Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Last I heard, a couple weeks ago, we are already 26" over avg. for the year, but I didn't peep us yet.
I just dug that up, 'cause I know sometimes hard to search shit from phone and those dam little things, IDK what Giggy is using.


Well-Known Member
all I know is the bugs....have been a NIGHTMARE here. No rain in seven days (I think) and still mosquitoes flying around the size of bumblebees. I WISH I was kidding LMAO


Well-Known Member
all I know is the bugs....have been a NIGHTMARE here. No rain in seven days (I think) and still mosquitoes flying around the size of bumblebees. I WISH I was kidding LMAO
I wish you were kidding too, those damn mosquitos have loved me ever since I can remember, that's why I hated summer as a kid.
Ya, it's been right around a week since the last rain, I watered and fed today even though I could have gone another 2 days at least, and the time I watered was the 2nd of this month.
I hear a little thunder a while ago, but no clouds yet, no wind, so I know no rain for at least a few hours, and the most they predict is 50% chance this week.


Well-Known Member
Rosey you getting the same ones the Glades in FL are getting? they are like 10 times bigger than average. MOSTER SKEETERS!.... Some retard must have left the cage open to his lab project, lol. Because those things DON'T look natural at all!


Well-Known Member
Hell i would be an ass and just tell ya'll to buy bug spray.... HOWEVER i would never condone contaminating your precious buds!!! :) I rock the 98% DEET anytime i leave the house for an outdoor activity. usually fishing. and it keeps me bug free. I just don't touch my plants when i get home till i shower. lol


Well-Known Member
Probably!!! I had one as big as my fucking thumb land on my shoulder yesterday! Fucking mini helicofuckincopters!!!!


Well-Known Member
Hell i would be an ass and just tell ya'll to buy bug spray.... HOWEVER i would never condone contaminating your precious buds!!! :) I rock the 98% DEET anytime i leave the house for an outdoor activity. usually fishing. and it keeps me bug free. I just don't touch my plants when i get home till i shower. lol
yeah, I had some but the kids took it home with them. I gotta get a new can ;)


Well-Known Member

You itchy yet? ahahaha

That's What She Said!


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Well-Known Member
I wish you were kidding too, those damn mosquitos have loved me ever since I can remember, that's why I hated summer as a kid.
Ya, it's been right around a week since the last rain, I watered and fed today even though I could have gone another 2 days at least, and the time I watered was the 2nd of this month.
I hear a little thunder a while ago, but no clouds yet, no wind, so I know no rain for at least a few hours, and the most they predict is 50% chance this week.
Man, I could go another week, I don't mind watering. Just leave the damn skeeters to die!
btw, I always knew you were the quiet one ;)

EDIT: the coast is clear ;)


Well-Known Member
Man, I could go another week, I don't mind watering. Just leave the damn skeeters to die!
btw, I always knew you were the quiet one ;)
I remember in school, the yellers, the screamers, the bullies, I was the small quiet one that always worried everyone because they didn't know what I was thinking, and never threatened or warned anybody before I went ballistic.:clap:


Well-Known Member
I remember in school, the yellers, the screamers, the bullies, I was the small quiet one that always worried everyone because they didn't know what I was thinking, and never threatened or warned anybody before I went ballistic.:clap:
uh huh....that figures ;)
you sound like my hubby...he's a bear too ;)
..everybody thinks he's this big softie but they don't wanna make him mad LMFAO


Well-Known Member
Dankster, dear, .....

I guess you have fallen off the map. Hope you are ok? pls let me know man...that was...two hours ago? LOL
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