wasssssup potheads

orginal sinner

New Member
whats up pot heads i am a experienced grower and have had success growing all but 2 strains. so i need some growing tips for th seeds heavy duty fruity. and dj shorts f-13. so lets have em.


Well-Known Member
If you are an experience grower why do you need tips?
There are so many strains that it is impossible to grow all but 2.

Name all the strains you have grown and we can compare the f13 and fruity to those and give you tips in their similiritys becuase ur an expert..

orginal sinner

New Member
If you are an experience grower why do you need tips?
There are so many strains that it is impossible to grow all but 2.

Name all the strains you have grown and we can compare the f13 and fruity to those and give you tips in their similiritys becuase ur an expert..
dude your a idiot looking for attention. ive had verry good success growing many strains. but i cant seem to get heavy duty fruity or f-13 to thrive.no matter what i try. any tips anyone


Well-Known Member
bro everyone is about to probably talk mad sh*t on you.

Dear threadstarter,

If you want to know a specific question regarding the strain then post that. Otherwise your question is way too broad. You experienced grower, you.

Thank you and God bless,
- icurbyou

orginal sinner

New Member

Dear threadstarter,

If you want to know a specific question regarding the strain then post that. Otherwise your question is way too broad. You experienced grower, you.

Thank you and God bless,
- icurbyou
ok kiddies playtime is over so fuck off ya little dick

orginal sinner

New Member

Dear threadstarter,

If you want to know a specific question regarding the strain then post that. Otherwise your question is way too broad. You experienced grower, you.

Thank you and God bless,
- icurbyou
how is this question way too broad you narrow minded retard? any tips on getting hdfr or f-13 to thrive????(way too broad lol)


Well-Known Member
yeah, by the way you word your questions we can tell your skill level. I wasn't trying to diss you.


Well-Known Member
Ok, so you have grown every strain ever. What is the problem with the new one? What stage are you at? What is making you think that they aren't "thriving"? Come on man, and you started 2 threads with the exact same question...


Well-Known Member
yeah that is what I said. Then that dude is tring to get all pissed off. It is obvious he is lying about his skill level and I think that is really lame if you need help.


Well-Known Member
he would rather start a fight than answer some simple grow questions that you would think he would have asked any way. THRIVE what the hell is that. What base is he judging his plants success on. He MUST be a professional scarface weed baron hydro expert that has grown every weed ever. We sould be askin him all the questions..

orginal sinner

New Member
Ok, so you have grown every strain ever. What is the problem with the new one? What stage are you at? What is making you think that they aren't "thriving"? Come on man, and you started 2 threads with the exact same question...
no one said ANYTHING ABOUT EVERY STRAIN EVER. so why are you putting words in my mouth?m it is a pretty cut and dry post. out of the strains ive grown ive had good success xcept with the 2 strains i mentioned. you follow so far? so i want to hear from other experienced growers (and that aint you)on if they have some tips


Well-Known Member
no one said ANYTHING ABOUT EVERY STRAIN EVER. so why are you putting words in my mouth?m it is a pretty cut and dry post. out of the strains ive grown ive had good success xcept with the 2 strains i mentioned. you follow so far? so i want to hear from other experienced growers (and that aint you)on if they have some tips
----> have had success growing all but 2 strains. <----