Bianca Grow from seed in 18 gallon bubbler


Active Member
I tried Germinating 3 seeds, but got 2 sprouts. I have had bad luck with these seeds, hopefully I get a female to clone from the 2 that germ'd.

18 gallon res with 9 gallons of water.

Here they are, 1 day after germ.

Bianca #1

Bianca #2


Active Member
22 days after germ. Finally a couple pictures worth posting. Seems to be growing slower than White Widow did.
I havent givin any nutes yet. Is it about time to start feeding??????

Bianca #1 (Not as healthy looking as #2)

Bianca #2


Well-Known Member
Subbed(subscribed) to your thread. He will be following your grow. What kind of nutes are we working with?


Well-Known Member
image.jpgThis is where I topped my girl in veg (first top). So you're pretty much right along where I was. My general rule of thumb about adding nutes is when the cotyledons start to wither away is when I begin my veg nute feeding regime. I also noticed that you were using FF tiger bloom in your feeding schedule. In my experience, I've only used tiger bloom in my flowering regime. That was a soil grow however so it could be different in hydro. I don't mean to scrutinize but in your last picture upload I noticed a lot of nitrogen deficiency on the lower set of leaves. What are you exactly feeding (strength wise) in your regime?


Active Member
View attachment 2764343This is where I topped my girl in veg (first top). So you're pretty much right along where I was. My general rule of thumb about adding nutes is when the cotyledons start to wither away is when I begin my veg nute feeding regime. I also noticed that you were using FF tiger bloom in your feeding schedule. In my experience, I've only used tiger bloom in my flowering regime. That was a soil grow however so it could be different in hydro. I don't mean to scrutinize but in your last picture upload I noticed a lot of nitrogen deficiency on the lower set of leaves. What are you exactly feeding (strength wise) in your regime?
I have only givin these plants a 1/3 dose of Earth Juice Prime.
I have not done full Veg nutes yet.
Typically I use 1/3 recommended dose.
For Veg it will be Earth Juice Prime and Grow for about 4 weeks. then 2 weeks veg of Prime, Grow and Tiger bloom, same for 1st 2 weeks of flower. then the rest of flower 3-6 weeks of Prime and Earth Juice Finis. I might continue Tiger bloom for a bit longer in flower, depends on how she is looking.
I have not gone over 1/3 dose but once, plants started wilting, flushed and went back to 1/3, no problem since. I am probably not feeding them enough, but Im a bit paranoid of them dying.


Well-Known Member
Paranoia is your worst enemy when it comes to anything hydroponic...growing in general. I am a simple man and I like to keep things simple. I've never used the nute lineup you have yourself there. General Hydroponics 3 part series has never let me down in hydro. You can get simpler than that if you want...go GH flora series, it's a one shot deal from what I hear. But honestly, I've never had my plants wilt on me before at any time using GH series and I'm very conservative with them (dosage wise). In fact, all I use is the caps of the bottles to measure out my dosages and my girls are hardy and not starved whatsoever. Point I'm trying to make here is that


Active Member
In the future I would add 25 PPM of nutes on day 1 from seed and increase at a rate of 20 - 25 PPM per week. My plants are literally 10X larger at the same age as your 22 days old pics and thats regardless of strain. I too used to wait 2 weeks before adding nutes but now on my simple schedule I am consistently starting flower at 14 days from seed, 17 days max. Makes a huge difference and shaves a considerable amount of veg time off.


Active Member
In the future I would add 25 PPM of nutes on day 1 from seed and increase at a rate of 20 - 25 PPM per week. My plants are literally 10X larger at the same age as your 22 days old pics and thats regardless of strain. I too used to wait 2 weeks before adding nutes but now on my simple schedule I am consistently starting flower at 14 days from seed, 17 days max. Makes a huge difference and shaves a considerable amount of veg time off.
WOW! Seriously? I will have to give it a try. Ill add nutes today.


Active Member
WOW! Seriously? I will have to give it a try. Ill add nutes today.
I promise the next time you will literally hit your self in the head for not using nutes all along! :mrgreen: Like I said I first started the same way and always waited but than cam across a good journal from someone who broke the whole "nutes aren't needed at first" myth. I have even grown plants to where they never tapped into the food reserve in the little round leaves so they just grew and grew all the way to flower becoming the size of fingernails! no joke =)

I start 12/12 at 50 to 75 PPM (GH Flora 3 part) and feed in veg amounts all the way till hairs show then transition to flower schedule. I have never used more then 300 PPM of nutes and usually never go above 250 PPM and can get over 1 gram per watt each and every time, My record so far is 1.55 GPW!

Correction: My record gram per watt is 1.45 not 1.55 GPW but maybe this time :P