DOUBLETAKES 2013 outdoor xxx o.g


Well-Known Member
alright guys so i harvested all the autos i had back there around my big 7 foot tall xxx o.g.
so now theirs more room which helps a lot with watering and overall checking on the plant.

i added the extra xxx o.g clones around her (5 of them) just popped em in the ground i started budding those indoors 3 weeks ago so they have abnout 6 weeks to go.
i started budding them early mso i would have a little something to smoke and trim early.

besides the 5 around the big xxx o.g i have another one of the xxx o.g clones in a 15 gallon pot.
im pretty excited to see what does better the 15 gallon pot or the ones in the ground.

so all in all there in the

1. the huge xxx o.g
2. 5 little xxx o.g in the ground
3. and the 6th xxx o.g clone inside the 15 gallon pot.

cant wait for all these buds to come in. well comments and suggestions welcome


Well-Known Member
bim.jpgim.jpgi.jpgp.jpgpl.jpgheres a few pics thats a 5 gallon water jug to give you guys some size comparison, iv been tieing down the big girl so shes not too far over my 6 foot fence line.
also you can see the buds coming in on the ones i started flowering a little early.

also the budding plant was one of the last auto northern lights out of the 23 i had in there man was that crowded. haha


Well-Known Member
15.jpgand heres the girl in the 15 gallon hopefully she pulls nice. this ones also started 3 weeks into flower.


Well-Known Member
Way do you guys think about top dressing with bat guano since everything is stating to flower.
i was think inking just mix like 2 cups onto the smaller plants and like 5 or 6 cups all around the base of the big one.

Can I burn with Guano, I heard it is pretty hard.


Well-Known Member
The yellow one is so sad u need to add a lil n. Find an all purpose fert made with npk cause ur losing a lot of leaf power when they die


Well-Known Member
That was the budding autos LIKE I SAID
theywere yellowing cause the flush that was the last one.


Well-Known Member
Way do you guys think about top dressing with bat guano since everything is stating to flower.
i was think inking just mix like 2 cups onto the smaller plants and like 5 or 6 cups all around the base of the big one.

Can I burn with Guano, I heard it is pretty hard.
you can burn with guanos but it's hard. I suggest using only one cup of Mexican and seabird guano each or make some teas with it and molasses for faster results.


Any ideas on the guano guys? I want to apply some tomorrow or at least this weekend.
I top dress with guano all the time. It takes a lil while to kick in, but kicks in hard. The only issue I have had with guano is that some critters like the smell, and will dig thu the soil. to combat this, I usually drink a few beers while I'm out there, and piss all over the place. Some dog shit and hair spread around them helps too.


Well-Known Member
i use mexican for veg then blend mexican and jamican then only jamican towards the end, a good scoop every week or so.seabird is strong be careful, i burned some last year.


Well-Known Member
I like to use seabird as a base or in vegg and flower it's something like 11-10-2 so with that and mexi in vegg 10-2-.5 it's has a strong N value 21- 12 -2.5 and then use seabird and Jamaican or Indonesian in flower SB 11-10-2 + jamaican .5- 11-1 = 11.5 - 22 -3 in flower Indonesian can make the P & K even higher. My NPK numbers are probably off a bit cause im going from memory and not looking at the bags . I won't pull out the seabird Quano until about 6 weeks of flower and boost with Indonesian and Jamaican. With that said I use Some ACT and molasses teas. Quanos only work as good as your micro heard.


Well-Known Member
Thank you guys a lot for all the good feed back it really helps.
i have some of the stuff in the brown bag with the yellow label I think it's humbolt organic or something.
its from last season and has been in the basement, do you think it lost its nutritional value?

If anything I'll just go to the hydro store and get some more tomorrow.
also I'm using worm tea every other Wednesday, do you guys think that will be good enough for the worm castings?

and I'll definently start smaller just a cup or so ha idk what I was thinking with 6 cups she doesn't need that much ha.

Well I'll get some more pics up in a little guys.


Well-Known Member
Don't think poo poo goes bad. lol Do you add anything else to your worm/compost tea ? Other good things to add to compost teas, molasses, kelp, floralucious plus, or humic/humus or fulvic acids, must use molasses though with your EWC. That's what feeds and wakes up the beasties. Make sure your water is dechlored and bubbleing for 24-48 hrs help.


Well-Known Member
Don't think poo poo goes bad. lol Do you add anything else to your worm/compost tea ? Other good things to add to compost teas, molasses, kelp, floralucious plus, or humic/humus or fulvic acids, must use molasses though with your EWC. That's what feeds and wakes up the beasties. Make sure your water is dechlored and bubbleing for 24-48 hrs help.
Hah that's what I was thinking but mabey it drys out or something idk your probley right I'll just use it instead of wasting it.

And I don't really make it myself this store San Diego hydroponics gives out free "worm tea" the guy said there's molasses and I'm pretty sure the humic/humus acid and most the other stuff to make up the tea.m

And they do have it bubbling over night mabey even the day before the free day also.


Well-Known Member
Also I'm using roots organic soil so the soil they are in is pretty full of good organic stuff already

So I'm pretty sure just some guano will do to help them the last month really swell up.