Why are conspiracy theorists so dumb?

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"Refusing to vaccinate a child is dangerous not just for that child but for entire communities. It's precisely this point a colleague of mine was considering when he had the idea that parents who refuse to vaccinate their kids should pay substantially higher health insurance premiums. It makes sense. Insurance, after all, is just a pool of money into which we all pay." - From Wikipedia article

That doesn't make any sense, then what was the point of the vaccines for the other children?
Ad hominem argument. Besides, the bolded don't even correlate unless you have a biased agenda. I also never said anything inaccurate, it is a fact that the government does create laws. Just because I didn't specify which part doesn't mean I was wrong. Your arguments are very, very shallow.


An ad hominem (Latin for "to the man" or "to the person"[SUP][1][/SUP]), short for argumentum ad hominem, is an argument made personally against an opponent instead of against their argument.[SUP][2][/SUP] Ad hominem reasoning is normally described as an informal fallacy,[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP][SUP][5][/SUP] more precisely an irrelevance.[SUP][6][/SUP]

You have repeatedly demonstrated your ignorance of how the FDA works and how laws are made. I asked you specifically why you are selective about using the fda as a credible source (it's in big pharmas pocket when the evidence is against your point, and it is a legitimate government agency when it supports your point). You are either claiming the fda and congress are in cahoots to kill us and make money, or you have misunderstanding of how/why the FDA follows the law and what the law is. I reject the very foundation of either, and I would do so regardless of who made the argument.

You have repeatedly demonstrated your ignorance of how the FDA works and how laws are made. I asked you specifically why you are selective about using the fda as a credible source (it's in big pharmas pocket when the evidence is against your point, and it is a legitimate government agency when it supports your point). You are either claiming the fda and congress are in cahoots to kill us and make money, or you have misunderstanding of how/why the FDA follows the law and what the law is. I reject the very foundation of either, and I would do so regardless of who made the argument.

I know what an ad hominem argument is. You did exactly that ("verbal diarrhea"). Show me where I used the FDA as evidence other than simply showing you their admitted list of vaccine ingredients. I'm claiming that the government and FDA have connections in order to gain money, power, and control. The FDA is a government agency. The pharmaceutical industry doesn't have an interest in the well-being or curing of individuals, they care about profit. That's part of why cannabis and hemp have been suppressed all these years and has so much propaganda against it. They both heavily threaten the profits of many huge corporations.
Your first response is nothing but an ad hominem that fails to counter anything I posted, as usual, typical of your posts.
Incorrect. No argumentum ad hominem is present.
Secondly, where is your proof that vaccines protect against smallpox?
It's all over the planet. What part of a severe, feared disease has been eradicated fails to register?
Did you really just say that not being able to drink clean water or have access to nutrition builds up your immune system?
If you're dehydrated and don't have any nutrients, please tell me how that builds the immune system.
Goalposts were over there, amigo. cn
I'd like to see how long you survive without nutrition or clean water. You don't bring any arguments to the table, all you do is claim my sources are wrong without providing any of your own evidence. You're off in your own delusional world where you think things are fact just because you said it.


http://www.unicef.org/pon96/hevaccin.htm <-- BTW, that's from '96.... but just to give you an idea since you clearly have no knowledge of vaccines

The first article doesn't have any evidence or sources and the second article is not only estimations (so not factual at all) but completely neglects other factors, like improved water quality, hygiene, better living conditions, easier access to food, and what not. If you think vaccines are effective, I have more knowledge of them than you do.
Incorrect. No argumentum ad hominem is present. It's all over the planet. What part of a severe, feared disease has been eradicated fails to register? Yes. Goalposts were over there, amigo. cn


So you're saying that the evidence of the smallpox vaccines effectiveness is because it's in other places that don't offer smallpox vaccines? How does malnutrition and dehydration promote a stronger immune system?
Oh please, then tell me why the Towers fell at almost free fall speed? If every action has an equal and opposite reaction those buildings should have had to build momentum slowly when they fell as the lower floors reacted to the upper ones supposedly crashing into them. It would have been bonk then bink bonk and bink and not phoof. There is your math for you. Stop drinking the cool aide.

the "mainstream media" predicted the outcome of the election to perfection using math and science.

the same math and science usually provides routine destruction to most of the theories espoused by the conspiratorial types of the world.

if you guys kept on being right, there would be less negative connotation to your label. but instead you guys keep howling about the fake moon landing, and super secret nano thermite, and gay communist hitler fluoride babies.

if they were really trying to poison us with fluoride, wouldn't they have revised the number for drinking water up instead of down? that they revised the number downwards just recently due to more topical uses of fluoride is evidence that the communists are not trying to make our babies gay with fluoride.
How the hell would you know how much formaldehyde is put into the vaccines? Because the people administering and profiting off them told you so? Besides, ingesting isn't the same thing as injecting. Again, just because you're close-minded and automatically reject anything from naturalnews doesn't disprove the factual information they publish. They're not perfect and have made mistakes in the past, but who hasn't?

And I'll ask this question again, what do you have to say about the mercury, MSG, and aluminum? And where is the evidence that vaccines have eradicated ANY diseases? Take polio for example... http://www.whale.to/vaccine/polio1.html. Vaccines did not save us or extend our lifespan... cleaner water, better hygiene, easier access to food, technological advancements, better living conditions, etc. are why we live longer. Of course the pharmaceutical industry is going to claim they're safe and recommend everyone get them... they make HUGE PROFITS off vaccines.


Why do people who have been vaccinated still get diseases?

Edit: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3170075/

Why has over $2 billion been awarded to vaccine victims by the federal government?

Look at how many people just keeled over dead after getting jabbed. PAges of search results.
The first article doesn't have any evidence or sources and the second article is not only estimations (so not factual at all) but completely neglects other factors, like improved water quality, hygiene, better living conditions, easier access to food, and what not. If you think vaccines are effective, I have more knowledge of them than you do.

Oh, come on...

Small Pox was eradicated COMPLETELY in 1979, less than 100 years after the vaccine was introduced.... and that disease had been around since 10000BC. Guess it's just a coincidence though... who knew the cure to Smallpox would really be taking baths and shopping at Walmart!
Oh please, then tell me why the Towers fell at almost free fall speed? If every action has an equal and opposite reaction those buildings should have had to build momentum slowly when they fell as the lower floors reacted to the upper ones supposedly crashing into them. It would have been bonk then bink bonk and bink and not phoof. There is your math for you. Stop drinking the cool aide.

They didn't. I didn't think we would get anymore troofers.


[h=2]Free Fall[/h] According to Roedy Green's How You Know 9-11 Was an Inside Job:
All three World Trade Towers fell faster over the first half of the collapse than physics allows by free fall. That meant they had to have an assist, e.g. an explosive push from pre-planted demolition charges, not just gravity pulling them down. The maximum collapse for free fall is computed by distance = g t
where g is the acceleration due to gravity 32 feet per second per second, and t is time in seconds. In other words, free fall collapse should start out slowly and accelerate faster and faster for the big finale.
This is just plain weird. Whether a building falls by deliberate demolition or catastrophic failure, the collapse will be governed by gravity. Even if you used a teleporter to magically make several stories vanish, the part above would only fall as fast as gravity would accelerate it. Only if there was some kind of thruster pushing the building down could it fall faster. Why install a useless Rube Goldberg device? Once the building begins to collapse, who needs anything to accelerate it? Gravity has a pretty reliable record of pulling things down. And where's the evidence for faster than free fall collapse?
The videos show that the towers took 15 seconds to collapse. The free-fall time for something to fall 400 meters is about 9 seconds. So, no, the towers did not fall faster than free fall.
911Research claims:
This rate is still much too fast to be explained by a gravity-driven collapse given that the descending rubble would have to crush and accelerate almost 1000 feet of vertical intact structure. It is especially revealing that each tower disappeared at about the same rate as the rubble fell through the air, as if the tower's structure provided no more resistance to the descent of rubble than did air.​
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[TD]All photos of the collapse show a plume of debris extending far below the main level of collapse. So the debris did fall appreciably faster than the building itself. The building provided little more resistance than air for the simple reason that a skyscraper is mostly air.In the photo at left the collapse is about where the cloud fills the entire width of the picture, but the debris in free fall has almost reached the ground.
Note that the debris is at least a building width beyond the building itself. No competent controlled demolition flings debris that far.
The fall doesn't have to crush the stories beneath. It merely has to stress the structural elements until the fasteners pop and the welds break. The impact of that pancaking material will cause the outer vertical members to bow outward, then fly outward violently when failure occurs. There's no need to appeal to explosives to fling material outward from the buildings.
If a story is 4 meters high, it will take an object about 0.9 seconds to fall one story, by which time it will be going 9 m/sec. So once the collapse starts, the overlying structure will be falling at 9 m/sec by the time it has fallen one story. If we crush the collapsing story into rubble half a meter thick and expect the collapse to stop at that point, what kinds of forces are involved? We go from 9 m/sec to zero in half a meter, or 1/18 of a second. However, during that deceleration the velocity is decreasing, and the average velocity turns out to be half of the initial velocity, so the crunch time is 1/9 second. So the acceleration is -9 m/sec divided by 1/9 sec = -81 m/sec[SUP]2[/SUP], or about 8 g's.
This is the difference between a static load and a dynamic load. In the north tower, with about ten stories above the impact, the dynamic load was about equivalent not to ten stories but to eighty, nearly the total height of the building. I doubt if the tower at that level was engineered to support eighty stories - why waste the steel? Actually the loads are much greater because the initial collapse involved a fall of about three or four stories, not just one, and the dynamic loads on the points that actually resist the fall - the welds and the rivets, will be far greater. If you try to stop the collapse in the millimeter or so a rivet or weld can deform before failing, you're talking hundreds of g's. In the south tower, where the top 25 or so stories fell, the impact load at eight g's would be equivalent to 200 stories, or twice the total height of the building. Some conspiracy buffs argue that engineering standards require a safety factor several times the actual load on the structure, but the dynamic loads would far overwhelm those standards.
This, by the way, is the reason controlled demolition works at all. If physics worked the way 9-11 conspiracy buffs think, once you blew the lower stories of a building, the upper part would just drop and remain intact. Of course it doesn't because once the building begins to fall, the dynamic loads are far beyond the static strength of the building.
911Research devotes a lot of effort to debunking what it regards as disinformation campaigns designed to deflect attention from the theory of controlled demolition. But we keep coming back to the fundamental issue how any building can fall faster than gravity or why a conspirator would feel the need to set up a mechanism to do something so useless.
jtprin, my hat goes off to you. you may in fact be one of the best trolls on RIU. not only are you annoying and deliberate, but you are dedicated to your verbal diarrhea. and i know you are not this fucking stupid, so I have to assume you are doing this for shits and giggles. and for that, my hat goes off to you.

and i have to assume when finspaggy fucked you in the ass, some of his annoying man fluids became part of you, and thusly are carrying the torch.. ie. finspaggy lives on through you.
I have a theory.

Xbox one is going to use it's kinect to monitor peoples behavior. First to profit by selling that information to advertisors and then later by giving the information to the government.

I thought this the moment I saw the press release on Xbox Live. Then like a week later they admitted they would use the information to tailor advertisements to the user.

I am psychic.
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