What is happening here???


Well-Known Member
image.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgimage.jpgIn flower for about 6 weeks. First grow, in shitty MG soil, pH problems (shitty MG soil), lockout...4 in flower, but this is only happening to one! The other three have fluffy Snow White hairs!! What's the deal??


Well-Known Member
how much are you feeding it?
I WAS feeding Dyna Bloom at 1/4 tsp per gallon and CalMag at 1 tsp per gallon...BUT the soil I'm in has time release nutes and I'm constantly chasing pH (cant seem to get it above 5.5) and dealing with lockout. SOOO...plain pH'd water it is...don't know what else to do! I feel like I'm between a rock and a hard place! Here is a pic of one of the others...



the hairs all start to eventually die and receede into the bud, they are called pistils, when they all die the plant stops swelling as much and its time to harvest, everything looks great here, keep doing what you are, maybe feed with pure water more, thats all, good luck friend


Well-Known Member
the hairs all start to eventually die and receede into the bud, they are called pistils, when they all die the plant stops swelling as much and its time to harvest, everything looks great here, keep doing what you are, maybe feed with pure water more, thats all, good luck friend
That's all Ive put in them for a couple weeks and due to my pH issues I will most likely be finishing that way...so much to improve on my next attempt


Well-Known Member
I'd say give it more time... On your next grow i suggest a soiless medium...

May want to cut down on nutrients
I think I'm gonna stick with soil for now, just won't be MG!! Lol...what makes you think I need to cut down on nutes...I'm not using any and when I was it was minimal????
Nitrogen toxicity happens when the plant receives to much of it... In this case it was already in the soil....it wont kill your plant just stunt growth

Look into a seed starting mix...

Good luck


Active Member
don't use mg soil get a good organic soil and start there take the less is more approach trust me on this!


Well-Known Member
I run DWC in bloom these days but can't recommend Happy Frog enough from anything from seeds to bloom. It's very user friendly and trumped Ocean Forest in all of the side by sides I ran. Hands down the best dirt I've ever used. Fwiw