Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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Thank you ! ! ! I dont think these people grow or smoke i think they just record msnbc . Pointing out bad grammar followed by bad grammar then ignoring it ... Priceless . Peace im outa here - billy m

You do realize he was talking to you. Don't you?

If you can't spot the idiot in the room. It's you.
There are dozens of different kinds of cancer, are you claiming that chemo is ineffective more than 95% of the time against ALL cancer?

Pharmaceuticals are highly over prescribed, I agree, but to say that they are essentially useless is completely false. I'm guessing you've never experienced a condition that would require antidepressants, if you did you would know it's a simple chemical imbalance inside the patients brain, confirmed by medical science.

Actually, there is absolutely NO evidence that depression is caused by an imbalance of chemicals, that is a myth. Depression is caused by nutritional deficiencies and/or lack of physical activity (as most diseases are) or by an event that happened in that person's life. If it's the former, then all it is, is a natural human emotion. Or perhaps they're being exposed to too much electromagnetic fields (Wi-Fi, television, cpu's, laptops, etc.) And 97% of people die within five years of taking chemotherapy... you can take that for what it's worth. If someone is depressed, it's very likely that they also don't exercise/get outside a lot and have an absolutely terrible diet.
Actually, there is absolutely NO evidence that depression is caused by an imbalance of chemicals, that is a myth. Depression is caused by nutritional deficiencies and/or lack of physical activity (as most diseases are) or by an event that happened in that person's life. If it's the former, then all it is, is a natural human emotion. Or perhaps they're being exposed to too much electromagnetic fields (Wi-Fi, television, cpu's, laptops, etc.) And 97% of people die within five years of taking chemotherapy... you can take that for what it's worth. If someone is depressed, it's very likely that they also don't exercise/get outside a lot and have an absolutely terrible diet.

No. Absolutely no. There in fact is a preponderance of evidence to the fact. The rest of your nonsense is that.
It's also funny watching some of these people argue about politics (republican/democrat) like it matters which puppet is in office. Wake the fuck up.
It's also funny watching some of these people argue about politics (republican/democrat) like it matters which puppet is in office. Wake the fuck up.

Please, let's stick to one topic at a time. Right now we are fapping about conspiracy theorists. This is your wheelhouse, I should be seeing your name on every page. But I don't.
Though I slightly agree. I would say a conspiracy theory is only that when it has been debunked but continues to be argued. Prior, it is only a theory.

Not sure your definition holds itself up. The truth is, debunked or not, private or shared, a conspiracy is by nature a secret and any good one makes that a priority. Its is a belief in secrets of clandestine intentions. The person arguing ideas that are seen clearly as false is not a conspiracy theorist. As I age, I notice my faith in many institutions fade, I am skeptical that a fair game is being played, I see motives, and so what? "Qui Bono" Who Benefits???
Thank you ! ! ! I dont think these people grow or smoke i think they just record msnbc .




your turn now, child.
Wow you really are stupid as shit and wont shut the fuck up.... You are not even a good troll. You keep talking about how good you are at english but forget how you fucked up grammar one post after trying to clown . Keep them doggies trolling

Yep. Umad brah. And for that I am sorry. Please don't go punching holes in walls. I'd hate to know that you broke your limp wrist on my account.

It's also funny watching some of these people argue about politics (republican/democrat) like it matters which puppet is in office. Wake the fuck up.

so you're saying the SCOTUS picks chosen are inconsequential?

i'd argue otherwise with you, but you are really not even worth this sentence that i'm typing right now.
so you're saying the SCOTUS picks chosen are inconsequential?

i'd argue otherwise with you, but you are really not even worth this sentence that i'm typing right now.

No, I'm saying you're delusional if you believe the status of this country depends on if a republican or democrat is in office.
Not sure your definition holds itself up. The truth is, debunked or not, private or shared, a conspiracy is by nature a secret and any good one makes that a priority. Its is a belief in secrets of clandestine intentions. The person arguing ideas that are seen clearly as false is not a conspiracy theorist. As I age, I notice my faith in many institutions fade, I am skeptical that a fair game is being played, I see motives, and so what? "Qui Bono" Who Benefits???

Conspiracy, is an agreement between two or more persons to commit a crime at some point in the future.

Theory is a contemplative and rational type of abstract or generalizing thinking, or the results of such thinking. Depending on the context, the results might for example include generalized explanations of how nature works.

But in the end, I was merely playing with words. To some extent I agree, and read both sides of the coin, per se, before drawing a full conclusion.
No, I'm saying you're delusional if you believe the status of this country depends on if a republican or democrat is in office.

no i'm not.

i just spent the early part of the summer watching the SCOTUS make decisions that will have profound effects on our country and surely will affect our status as a nation in many ways.

had 537 votes in florida gone the other way 13 years ago, the voting rights act would still be intact and gay marriage might have been 100% legal nationwide already.

to say otherwise is stupid and irrational. there is no debate about that.
no i'm not.

i just spent the early part of the summer watching the SCOTUS make decisions that will have profound effects on our country and surely will affect our status as a nation in many ways.

had 537 votes in florida gone the other way 13 years ago, the voting rights act would still be intact and gay marriage might have been 100% legal nationwide already.

to say otherwise is stupid and irrational. there is no debate about that.

Yeah, because gay marriage laws are truly important compared to the problems facing America. What about the national debt? What about being dead last in life expectancy despite #1 in healthcare spending? What about GMO's and their effect on nature and the health of humanity? What about the fact that unemployment and the number of people on food stamps is rising?
What about the national debt?

every time in recent history a democrat has held office, the deficit has shrunk or even turned into a surplus.

every time in recent history a republican has held office, the deficit has blown up immensely.

see the difference?

What about being dead last in life expectancy despite #1 in healthcare spending?

america is #33, sierra leone is dead last at #193. derp dee der.


What about GMO's and their effect on nature and the health of humanity?

you'd be wise to wait until studies backed up your paranoia.

What about the fact that unemployment and the number of people on food stamps is rising?

unemployment is falling.


notice how the line is going down right now?
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