Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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What's normal?

For you? Here is the list of things you can say on this forum and be considered normal (for you) :

1. Good morning everyone!
2. Good afternoon everyone!
3. I'm high.
4. Good night everyone!
5. Your bring up a good point <commenter>, I will consider it when drawing my own conclusions.
6. Thanks <commenter>, you are a swell guy.

If you say anything other than above you are not normal. Stick to the above script for a week or two.. then we can revisit and talk about expanding your RIU vocabulary.


Please read. We have been over this already.
Ironic that you aren't providing the study I requested either. You must be in little pharmas pocket just like jtprin

Actually, I directed you to another members post....no irony. I am disabled and dependent on meds.....I know the game well. You are pathologically incorrect about me and if you weren't so dumb I might be offended......please, I am tired of your attitude. Leave well enough alone....you have little to offer and it gets boring.
Look, you don't need to go on bullying unless it is therapeutic for you. A mutual respect is interesting in a debate. Just find somewhere else to lay it down or just be decent for a while.
Wow im not banned yet . . . So i think ill keep pissing off the sheep like they are doing everyone that does not agree. Jt and burgertime have replied with comment after comment of rational awesome points. You guys didnt even get emotional and whine like a bitch like i did. I really regret that because sheep won. Sheep are trolls so this thread will never stop. I never seen anything but childish comments so im sure you know about hikes school kids (billy madison fat kid) Mom jokes and all the shit talking from the sheep show that they dont have ideas that come from the heart just from their hateful ass minds. Which have been washed so no need to prove your points or show facts just non funny jokes that only a sheep would find whit in. I must be doing my job if im pissing them off. Critical thinking my ass sheep arent allowed to think freely that would be non sheepish. More advanced sheep have to tell them whats what and then they go around bullying and spamming until atleast 51% of a community will enforce thier ideas. Which will first and foremost always be money. Cold cash colder hearts.
Wow im not banned yet . . . So i think ill keep trolling the sheep like they are doing everyone that does not agree. Jt and burgertime have replied with comment after comment of rational awesome points. You guys didnt even get emotional and whine like a bitch like i did. I really regret that because sheep won. Sheep are trolls so this thread will never stop. I never seen anything but childish comments so im sure you know about hikes school kids (billy madison fat kid) Mom jokes and all the shit talking from the sheep show that they dont have ideas that come from the heart just from their hateful ass minds. Which have been washed so no need to prove your points or show facts just non funny jokes that only a sheep would find whit in. I must be doing my job if im pissing them off. Critical thinking my ass sheep arent allowed to think freely that would be non sheepish. More advanced sheep have to tell them whats what and then they go around bullying and spamming until atleast 51% of a community will enforce thier ideas. Which will first and foremost always be money. Cold cash colder hearts.

I tried to be fair and respectful. The only thing I asked were questions....fuck.
Im bowing out for real always got baited in again jt and burger time mike young summed it up so well its over in my eyes. to be fair buck never got emotional because he knew better than respond to bs shit talk like i did. But to be fair outside of political threads i never talked shit and only tried to be helpful . Thers no arguing with folks that think its safe to burn off billions of barrels in gasoline a day into the air. From the ground and and the sky. Kill thier own citizens and berate eachother based on class and whos smarter than who. In world war one almost half of allied soldiers couldnt write thier own name ... How is that smart to laugh about that? Or if a kids drug addicted family caused them to miss a real chance to learn english well ? How is that funny ?
Burger time i was on your side you and jt spoke well and i agree with you. You where respectful thats how sheep toss thier weight around. But you are a higher caliber brain and person than most in this thread. I realize most boards are liberal nuts so i have to stop generalizing . A lot of bad ass cool people on this site. I just hate when name calling and "racism" (never used slurs just my thoughts on a subject)is only enforced towards certain individuals based on nothing other than people judged them wrote them off and now want to silence them ... Burgertime you spoke well and jt! Mike young too ! Sheep get mad when forced to think we all proved that.
Im bowing out for real always got baited in again jt and burger time mike young summed it up so well its over in my eyes. to be fair buck never got emotional because he knew better than respond to bs shit talk like i did. But to be fair outside of political threads i never talked shit and only tried to be helpful . Thers no arguing with folks that think its safe to burn off billions of barrels in gasoline a day into the air. From the ground and and the sky. Kill thier own citizens and berate eachother based on class and whos smarter than who. In world war one almost half of allied soldiers couldnt write thier own name ... How is that smart to laugh about that? Or if a kids drug addicted family caused them to miss a real chance to learn english well ? How is that funny ?
Hey, you demand truth and you will never be popular.....just be jealous of that peace they get out of absentia.....that is what I do.
I wish i could! ive always said i wish i could just not care about shit but making babies and paying taxes that will be used to kill and abuse as well as help when they can afford it lol. If they have money sheeple are good even if its from being lazy and only selling drugs they are better than a janitor in thier eyes.

Padawanbater 2 (star wars bater must be a huge hit with the ladies) is demanding im banned for the last nice comments i made. He even ripped off uncle bucks sock puppet line lol very origional. Banned for speaking the truth? Could you give one valid reason thats all i ask. I dont expect you not to abuse your power but because you dont agree you silence? Why have political threads if you only accept certain ideas? If its name calling or racial ideas i see a lot of that in threads never enforced ? Please show me some wisdom im missing here... Message boards ran by liberals shouldnt be allowed political threads since they hate freedom of speech. Riu would see less fighting for sure rather than indiscriminate banning. But im used to it and did my job to open eyes.
I wish i could! ive always said i wish i could just not care about shit but making babies and paying taxes that will be used to kill and abuse as well as help when they can afford it lol. If they have money sheeple are good even if its from being lazy and only selling drugs they are better than a janitor in thier eyes.

Padawanbater 2 (star wars bater must be a huge hit with the ladies) is demanding im banned for the last nice comments i made. He even ripped off uncle bucks sock puppet line lol very origional. Banned for speaking the truth? Could you give one valid reason thats all i ask. I dont expect you not to abuse your power but because you dont agree you silence? Why have political threads if you only accept certain ideas? If its name calling or racial ideas i see a lot of that in threads never enforced ? Please show me some wisdom im missing here... Message boards ran by liberals shouldnt be allowed political threads since they hate freedom of speech. Riu would see less fighting for sure rather than indiscriminate banning. But im used to it and did my job to open eyes.

I don't really know what to say. You don't seem conservative or liberal and frankly we probably differ there however religion, race, politics, and sex are just the topics people cannot agree to disagree. I would not worry about getting banned until it happens. Most likely what you are missing is the fact that this place is full of mediocrity just like anywhere. You are passionate about ideas across the board and going to offend, simple people cannot respect the importance of a dialogue that asks more of them. The knee-jerk reactionaries demand of others what they cannot provide themselves many times, it is so frustrating but necessary for you to evolve as well I believe. I have a feeling that this is the real value of these excercises in futility. You are offensive, as are many here and the perspective you own, as right as it may be, could be better expressed. I am saying that the means to the end you seek may require a change in you that is of value. Look, this is how the people who are demanding you be banned are, they are sheep and find you threatening. The comments may help me see what reaction they gave you through an objective 3rd party. You are correct in your right to speak whatever you want and if someone else said many of the same thing it would be a non-issue. I get ignored because I demand they push the boundaries, the freedom I give them is a strategy, asking them to dig their own grave essentially. A political discourse is based on respect and disagreement, this is hard to apply for everyone. Actually, I am interested in maybe elaborating the beliefs that would divide us to show you my point. Let me know...
Burgertime elaborate i can deal with anything but sheep and you dont seem like a sheep. I fully understand other people dont have the same opinions but sheep liberals are the new nazis. One way to think and thats their way! Anyone outside that box is not fit to speak write live etc. They advocate things like censuresheep... Arresting people ... Hating them ... Bullying them etc... They are facist in every way shape and form. Its our duty to not let the world forget there are other ideas out thier and the people who lead us to strife and suffering in the name of money are not are friends.
Ok, well sheep liberals, religious zealots, corporate fascists, and idiots are inescapable....don't look to these boundaries, they wont work. People hate, politics just illustrates that in my view. I see conservatives as the party of the rich and liberals as everyone else. That makes sense. I feel like you are speaking liberally many times, no offense. I have chronic illness, I get medical care from the govt. I am a freeloader and don't deserve this basic human right to conservatives. I cannot support that notion, could you?
I believe the government exist to serve us. I am on medical for one year because i have some lymphnode issues that could be lymphoma . I dont feel like a free loader at all! I quit my job to take care and moved out of my appartment to take care of my grandpa who is a vet and his wife both of which are in and out of the hospital. Because thier fucking kids are too cought up with work and family to give a fuck. My mom is dead or she would jump in with me and help. But i guess this where i get my passion about conformist sheep who wont think or care about societies real issues. Further more i feel people are being conditioned to think everythings a big joke except consuming and driving this bullshit system worldwide. As for liberals i blanket the term for people who hate whites for little to no reason but would not stand up to a racist act being commited by a non white ( because they are sissies) ... Make up things to defend gangmembers and say its the system of old white mens fault ... But detest white gangs ? Or how in music tv movies etc it is ok to make fun of some races and not others. Schooling teaching opinion instead of fact. Or edetorial teaching and journalism like msnbc which has several anchors who make fun of white men on air. Its not just about race they also will never stand up for anything because they lack balls or a brain so forget about reform in politics from a liberal. Mind you i dont have faith in dems or reps either. It will take a free thinking independent to really bring change . All just my worthless opinion of course.
I believe in what I choose to. Religious conservatives are also the new Nazis then too no? I am tired of the entitled self-righteous people everywhere. I don't need any of them but politically I see Government as bloated in all the wrong ways and starving in all the ways I care about. It is that simple...what is problematic other than sheep in general?
I believe in what I choose to. Religious conservatives are also the new Nazis then too no? I am tired of the entitled self-righteous people everywhere. I don't need any of them but politically I see Government as bloated in all the wrong ways and starving in all the ways I care about. It is that simple...what is problematic other than sheep in general?
I hope this is not a big deal but you are not conservative.
At least in terms of key tenets of conservatism. Can you show me the liberals as you describe them doing all this please? I would like to better hear you through. Social welfare, healthcare, services to real people are liberal fundamentals. See the difficulty growing?
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