wasssssup potheads

orginal sinner

New Member
this is funny..lets keep it going shall we..and to the thread starter..dont use all caps unless your in someone elses thread..it looks a lot better on yourself...yelling wont get you anywhere here..as well as being an asshole to those who are only trying to help you...you should've worded your first post in this thread a little better imo...but my opinion really doesn't matter to you im sure or anyone else's opinion for that matter..i think if anyone gave you the answer you were looking for..you would leave this site a second later never to return..so having said that...please do take the time you could be using to tend to your 2 strains you care so much about to bitch and yell at me :mrgreen:
imo... my opnion= REDUNDANT

orginal sinner

New Member
Its Actually 6 Strains All Great Cept For The 2 I Asked About Before I Got Bitch Slapped By Ignorant Scarcasim In The Verry 1st Reply.and They (the 2) Are Actually Doing Fine They Are Just Comming Around Alot Slower. And I Cant Seem To Get Cuttings To Root.when Im 100% Effective With The Other 4 Strains


Well-Known Member
So in two the 2 hours that I have been gone you guys have made no progress??

You are using soil right? You said you are hand watering. And your plants are not growing as fast as you would like. So first of all what exactly are you feeding them? How do you measuse the food? By ml, by oz, or ppm? How big are they and what stage are they in?


Active Member
This guy has nothing better to do than start a fight in a forum he doesn't belong.
He probably joins these forums for attention. If you really had a problem you would describe your situation a little better. I asked a simple question and all you wanted to do is argue with everyone. I bet I will get a response from this guy now that I said something negative about him


New Member
original, chill a bit and youll get much more help here. If you dont a mod is going to remove you from the site and youll be up shit creek with no boat so to say.

Now the plants seem to get hit with nutes hard and seem unresponsive in growth when you stop giving them nutes. Ph is the first affecting factor with nutrient solutions, So what is your ph @? Second, what brand of nutes are they getting, what is its nutrient content, and how often are you feeding and how much (I assume you have an ec meter?)?

orginal sinner

New Member
Started From Seed Last Year. Im Working With Clones Now From The Best Mother. But Even From Seed Its A Finiky Plant Verry Tempermental And Was Verry Hard To Clone Originally Now I Cant Get 1 To Take. Same Story With The Hdf


Well-Known Member
How are you cloning? Did you just have one mother? Sometimes the mother could turn out bunk, that f13 isn't stablized right? Did you take clones from different mothers? What is your ppm/ec at?


Well-Known Member
Do you have any plants in the same room that are doing well? Maybe you have bad room syndrome? Can you give more info about your flowering room. You are flowering right?

orginal sinner

New Member
My Ph Is Allways Between 6.7 To 6.9. I Use A Organic Hot Mix Of Pro Grade Potting Soil Fruit Bat Guano , And Blood Meal In The Lower 1/3 Of A 5 Gallon Bucket.in The Remaining 2/3 Simple Potting Soil. I Clone In Soil And Am Verry Effictive. So They Are Only Transplanted Once.on Day 1 Of Flower. Through Veg. I Feed Forulated Nutes With A Ratio Of 20-10-10.for Lots Of N. Now When I Transplant Into Flower I Feed Them Forulated Nutes With A Ratio Of 10-20-15 For Higher P And K. But They Only Get This For Their First 2 Weeks Of Flower Till The Roots Get Nice And Long And Fat And Start Digging Into The Hot Mix. Then They Get Straight Up Water Only For The Last 4-7 Weeks Of Flower.this Method Is Tried And True For Me.

orginal sinner

New Member
1x600 Hps Yes Hps For Veg. In Veg Room 2x 600 Watt Hps Flower Room. If I Were Growing Id Have Two Rooms
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