Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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What i like is not one of the self appointed geniouses debunked my links or threads about monsanto and agent orange gmo seeds being sketchy at best the monsanto protection act or his terminator seeds... Just silent not even name calling.
What is the connection between stormfront and this site? I keep hearing about it and was kinda wondering why would the two want anything to do with one and other?
Nothing connected to stormfront . I was unaware of it at all. Buck told people i was a highschool kid from thier because i said white people shouldnt be called racist for being proud or not wanting to be called mutts. I find it strange he knows so much . And kinetic knows about white power music and movies and shit. Ive never even looked into that and im pretty open minded lol
Anyway, pretty sure the motive was to attack me via you. Passive aggression?
I wasnt attacking you burgertime, I don't believe we have ever spoke till now have we? I was simply pointing out that your staunch supporter whom you seem to have a new fondness for is a holocaust denier. I can't recall a member like amerikaner whose every post is filled with so much anger. I told the dude to put on some Bob and relax, smoke a bowl and he came back with a race trading themed attack. To each their own I guess, when you lay with dogs don't be surprised when you catch fleas.
What i like is not one of the self appointed smart guys debunked my links or threads about monsanto and agent orange gmo seeds being sketchy at best the monsanto protection act or his terminator seeds... Just silent not even name calling.

I got shit for silence because I pointed out a post and didn't hand it to him after he called me an asshole. No answers, of which I asked many just glib bullshit really. It is indeed a learning experience for me here on how not to debate
Fucking liar i never used the word race traitor post my post if your going to lie like a girl. Said i cant identify with rasta culture being im no where near that culture or life style and wouldnt rip it off like a poser.
Since when is the type of music one listens to an example of ripping off a culture and acting like a poser? Im American, melting pot and all, is all I should listen to fucking bluegrass? Give me a break.
Since when is the type of music one listens to an example of ripping off a culture and acting like a poser? Im American, melting pot and all, is all I should listen to fucking bluegrass? Give me a break.

It is not a complete poser but it is a religion as well as a music.
Amerikaner, you need a hug. You don't seem to be the type of person who uses cannabis. Uppers yes, maybe you should stop listening to such angry music?
Once again the sheep wont take ownership of his lies. Show me who or where the holocaust was mentioned back up you hollow empty oversensitive hippy lies. . .
Amerikaner, you need a hug. You don't seem to be the type of person who uses cannabis. Uppers yes, maybe you should stop listening to such angry music?

Why don't you just expect anger when you communicate as you are? I am just observing patterns and when you come at someone what do you expect? Respect begets respect....it is contagious and makes the human experience a lot better. I think you will see this as obvious. No dis....just putting ideas out here.
Why don't you just expect anger when you communicate as you are? I am just observing patterns and when you come at someone what do you expect? Respect begets respect....it is contagious and makes the human experience a lot better. I think you will see this as obvious. No dis....just putting ideas out here.
Go back through my posts. You will see a pattern. Mostly a positive one. Im on my phone so I cant copy paste.

and like I stated I gave your friend some advice on relaxing. He turned it into a race thing. Have you not noticed the patterns in his posts or are you blind to them because he agreed with you here in this thread?
Go back through my posts. You will see a pattern. Mostly a positive one. Im on my phone so I cant copy paste.

and like I stated I gave your friend some advice on relaxing. He turned it into a race thing. Have you not noticed the patterns in his posts or are you blind to them because he agreed with you here in this thread?

This is not my business, just it's easily to relate. I'm trying to help a situation....I believe the measure of a man is a willingness to change, we all need a hug.
Dude your such a liar its sad you cant copy and paste because i never ever in my life mentioned the holocaust . Then you said burgertime denied it first. Before you told me to relax you called me ameriKKKaner remember sheep ? I made the mistake of telling you about how me and my family where victims of hate crimes and all i got was smart ass remarks. Peace your a liar and this has nothing to do with the thread so good luck lying about people you dont agree with. Liar. Give me passion and attitude anyday over conformist pacifist sheep.

I denied the holocaust? I must have missed that.
I never stated you denied it burgertime. I made the presumption amerikaner did. He also never told me about his family being victim to a hate crime. That truly is a tragic thing. It doesnt matter the color of ones skin, ignorance and hate can infect all shades of the humam experience.
I posted a thousand times what happened to my family was why i even discussed racism to begin with ?!? Remember buck said it was cuz we deserved the hate crimes for being proud or some bullshit lie about being skin heads. If im sick of this shitty thread by now i know the community is. So unless anyone calls me out on my monsanto shit im done defending myself. Burger time your the man peace be with you.
I never stated you denied it burgertime. I made the presumption amerikaner did. He also never told me about his family being victim to a hate crime. That truly is a tragic thing. It doesnt matter the color of ones skin, ignorance and hate can infect all shades of the humam experience.

You both seem like mindful decent people....you never know, you might even get along.....don't knock it til you've tried it.
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