hey guys!! Its dank here again..

I am going to keep posting till i get some feedback on my grows!! Lol.. Na, i'm just messing with ya!!
i just wanted to do a quick update & post up a few pictures of my babies! I was hoping to get atleast a few of my new found friends that was interested & would atleast subbed up to my grow journals.. Hell i have 18 strains going at one time, well wait! 20, cause i just added 2 new ones guys! I added "purple voodoo" & also "skunk #1" to the mix. I received from a new friend, not mentioning any names, but i just wanted 2 say thank you bro.. I hope you enjoy the "space bomb" beans i hooked ya up with + the others..
anyways, i will also be posting this update in my grow journal, and i hope you enjoy my grows this one & all the others coming up!! Like said, if you haven't seen any of my grows/grow journals, then your in 4 a treat here soon!! I will be making video's of moving my babies from the old ladies "bathroom" to a new outdoor building i am getting put in here in the next week, or so! I will be decking it out for the grows, i will be doing my soil grows out there, along with my dwc "hydro" system that i have yet got to use,lol!! Just lack of room is the only reason for that! But its coming!!

And i would really like to have you sub up to my grows, and would really value your input!! I don't claim to know it all about growing, because i am still learning & will till the day i die! I have been growing now well over 11+ years, & find myself learning new techniques all the time!

anyways, i am going to stop running my mouth & get down to the grow...
In the pictures your about to see there is, sleestack x skunk, toppi canna -orange, my 100% pure sativa "hubba bubba bomb", peyote purple, royal queen critical,chemmy jones,brains choice, & i am i know leaving out some! Amd the others are sleeping right now! I will post the pics of those this eve..
I am going to gived more details about the grow in my grow journal, its in my signature..
Thanks 4 looking, & again, i would really enjoy your comments, & input! So please stop in and take a gander at the girls, & let me know what ya think???
Thanks fella's!! Dank.