Yeah, I will admit that you guys in Cali really get alot of choices when it comes to what you can get, and you have the best medicinal laws in the country. Better protection from the law also. There are some very good things goin' on there, and for some people Cali is the best place to be for pot.
For me, personally, I love the way that north-cali weed gets up here, and is still just $10 bucks a gram, most of the time. It has something to do with the relatively cheap, but still decent beester from Canada that helps keep the cost of the kind bud down. Competetion, the open marketplace. The American Dream, Baby! Plus we grow alot of good shit here too, its our #5 cash crop state-wide (yes I know in cali it's #1, lol).
I have heard of the AAA or best quality (whatever you want to call the fire) going for alot more than $10 a gram for the super chronic. Californian based web sites for the medical community that rate different strains with pictures, and info like price per gram. I saw up to $35 a gram for the Crip, whereas the MOST I would ever be forced to pay would be like $12 or $13 a gram and thats in small quantities only. I don't live in Cali, but we have medical shit here too and in Washington it is cheaper. Just a personal opinion, but I have done my research and LOVE where I live

. If you love Cali best, thats cool with me. As a matter of fact, tell your neighbors to quit moving up here, lol!