Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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In a perfect world i could be called a liberal but so long as they always seem to be the ones destroying cultures of certain people meanwhile promoting others for votes bothers me. Or the gay issue abortion rights shit. Cant issues that effect millions of people come first. Im not anti gay but i dont think your sex partner if man or woman should give you a step ahead of a single person. We all deserve the same help not just people who had kids without any thought to paying for them and loving them (been there). Thats what im driving at. I despise labels and parties in general. It will take independent free thinkers to put together the best ideas.
In a perfect world i could be called a liberal but so long as they always seem to be the ones destroying cultures of certain people meanwhile promoting others for votes bothers me. Or the gay issue abortion rights shit. Cant issues that effect millions of people come first. Im not anti gay but i dont think your sex partner if man or woman should give you a step ahead of a single person. We all deserve the same help not just people who had kids without any thought to paying for them and loving them (been there). Thats what im driving at. I despise labels and parties in general. It will take independent free thinkers to put together the best ideas.

Are you referring to welfare? Who gets steps ahead? could you elaborate?
No not welfare so much as how if being gay and married or straight and married means your a family and deserve a different tax rate or having a family with out regard puts you ahead of single people etc... By ahead i mean tax breaks or being more likely to recieve aid based on that criteria or race. Affirmitive action etc. Is unfair. Another lib trend or sheep trend is how like i said cultural pride is a no no for europeans . Or i know im gonna come off wrong here but if a black man or women wanted thier kids to date black kids i wouldnt be upset because they value thier culture etc... But if a white family expressed that view or pride libs would shit thier pants so would most dems. Am i right or wrong with how inconsistant sheep are with thier ideas ? Elaborate on my hot button issues . Im exploring the idea i could be wrong. And i believe in freedom first so gays interracial couples disabled we all deserve the same help and no one deserves to be mistreated for any reason in my eyes whites either because ive seen many people say we deserve to suffer because of our past. I dont buy it not one person on this earth deserves to suffer. And we wont get anywhere teaching little kids to hate in school.
No not welfare so much as how if being gay and married or straight and married means your a family and deserve a different tax rate or having a family with out regard puts you ahead of single people etc... By ahead i mean tax breaks or being more likely to recieve aid based on that criteria or race. Affirmitive action etc. Is unfair. Another lib trend or sheep trend is how like i said cultural pride is a no no for europeans . Or i know im gonna come off wrong here but if a black man or women wanted thier kids to date black kids i wouldnt be upset because they value thier culture etc... But if a white family expressed that view or pride libs would shit thier pants so would most dems. Am i right or wrong with how inconsistant sheep are with thier ideas ? Elaborate on my hot button issues . Im exploring the idea i could be wrong
In terms of gay tax rates and benefits for whomever I see no reason to give any incentive based upon such distinctions, race is an issue that I find myself minimalizing for the sake of equality. The oversensitivity makes it impossible to discuss in our culture. If people want to make personal choices based on racial lines I don't see a problem, I see that as a right that I don't value but others might and so be it.
I think also that there is inherent in these trends a good intention, perhaps poorly shown but lets not shit our pants either.
Well said dude. Thats my point if people want to make those choices they should be allowed to do so. The danger with sheep and mob rule is once the system is in place and one set of views is conditioned into peoples brains... We wont be free because 51 %or more of people can tell you your wrong. Remeber the past for real people standing up for womens rights where once on the fringe therefore wrong . Or voting rights for minorities where once wrong. Ide just hate to see any group of people become the new group thats acceptable to bully and displace .
I am not sure liberals would be as uphalled as you might think. I express similar notions to my peers, most of which are liberals, and receive open ears and no disrespect. These issues are actually fading away slowly and I think the points you are expressing here are logical. Liberals and conservatives dispute the way the money is allocated. I see myself as a centrist as I really have no idea what their reality is and if it merits any different treatment. I think the disabled do, I know the struggle and see logic beyond self-preservation.
I guess thats my problem i meet a lot of people with liberal views but still hang on to thier conditioning about certain things . Like i said i realize race means nothing to a lot of people but if it means something to others i dont think its stupid or evil. We cant choose what color we are but we have to live our lives in this body so it does matter in a few ways. Or that almost 100,000 years of human history in the making is important. People say fuck nationality we will all be mixed one day all the time . My issue is why would that be good ? I thought we valued our differences. No one wants to see one hybrid weed strain instead the land race varieties that built todays hybrids... Kind of a bad example but it would be like saying that everything all of our ancestors died to pass down is worthless. Ive never met many people who where black or mexican or asian that couldnt find the good in love of community and fellowship it has zero to do with hate.
I guess thats my problem i meet a lot of people with liberal views but still hang on to thier conditioning about certain things . Like i said i realize race means nothing to a lot of people but if it means something to others i dont think its stupid or evil. We cant choose what color we are but we have to live our lives in this body so it does matter in a few ways. Or that almost 100,000 years of human history in the making is important. People say fuck nationality we will all be mixed one day all the time . My issue is why would that be good ? I thought we valued our differences. No one wants to see one hybrid weed strain instead the land race varieties that built todays hybrids... Kind of a bad example but it would be like saying that everything all of our ancestors died to pass down is worthless. Ive never met many people who where black or mexican or asian that couldnt find the good in love of community and fellowship it has zero to do with hate.
I said the same exact thing last week on another thread. I do not really understand nationalism or pride in such regards, I am half-jewish(which is a race apparently) and mixed. I got a lot of shit for saying that racial differences exist among humans. People were in denial to a point of self-deception and reckless oversensitivity to the subject.
Well kinetic i never heard anyone tell me that . And like i said im done fighting or proving who is smart or better. I believe in freedom so if you want to tell me you dont believe something i can deal with it even if i was a witness. I guess you believed the shit about stormfront etc... But like i said if you got to know me without bagging on me so much you might not think i pre judge people based on any thing. You guys all pre judged me based on the thread where i said theres nothing wrong with not wanting to be called a mutt and nothing is wrong with europeans being proud.
I never get a fucking answer....just some glib hyperbole. I am having a discussion based on the assumption that there would be divisive issues as well as respect. I don't seek endorsement. I am enjoying the change.
My ultimate thing is sheep dont hate the red star of communism which has killed more jews and people than nazis . The white star of democracy has killed more indians than both. We where fighting dictators for years with a segregated army. Our minorities where good enough to die for our system but not vote in it till the mid sixties. Or mary interracially legally well after the nazis where gone. It was all madness... Nor do they care to learn because in school it was all layed out in a lesson plan for thier lazy ass. Im not defending nazis just the fact people pick and choose which culture or symbols they will consider evil based on what schooling ? Its dumb murder is murder and evil as fuck one person dead to me is the same as millions its all wrong . Ive never hurt anyone in my life and never would but these fucks who know more about neo nazi music and culture are pre judging the fuck out of me.
My ultimate thing is sheep dont hate the red star of communism which has killed more jews and people than nazis . The white star of democracy has killed more indians than both. We where fighting dictators for years with a segregated army. Our minorities where good enough to die for our system but not vote in it till the mid sixties. Or mary interracially legally well after the nazis where gone. It was all madness... Nor do they care to learn because in school it was all layed out in a lesson plan for thier lazy ass. Im not defending nazis just the fact people pick and choose which culture or symbols they will consider evil based on what schooling ? Its dumb murder is murder and evil as fuck one person dead to me is the same as millions its all wrong . Ive never hurt anyone in my life and never would but these fucks who know more about neo nazi music and culture are pre judging the fuck out of me.

Fortunately, a cheap shot and the truth are fairly easily to distinguish here....I have been given respect but that is not a concern around here
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