Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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Better knowledge of nutrition and fitness, advanced technology, improved sanitation, advances in medicine (for some things, anyways), etc. http://www.fluoridealert.org/articles/50-reasons/

No. That does not support your argument. UB is offering a clear question, as we all are, which deserves a direct and exact answer.

Explain to us why we are living longer since fluoride has been introduced to our water supply. Do not provide a link. If necessary, translate what you have read. Keep it simple. Keep in clear and concise.
I'm not saying fluoride in the water is killing you. I'm saying it's dumbing you down. Fucking with creativity. Hence the widespread acceptance of what people consider to be good entertainment. Nickelback, Kardouchions, Honey boo boo, the Expendables, etc... This is utter crap!, and the masses fucking eat it up. But I'm just a guy who's ideas & opinions really amount to shit in the grand scheme of things. Cheers!
No. That does not support your argument. UB is offering a clear question, as we all are, which deserves a direct and exact answer.

Explain to us why we are living longer since fluoride has been introduced to our water supply. Do not provide a link. If necessary, translate what you have read. Keep it simple. Keep in clear and concise.

Too easy. I'll turn your own logic against you. Prove that fluoride is actually responsible for this increase in lifespan, and not just a coincidence.
Too easy. I'll turn your own logic against you. Prove that fluoride is actually responsible for this increase in lifespan, and not just a coincidence.

i never claimed the fluoride leads to longer life spans.

we are living longer DESPITE fluoride, somehow. imagine that.
What we need is some death by dental carries statistics for the entire 20th century. Flouride was added in what '44-'45? Mass flouride wasnt available till about a decade later via toothpastes and such? Im not %1000 on that last bit of info and too stoned to look. But yea, where's hereshegrows, lets get our dental expert up in her.
one big claim of the fluoride nuts is that it leads to alzheimer's and dementia.

the highest rates of alzheimer's and dementia in the world are in sweden, norway, finland, but they have some of the lowest levels of fluoridation out there.

california has less than 50% fluoridated water, texas has over 75% fluoridation. so you'd expect to see 50% higher rates of alzheimer's and dementia in texas, right?

wrong. we don't see anything close to that.


anyone who believes in the fluoride conspiracy has no understanding of how chemistry works.
i never claimed the fluoride leads to longer life spans.

we are living longer DESPITE fluoride, somehow. imagine that.

True that. You didn't indeed, but I never said that fluoride kills. Where do you stand on the pineal gland? Hahaha, this shit makes me laugh. Weed forums are something else. If there's a lesson here, it's that weed makes you over-analyze shit. Sometime she bees good, sometimes she bees bad. Hahahahaha!
No. That does not support your argument. UB is offering a clear question, as we all are, which deserves a direct and exact answer.

Explain to us why we are living longer since fluoride has been introduced to our water supply. Do not provide a link. If necessary, translate what you have read. Keep it simple. Keep in clear and concise.

Damn, you must not be able to read. Besides, it may not kill you, but it can calcify your pineal gland, cause brain/bone/thyroid damage, reproductive problems, and so on.
i never claimed the fluoride leads to longer life spans.

we are living longer DESPITE fluoride, somehow. imagine that.

Your logic is like me saying, "How is the average life expectancy higher now than 50 years ago if cancer/heart disease is more prevalent nowadays?" You are completely neglecting any other factor that can cause an increase in life expectancy.
You know who benefitted the most from the initial fluoridization of our water? Poor people. Now I think the Illuminati and the lizard people have set forth a plan with people like jprin to cull the herd of impoverished moochers living off the system by removing the fluoride from our water.
Damn, you must not be able to read. Besides, it may not kill you, but it can calcify your pineal gland, cause brain/bone/thyroid damage, reproductive problems, and so on.

Yes. That's it. I must not be able to read. I am merely guessing at what you have just said, and randomly responding, in the hopes that my response matches in pattern to yours. Yep, that's what it is. I must be psychic, or maybe it's one giant RIU conspiracy, the moderators call me and tell me what you have said and then ask me to write a response. Yep, thats it. Because naturalnews said so.

Yes. That's it. I must not be able to read. I am merely guessing at what you have just said, and randomly responding, in the hopes that my response matches in pattern to yours. Yep, that what it is. I must be psychic, or maybe is one giant RIU conspiracy, the moderators call me and tell me what you have said and then asking me to write a response. Yep, thats it. Because naturalnews said so.


Damn, you must not be able to read.
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