1st time outdoor grow....late start

I planted germinated seeds in pots outdoors. Seeds were in soil July 12. It has been just over 3 weeks. I am growing in back yard in Toronto area. Seeds were bagseed from a very nice pink kush strain. Plants are short but have large leafs with strong stems. They are receiving full daylight as I rotate them in my yard throughout the day. My strongest growing plant is about 9 to 10 inches in height with six sets of true leaves, as well as smaller leafs growing at leaf to stem connection. My question is will they flower in time? (nights start to get quite cold in mid september). Could I possibly force them to flower early outdoors by covering them up? Is there a minimum maturity for plants in order to flower? Most threads I have read state that most outdoor plants are in flowering stage by august. Mine is definitely still vegging and it is august the 4th today. Would it flower faster if I kept it in a spot with 5 hours sunlight and shade the rest of the day? I'm not concerned about huge yield. I want the plants to stay shorter for stealth. I would really appreciate any anwers to these question. Really hoping I'll have some home grown pink kush to smoke...even if its not much. Thanks for any help guys!:peace:


Active Member
I'm in the northeast and i am also wondering this. mine might be a week older than yours. started to lst them to see if that would help. i think i might have some more time than you seeing as im more south in the nj area


Well-Known Member
They should start to flower as soon as they are old enough. The outdoor photoperiod is short enough here that they'll flower as soon as they can.
They should start to flower as soon as they are old enough. The outdoor photoperiod is short enough here that they'll flower as soon as they can.
What would be the earliest they could flower? Is there a certain age or size that plants must be before they can begin flowering? Do you think I should be rotating them for full day sun?


Active Member
dont trip man, i have 2 that arent flowering right now there just starting to show pre flowers, so honestly dont worry bout them they will flower when ready, just keep them healthy like you've been then youll be fine


Active Member
I was advised not to top them this late to let them grow as much as they can before flowering. but i did lst them. i think you should too. let the sun hit those inner nodes. but, at least with my plants, they reacted to the lst a little too well. the tops that i tied down have already found their way back to the top lol. gonna have to do some more tying down


Well-Known Member
Generally plants won't start flowering till they reach sexual maturity, which is usually around the 4-6 week mark for my 12/12 plants in the past.
Does anyone think if I covered my plants up at night say around 6 pm when my yard gets shady anyways. Would this add a few hours of darkness to the cycle therefor speeding up the change to flowering? Just concerned about having enough time in season for buds to mature.


Well-Known Member
Does anyone think if I covered my plants up at night say around 6 pm when my yard gets shady anyways. Would this add a few hours of darkness to the cycle therefor speeding up the change to flowering? Just concerned about having enough time in season for buds to mature.

Totally possible, but a total pain in the ass.