains and cross them. But I rant, sorry.
the site is awesome though it doesnt have every strain iv looked for, for example strawberry bubba from raskal. but it does have a wealth...
So nobodys has heard of this? hhmm i have a strange feeling ive been given any old shit, oh well live n learn, the guy i got the cutting from said its a well sought after strain that originates from canada, has a cherry bubblegum taste and yield well, also the mother is a clone only strain which only a handfull of people know about.
im not surprised by the name but more that someone said its an f2 lol , so someone has f2ed it but cant tell you anything about it....
I had some sloppypussyfuck last night. It made me want to cum back for more tonight. Lmfao