Ionizers - good or bad?


I'm planning on growing a few green-o-matics from Greenhouse seed co., I've read that the smell off of them isn't noticeable but I'm worried that someone in the house might get a smell.
I plan on having the plants in a cabinet I gutted out a few days ago so if anyone comes in the only thing I'll be worried about is smell.

I can't touch carbon filters because I have to sleep in the same room as the plants so anything big/noisy/expensive just won't do.

I've read that ionizers are good for small projects but I'm not sold on the idea so I'd love someone with first hand experience to give some input.

I don't want to seem like I'm over exaggerating but I do plan on growing some stinkier strains down the line...(white rhino is on my to-do list :eyesmoke:)
(mods I hope it's ok to post this, if not please remove.) Will it neutralize the smell of 2 small plants?

Then there's this one for considerably less money,

thanks in advance


Well-Known Member
i like this one
because its a dehumidifier and purifier... what your doing here isn't gonna neutralize the odor but it will definitely help especially with a small grow.
I'd still put a carbon filter if your really worried about it, and also, put the dehumidifier IN the grow room, this way if you put a filter on your intake and exhaust everything will be nice and dust free, meaning less dust build up on leaves, reflective surfaces, and lightbulbs

ive been thinking of getting a dehumidifier like this and gravity draining it outside by putting a hole in the resevoir with a fitting coming out


Active Member
Cap ozn1 is great but maybe too big for your project however I am one that likes to go big and grow into it.


Thanks for the replies!

@Nizza - I'd like to do what seems to be the easiest thing for other people and just get a carbon filter, but, and please correct me if I'm wrong, but don't they require some sort of ducting to carry ozone and all the smells out through a window or something? I really need something as small scale as possible to keep nosy people out of my business, I think that would raise some eyebrows.:P I do like the look of the portable purifier you linked, I'll definitely have to get one before I begin planting.

@csufan97, definitely overkill for my needs, definitely something to get later on when I have room to do bigger, better things!


Well-Known Member
i like this one
because its a dehumidifier and purifier... what your doing here isn't gonna neutralize the odor but it will definitely help especially with a small grow.
I'd still put a carbon filter if your really worried about it, and also, put the dehumidifier IN the grow room, this way if you put a filter on your intake and exhaust everything will be nice and dust free, meaning less dust build up on leaves, reflective surfaces, and lightbulbs

ive been thinking of getting a dehumidifier like this and gravity draining it outside by putting a hole in the resevoir with a fitting coming out
8” x 4.9” x 13” very small…. Could fit anywhere….

Quote from page ….Warning:

UV Germicidal Lighting Technology The STD-250 incorporates the technology of UV Germicidal lighting (UV-C) to effectively deactivate microorganisms. Due to its short wavelength (200 to 270nm), UV-C penetrates outer membranes of bacteria, yeasts, molds & viruses, attacking their structural DNA. By breaking these genetic chains, the micro-organisms becomes sterile and as a result, dies.

So as long as it doesn’t effect your organics ???


Probably a good thing I can't find a similar product that will ship to me, I guess I'll keep looking, or just get the one I originally linked and get some of those ONA blocks and place them outside my long as no smell leaks out I'm fine!


New Member
If you plan on buying an ionizer buy the best one you can they will work for smaller rooms but if it gets dank forget it. Google mini ozonator, I saw a small room ozonator that looked somewhat like a hand gun that had a glow coming out the barrel. I saw it in a grow where they had these units all over the house, it smelled like a indoor pool.
you will de disappointed in green-o-matic or anything greenhouse for that matter.
Well I grow strictly Green House Seeds for one reason...quality. I have never had a hermie or any issues with GHS or their fine line of beans...but each to their own


That's what I'm worried about, I'll get some purifiers and hope that they work!
to the guy who dislikes GHS, I'd still like to hear your opinion on the matter....I've had good results from them before.
I've seen some good techniques, where guys put together little diy carbon filters, and tie them to standard portable AC units and ionizers. You can make like a carbon pouch with crap from walmart and band it to the intake or the out put of just about any ionizer, portable AC unit, or vertical fan. Big growers use it inside their rooms. For a small grow, this would be easy for you. just google/youtube "DIY Carbon Filter" (DIY being do it yourself) you'd be surprised with what comes up.


I've seen some good techniques, where guys put together little diy carbon filters, and tie them to standard portable AC units and ionizers. You can make like a carbon pouch with crap from walmart and band it to the intake or the out put of just about any ionizer, portable AC unit, or vertical fan. Big growers use it inside their rooms. For a small grow, this would be easy for you. just google/youtube "DIY Carbon Filter" (DIY being do it yourself) you'd be surprised with what comes up.
That definitely sounds a lot lot better than having ducting all over the place, I'll look into that method, thanks!