Impossible! The deficit is falling as well as unemployment Obama wrecking economy

5% delivery rate with Comex...

45% delivery rate with the Shanghai Exchange...

I wonder why China is buying so much physical...
Wait wait, are you saying Max Keiser is some amateur conspiracy geek?

He has his own financial news show, he created the hollywood stock exchange, invented the software that hedge funds use.

1) I looked at his biography and there's nothing about inventing hedge fund software in it. He doesn't even claim it on his own web site.
2) HSX was sold for a pittance after the dot com crash; it is not a large and thriving business today.
3) His financial news show is on RT, funded and controlled exclusively by the Russian government.

So yes, Max Keiser is an amateur conspiracy geek.

Perhaps you means Dave Kranzler, Wall street Veteran and hedge fund manager? What would he know right?

Or perhaps it was The account executive for a futures brokerage?

Anyone of those people has more knowledge of the futures market and the rarity of physical delivery in their little finger than you have in your entire body.

Then when asked to provide evidence that would refute our evidence, you got bupkis.

Denial is not a river in Egypt.

Admit it, you got nothing.

Now move along.

Maybe you should read the memo from the account executive instead of just referring to it, because it's giving detailed instructions on how to obtain physical delivery. But I actually read it, which is more consideration than you give to almost any source you post.
2) HSX was sold for a pittance after the dot com crash; it is not a large and thriving business today. Logical Fallacy, statement invalid
3) His financial news show is on RT, funded and controlled exclusively by the Russian government. Logical Fallacy, statement invalid

So yes, Max Keiser is an amateur conspiracy geek. Logical fallacy, statement invalid

Maybe you should read the memo from the account executive instead of just referring to it, because it's giving detailed instructions on how to obtain physical delivery. But I actually read it, which is more consideration than you give to almost any source you post.
Taking delivery is not a common occurrence in the futures markets, and does involve a number of considerations.
I made it really big and crimson so even you reading compensation not fail you.

We never claimed that you COULD NOT GET physical, we said it was RARE, then someone claimed 5%, we put up evidence to suggest, that yes indeed, its pretty fucking rare. Less than 5% All you had in return was AD hominems. Nothing. Less than nothing really, because you hide behind your inflated Ego. I wonder what Buck's wife would classify your "specialness" as?
I made it really big and crimson so even you reading compensation not fail you.

We never claimed that you COULD NOT GET physical, we said it was RARE, then someone claimed 5%, we put up evidence to suggest, that yes indeed, its pretty fucking rare. Less than 5% All you had in return was AD hominems. Nothing. Less than nothing really, because you hide behind your inflated Ego. I wonder what Buck's wife would classify your "specialness" as?

Are you absolutely sure about that? What if I could pull up a quote right now where you say you cannot get physical delivery?

Edit: I decided I couldn't wait, because I knew when I said it that the contradictory quotes were right in this thread. Allow me to present them to you:

For Harrekin:

"Try take delivery on a Comex gold cert.

Ill talk to you in a couple of years when they're still making excuses why they havnt delivered yet...

"EVERYBODY but you seems to be acutely aware of the fact gold certs are simply for trading, you will NEVER be let redeem them."


"It doesn't happen, you either get a cash settlement or a rollover, delivery NEVER HAPPENS."

For NoDrama:

"Gold can only be delivered to you in physical form if you are a licensed depository, otherwise its cash settlement only. Thems is the rules.

No one is getting physical.

"[In reference to one of Harrekin's statements above] You are correct, Tokenprep is wrong, but will not admit it. never will, too much pride and an Ego that barely lets his head fit through doorways."


So, NoDrama, I really hate to burst your bubble, but I remember exactly what both of you said, and it's quite a bit different than what you're recalling.
Are you absolutely sure about that? What if I could pull up a quote right now where you say you cannot get physical delivery?

Edit: I decided I couldn't wait, because I knew when I said it that the contradictory quotes were right in this thread. Allow me to present them to you:

For Harrekin:

"Try take delivery on a Comex gold cert.

Ill talk to you in a couple of years when they're still making excuses why they havnt delivered yet...

"EVERYBODY but you seems to be acutely aware of the fact gold certs are simply for trading, you will NEVER be let redeem them."


"It doesn't happen, you either get a cash settlement or a rollover, delivery NEVER HAPPENS."

For NoDrama:

"Gold can only be delivered to you in physical form if you are a licensed depository, otherwise its cash settlement only. Thems is the rules.

No one is getting physical.

"[In reference to one of Harrekin's statements above] You are correct, Tokenprep is wrong, but will not admit it. never will, too much pride and an Ego that barely lets his head fit through doorways."


So, NoDrama, I really hate to burst your bubble, but I remember exactly what both of you said, and it's quite a bit different than what you're recalling.
I said it's basically impossible with less than a 5% delivery rate, thanks for quoting it.

Why are you SO dumb?
Are you absolutely sure about that? What if I could pull up a quote right now where you say you cannot get physical delivery?

Edit: I decided I couldn't wait, because I knew when I said it that the contradictory quotes were right in this thread. Allow me to present them to you:


So, NoDrama, I really hate to burst your bubble, but I remember exactly what both of you said, and it's quite a bit different than what you're recalling.

Nice try, but editing our comments and taking them out of context won't work here. LOL you can edit shit any way you want, but anyone can just read the ACTUAL posts and figure it all out.

At best you are an amateur, your barely relevant points don't even pique the interest of most.

You got served, your little ego is hurt, we get it. Now go away little girl and lick your wounds to come back another day for a good lashing.

Nice try, but editing our comments and taking them out of context won't work here. LOL you can edit shit any way you want, but anyone can just read the ACTUAL posts and figure it all out.

At best you are an amateur, your barely relevant points don't even pique the interest of most.

You got served, your little ego is hurt, we get it. Now go away little girl and lick your wounds to come back another day for a good lashing.


I didn't take anything out of context. That's what you both were saying about delivery 100 pages ago when I was linking to the settlement rules. You were both slapping each other on the back declaring that there was no delivery possible.

Now that you posted tons of information on how to get delivery on Comex contracts, it looks pretty foolish to say that delivery is impossible, so you've changed your story: now it's just rare. Not only did you change your story, you denied ever saying that delivery was impossible.

I don't care what you think. The truth is right here for everyone to see.
I didn't take anything out of context. That's what you both were saying about delivery 100 pages ago when I was linking to the settlement rules. You were both slapping each other on the back declaring that there was no delivery possible.

Now that you posted tons of information on how to get delivery on Comex contracts, it looks pretty foolish to say that delivery is impossible, so you've changed your story: now it's just rare. Not only did you change your story, you denied ever saying that delivery was impossible.

I don't care what you think. The truth is right here for everyone to see.
Ok try take a delivery then...

But you havnt... have you?

So stfu.
I didn't take anything out of context. That's what you both were saying about delivery 100 pages ago when I was linking to the settlement rules. You were both slapping each other on the back declaring that there was no delivery possible.

Now that you posted tons of information on how to get delivery on Comex contracts, it looks pretty foolish to say that delivery is impossible, so you've changed your story: now it's just rare. Not only did you change your story, you denied ever saying that delivery was impossible.

I don't care what you think. The truth is right here for everyone to see.

Maybe you should actually read what I said instead of just taking your buddy's word for it. If you bothered to be fair and impartial about it, you would see that I never said what he claimed. He stuck it in quotes even though I never said anything remotely close to it.

The truth is, we have the evidence and you have NOTHING to the contrary.

For some reason you aren't even trying.

When I was agreeing to Harrekin it wasn't that post, hence I did not quote it dummy. You took it out of context, now you backpedal and DENY DENY DENY.

The only thing you have given so far are ad hominem attacks which are logical fallacies which are INVALID STATEMENTS.

Your whole argument IS INVALID.

In a debate they would have asked you to leave the podium.
Betcha TokenCunt is just frustrated cos noone will ride her arrogant and (no doubt) marshmellow-like lesbian self...
The truth is, we have the evidence and you have NOTHING to the contrary.

For some reason you aren't even trying.

What evidence? The rantings of amateur conspiracy theorists who are trying to hawk metals and bit coins? That's not evidence. I have begged and begged and begged for evidence, and instead of showing me that delivery is impossible, you post articles describing how I can take delivery.

When you prove my points for me, I don't need anything to the contrary.

When I was agreeing to Harrekin it wasn't that post, hence I did not quote it dummy. You took it out of context, now you backpedal and DENY DENY DENY.

The only thing you have given so far are ad hominem attacks which are logical fallacies which are INVALID STATEMENTS.

Your whole argument IS INVALID.

In a debate they would have asked you to leave the podium.

1) I only attack people when they attack me first after they refuse to provide evidence for their claims. Otherwise I never do it. Ask anyone in this forum.
2) Evidently you don't know what "logical fallacy" is.
3) My argument was that you can get delivery and yours was (originally) that you could not. You're the one backpedaling, but you have no choice now, given that you posted a ton of articles saying that you can indeed get delivery.
Betcha TokenCunt is just frustrated cos noone will ride her arrogant and (no doubt) marshmellow-like lesbian self...

Somehow I think I'm far more attractive, in much better shape, and have a substantially bigger penis than you do.

Maybe because you're so insecure in the face of my absolute confidence.
Somehow I think I'm far more attractive, in much better shape, and have a substantially bigger penis than you do.

Maybe because you're so insecure in the face of my absolute confidence.
Absolute ignorance more like...

You're fucking pathetic, do the world a favour and go take too many of your pills or something.
Somehow I think I'm far more attractive, in much better shape, and have a substantially bigger penis than you do.

Maybe because you're so insecure in the face of my absolute confidence.

that wouldn't take much since harrekin is a bald, middle aged divorced guy, most likely with a sizable spare tire to accompany the shiny dome he's sporting.
that wouldn't take much since harrekin is a bald, middle aged divorced guy, most likely with a sizable spare tire to accompany the shiny dome he's sporting.

Fellas with spaghetti arms that look like their wrists continue all the way up to their shoulders, probably shouldn't be critiquing other dude's physiques. Seriously, have you ever lifted a weight in your life?