Turned hermie at 6 weeks flower??


Well-Known Member
One of my 4 girls (6 weeks flower) had been struggling BAD (nute problems, crispy leaves, lockout, hairs turning brown) for a couple weeks, then I found a yellow banana and saw what looked like seeds growing! Had NEVER shown anything but female flowers IM SURE OF THIS!! I checked daily with magnifying glass!! I originally vegged 7 plants and had chopped 2 males and 1 hermie at first sign...am I likely to lose my other 3 now? :(


Well-Known Member
Why do people think a hermi is a bad thing??You can use the pollen from your hermi to pollinate a lower flower for feminized seeds... That way, you don't have to worry about picking out the males :PIf I am wrong on this statement someone correct me please


Well-Known Member
Why do people think a hermi is a bad thing??You can use the pollen from your hermi to pollinate a lower flower for feminized seeds... That way, you don't have to worry about picking out the males :PIf I am wrong on this statement someone correct me please
Well the thing is...it's my first grow and I'm using bag seed. Aside from that I really don't have another area set up to flower


Well-Known Member
I think the thing to do is get rid of the hermi, but I've not had this problem.
Oh it's already outta there!! Got rid of it quicker than I did the babysitter that drank my good wine!!

My concern is if my other three may have been pollinated :(


Well-Known Member
herm'd plants will produce herm'd seeds. you will gain that train in future grows, it can be grown out with a few generations down the line but you really don't want to breed that kind of seeds. you can get cheap enough regular seeds and keep a male separate from the females if you want to store pollen, that way you know you will have better genetics.

yeah if you don't mind a few seeds through the weed you can use seeds from a herm'd plant, but i want quality sensimilla instead of pollinated plants.


Well-Known Member
herm'd plants will produce herm'd seeds. you will gain that train in future grows, it can be grown out with a few generations down the line but you really don't want to breed that kind of seeds. you can get cheap enough regular seeds and keep a male separate from the females if you want to store pollen, that way you know you will have better genetics.

yeah if you don't mind a few seeds through the weed you can use seeds from a herm'd plant, but i want quality sensimilla instead of pollinated plants.
Im trying to get this growing thing down...not ready to start breeding them yet and def not with bag seed


Well-Known Member
Ok cool well my opinion is to finish this grow and try to do your best with it just to learn a bit and then buy good quality regular seeds and then learn from them.

Its not possible to make crap seeds grow excellent weed but it is possible to make excellent seeds grow crap weed. So learning with good seeds will teach you more than with poor seeds.

My first ever grow was with bagseed and I was really lucky to get really good yield and quality from them. But you just don't know what you are getting with bagseed unfortunately.

But anyways keep on at them plants, even if they have been pollinated you wont loose a great deal of quality as I have smoked weed that was full of seeds and I still found it to be good enough. THC is lowered for the plant to produce the seeds, but it aint a total loss :D


Well-Known Member
herm'd plants will produce herm'd seeds. you will gain that train in future grows, it can be grown out with a few generations down the line but you really don't want to breed that kind of seeds. you can get cheap enough regular seeds and keep a male separate from the females if you want to store pollen, that way you know you will have better genetics.

yeah if you don't mind a few seeds through the weed you can use seeds from a herm'd plant, but i want quality sensimilla instead of pollinated plants.
Do you have any proof that the hermi will only produce hermi seeds? I'm not saying your wrong. I seen so many different opinions on this subject so i was just wondering where you got your info from or is just from experience thanks


Well-Known Member
I don't have proof that I can show you. But it's common sense, not being cheeky. I will explain, any traits that a plant, or animal for that matter, has will be passed down to future generations by breeding.

So if for example, my snake, is an evil bastard and it has young, they are more than likely to have the same traits.

Same with plants, if they are stretchers, they will most likely breed stretchers if it is in the genetics and not just bad light.

So in my opinion, and it is only my opinion, if the plant throws out male flowers on a female plant, the seeds produced will also want to do the same.

I have read that if this happens, you can breed it out by selective breeding over about 5-8 generations. Can't remember where I read it, I read so much that I can't remember where all the information comes from.

I absorb information like a sponge lol

There is so much hermi plants going about from street dealers that have seeds in them and when people think they are ok to grow them, they happen to get hermi plants from them.

I am not a scientist so I cannot back my claims up with fact and have not tested it either.

Maybe you can test it so you know for yourself as thats always the best method of finding things out :)


Well-Known Member
herm'd plants will produce herm'd seeds. you will gain that train in future grows, it can be grown out with a few generations down the line but you really don't want to breed that kind of seeds. you can get cheap enough regular seeds and keep a male separate from the females if you want to store pollen, that way you know you will have better genetics.

yeah if you don't mind a few seeds through the weed you can use seeds from a herm'd plant, but i want quality sensimilla instead of pollinated plants.
Not entirely true..

seeds coming from a self pollinated plant (stressed/colloidal silver to herm) will be feminized
seeds coming from a self pollinated plant (true hermaphrodite) will all be herm.
seeds coming from a female pollinated by a male will have a 1:1 ratio of females and males.


Well-Known Member
herm'd plants will produce herm'd seeds. you will gain that train in future grows, it can be grown out with a few generations down the line but you really don't want to breed that kind of seeds. you can get cheap enough regular seeds and keep a male separate from the females if you want to store pollen, that way you know you will have better genetics.

yeah if you don't mind a few seeds through the weed you can use seeds from a herm'd plant, but i want quality sensimilla instead of pollinated plants.

i've grown a couple of them since chem and they both been female no signs of herming or male bits at all buddy


Well-Known Member
Not entirely true..

seeds coming from a self pollinated plant (stressed/colloidal silver to herm) will be feminized
seeds coming from a self pollinated plant (true hermaphrodite) will all be herm.
seeds coming from a female pollinated by a male will have a 1:1 ratio of females and males.
I stand corrected! And a good correction at that, this is a piece of information I will remember.

However I have to question your last line, I read that the seeds, if they are female plant pollinated by male plant (regular seeds), then the upbringing you give them determines what the sex will be.

A guy I have been reading about who only grows 12/12 from seed and crams in as much as possible into a 1.2m2 space with 600w light (basically a sog but never with clones as to prevent lateral branching) starts them with fluoro's with a mix of 1 red to 1 blue bulb, he says to sow 3 seeds for ever 2 females you want (as long as they are good stable genetics). He says that the environment you provide determines the ratio of male to females.

SpeecSees is his name, he is from the no mercy supply site.

This is just some information I have read on my travels on the internet.


Well-Known Member
I stand corrected! And a good correction at that, this is a piece of information I will remember.

However I have to question your last line, I read that the seeds, if they are female plant pollinated by male plant (regular seeds), then the upbringing you give them determines what the sex will be.

A guy I have been reading about who only grows 12/12 from seed and crams in as much as possible into a 1.2m2 space with 600w light (basically a sog but never with clones as to prevent lateral branching) starts them with fluoro's with a mix of 1 red to 1 blue bulb, he says to sow 3 seeds for ever 2 females you want (as long as they are good stable genetics). He says that the environment you provide determines the ratio of male to females.

SpeecSees is his name, he is from the no mercy supply site.

This is just some information I have read on my travels on the internet.
just passing some knowledge around.
And the whole environment determines sex theory is up to a lot of speculation.
let me rephrase that.
Seeds coming from a female pollinated by a male will produce regular seeds. That better? :roll:

Darth Dank

I also have used herm seeds but only from the other plants in the room and seem to have good luck. I dont use the seeds from the herm plant. Just didnt think it was a good idea.


Well-Known Member
Not entirely true..

seeds coming from a self pollinated plant (stressed/colloidal silver to herm) will be feminized
seeds coming from a self pollinated plant (true hermaphrodite) will all be herm.
seeds coming from a female pollinated by a male will have a 1:1 ratio of females and males.
That's what I always was told to. Thanks again Black Jesus


Well-Known Member
Well the thing is...it's my first grow and I'm using bag seed. Aside from that I really don't have another area set up to flower
I've had 2 plants hermie on me and I decided to keep the seeds, only the lower part of the plant pollinated late in flowering. Guess what I'm now growing 2 of the 10 seeds I got and they are both females plants one of which I just harvested with absolutely no needs whatsoever and the other girl is still veggin so don't count the hermie seeds out man hell I've only had 2 male plants since I started growing and I've been doin bagseed.


Well-Known Member
I've had 2 plants hermie on me and I decided to keep the seeds, only the lower part of the plant pollinated late in flowering. Guess what I'm now growing 2 of the 10 seeds I got and they are both females plants one of which I just harvested with absolutely no needs whatsoever and the other girl is still veggin so don't count the hermie seeds out man hell I've only had 2 male plants since I started growing and I've been doin bagseed.
Sounds like the Ganja Gods are smiling down on you!! I started 7 out of some pretty groovy bag seed, chopped 2 males and 1 hermie at start of flowering and now... 6 weeks into flowering and I had one turn on me...I think it was just stress from poor health but none the less, the way I see it less than 50% of my grow was female...