First grow! 600w HPS 3X6 12 seeds!

sorry ive jus been skeptical (paranoid) about puttin everything on here... its fun and useful but kind of scary with all the info out there... lol im sure im prolly jus being lazy n ill get back to it all.

but i germinated two of the new seeds. they are in their teen homes about to pop their helmets.
#1 stunna has too much nutes i think so i flushed it.
hope is curling downwards, still tryin to really figure out.
everything else is pretty much where they should be at or accelerating faster then i would thought. but the whole point of this grow was to push the limits a bit.
but ill tell what two new seeds i planted. they are both Kosher Kush.
pictures of them all, including close ups of ones that are having problems. i'm trying to learn as much as i can, so yea logging a lot of this trial and error. both of my KK seem healthy and serious.


Well-Known Member
pictures of them all, including close ups of ones that are having problems. i'm trying to learn as much as i can, so yea logging a lot of this trial and error. both of my KK seem healthy and serious.
Looks like a nice, good, solid start. So are they all around 12 days from seed now?
its a good thing i didnt start off with purchased seeds. learning so much. but i still plan on havin some fire! im worried bout hermi issues.
gona have to transplant soon. prolly 3gal so i can save some $, then ladies go into 5gal. oh and top at 3gal homes. ive been playing around with the nutes, very lightly, and they are a bit sensitive to it. so i still going pretty slow, tomorrow will be 1tsp, which is most ive done so far. not for all of the plants to of course, ill give less for the smaller ones. i got one of the kosher out in the open, doing good. oh and only nute im using is grow big. ive been watering everyday, and feeding every other day tomorrow will be 3rd time being fed. i screwed up the first time on nutes... tsp/tbs..... nehowz.... lesson learned paid for it. i was thinkin of not watering for a day but i dont think i should, the pots seem to get pretty light the next day. definately will have better safer systems my next op.
Curly is suppose to be an og kush i believe..... i hope "Hope" is gona be a beauty...!! most of these guys are bagseeds that were indicas i think. some kind of g13 type possibly. i think well have an idea of what it is. bottom of the bigger ones roots are starting to show on the bottom. ill have to wait a bit to trans due to money reasons. or ill do it as cheap as possible.