Uncle Ben's Gardening Tweeks and Pointers

Interesting read of how to induce tropical fruits to initiate flowering. You guys know I use Bonzi (paclo) on outdoor plants, right?

How does paclobutrazol act?

Available evidence strongly suggests that flower initiation depends on the presence of an unknown flower promoting
factor or factors synthesised in the leaves. At the same time, there are other factors in the shoots
which work against the flowering factor or factors. It is believed that a group of plant hormones called
gibberellins act as inhibitors to flowering. When paclobutrazol is applied to the soil, it moves up through the
roots into the shoots and, due to its anti-gibberellin properties, blocks the synthesis of flowering inhibitors,
thereby allowing the flower-promoting factor(s) to work.
Interesting read of how to induce tropical fruits to initiate flowering. You guys know I use Bonzi (paclo) on outdoor plants, right?

How does paclobutrazol act?

Available evidence strongly suggests that flower initiation depends on the presence of an unknown flower promoting
factor or factors synthesised in the leaves. At the same time, there are other factors in the shoots
which work against the flowering factor or factors. It is believed that a group of plant hormones called
gibberellins act as inhibitors to flowering. When paclobutrazol is applied to the soil, it moves up through the
roots into the shoots and, due to its anti-gibberellin properties, blocks the synthesis of flowering inhibitors,
thereby allowing the flower-promoting factor(s) to work.

It's also a likely toxic, and illegal to use on consumable crops according to the EPA.

Paclobutrazol (PBZ) is triazole-containing fungicides and widely used in
agriculture as an efficient plant growth retardant. However, far fewer studies
addressing the reproductive toxicity of PBZ on fishes are available. The present
study was conducted to investigate the effects of PBZ at environmentally relevant
concentrations on testicular development in male rockfish Sebastiscus marmoratus
and to gain insight into its mechanism of action. After exposure to 10, 100 and
1000 ng/L PBZ for 50 d, although the gonadosomatic index did not show a
significant alteration, there was a reduced number of mature sperm and an
abundance of the late stages of spermatocysts in the testes. The activity of
γ-glutamyl transpeptidase (which is used as a Sertoli cell marker) was decreased
in a dose-dependent manner after PBZ exposure, which might be a result of the
reduction in FSHβ expression in the brain. The toxicity induced by accumulation
of PBZ in the brain might be primary cause impacting the spermatogenesis via
brain-pituitary-gonad pathway.

Products containing paclobutrazol must be registered as pesticides, and may not be applied to crops used for food or animal feed. The two products offered by Emerald Triangle, a company specializing in hydroponic supplies, are not registered with EPA, and their labels do not include any statements to inform consumers of how to safely handle the product, or to warn consumers against applying the products to food or feed crops, as required by federal law.

As the products contain ingredients that may be potentially harmful if misapplied and do not contain adequate warnings or other information for the consumer, the Oregon Department of Agriculture considers the products to be adulterated. Any sale of these products in Oregon is a violation of Oregon law, with civil penalties of up to $10,000. In addition, as a possible violation of federal law, ODA’s test results have been forwarded to EPA.
Tell that to commercial Aussie and Indian fruit growers:



I had an Aussie hydro grower that used it religiously. Me and mah friends are still standing and one of my friends got 90% of my outdoor Haze and Peak19 that was treated with a 2% solution. :)

Screw the EPA. They're just another bully arm extension of the Obama administration. He's got plenty these days ya know - NSA, IRS....
Many toxins won't kill or hurt you right away. That still doesn't make them safe. Ever hear of long term toxicity build up. Its a real thing. If you and your friends want to ingest it go for it, but recommending it for general public consumption is irresponsible.
Many toxins won't kill or hurt you right away. That still doesn't make them safe. Ever hear of long term toxicity build up. Its a real thing. If you and your friends want to ingest it go for it, but recommending it for general public consumption is irresponsible.

You want me to be responsible for your choices?
As humans, we are all responsible for the choices of humanity.

Bullshit. Don't nanny me with your liberal twisted view of the world.

Yes, cannabis is toxic, everything is toxic to a degree but like I said, it's not the poison it's the amount.

Kite High, might wanna check this out brother. The entire article, not just the blurp below -

Doblin and Kleiman (1991) document the widespread illicit use of marijuana for medical purposes. Nearly half of the oncologists polled by Doblin and Kleiman recommended that their patients experiment with marijuana as a medicine. Many of these patients, however, are immuno-suppressed, making them very susceptible to opportunistic bacteria and fungi. Since hundreds of bacteria and fungi are associated with the cultivation of marijuana (McPartland 1991), possible microbiological hazards need to be assessed.

A majority of the organisms associated with marijuana are strictly plant pathogens. They cannot infect healthy humans. But a subset of opportunistic plant pathogens are associated with "post-harvest" or "storage" decay of marijuana. These organisms may infect immuno-compromised individuals and become opportunistic human pathogens. Additionally, many opportunist organisms on plants produce dangerous toxins and/or elicit allergenic reactions when inhaled.

Lastly, a handful of strictly human pathogens have been isolated from marijuana, as contaminants. These agents are highly infectious, and some also exude toxins.
hey ub one question can i pair two fertilzers for flowering which gives me me a ratio in total of 30:21:21??

Sure, especially if it's dry salts. Everyone is using pretty much the same salts in their foods. If in liquid form, mix in a jar with water, shake and wait for any precipitates to fall out. Don't use if precips fall out of solution.

Sure, water has a toxicity level as well. Big difference between water and DDT. Big difference between ganja and Palco.
Hey UB, great thread. Lots of good info in here, and your other threads as well.

The Nitrogen stuff during flower really makes sense to me. I hated watching my plants slowly "die" last year using fox farms.

Here's my question, I'm using A 16-16-16 all purpose fertilizer (Maxsea) plus some cal/mag right now outdoors in well amended soil. I feed every other watering for the most part. Going great so far. Big healthy green plants.

I have never used the Maxsea Bloom formula (3-20-20) but I don't think it has enough nitrogen. I believe it's not intended to be used alone. For example, The manufacturer recommends mixing the all purpose and bloom together at half strength for Roses (10-20-20 according to their website, 9.5-18-18 by my math).

My question is, as I move into flower here in the next few weeks, should I:

A) Continue to use the 16-16-16.

B) continue using the 16-16-16, with the occasional dose of the 3-20-20 (I believe the label suggests weekly)

C) mix the two together at half strength (9.5-18-18 )(still seems low on the N to me, but better than the 3-20-20 alone.)

D) use the 3-20-20 but supplement with the 16-16-16 when it appears that more Nitrogen is needed.


oh, and I also have some 9-3-1 bat guano on hand I can throw in as needed (I used it as a pre-stretch top dressing for a bit of "time release" nitrogen), and I do have a tub of Jacks 20-10-20 around here somewhere as well.
