How am I doing? Please be honest!!


Well-Known Member
Ya, my brother in law would be a little jealous, cause me and my sis share everything :shock: yep him too, that's why I'm still single, cause they wouldn't understand, no really he wouldn't be jealous, my sis likes him to herself ALOT, the BITCH, lol, we were drunk one night and...what can I say, he's is a good looking man :roll:
What in the hell are you doing girl??? You know Nance is gona kill you for this right? Please delete all that personal stuff would you....before we both get in trouble...


What in the hell are you doing girl??? You know Nance is gona kill you for this right? Please delete all that personal stuff would you....before we both get in trouble...
lol, you're supposed to be at work, and really, Nance is sitting here with me and she knows.

Ya, whatcha tryin to hide babe?


Well-Known Member
Ooooh shit.

NOW this threads getting good!

Seriously, you guys are crazy. My girlfriend likes a good threesome when she's drunk but SISTERS?!?! + rep RiKnSTEIN


Well-Known Member
Haha, my sis and her husband, they are on this site too, maybe you know them, RIKNSTEIN, he's Rik and she's N Stein
Thanks for puttin our names out there baby girl
Ya, my brother in law would be a little jealous, cause me and my sis share everything :shock: yep him too, that's why I'm still single, cause they wouldn't understand, no really he wouldn't be jealous, my sis likes him to herself ALOT, the BITCH, lol, we were drunk one night and...what can I say, he's is a good looking man :roll:
And REALLY thanks for putting that OUT there.....learn not to kiss and tell :cuss:
Riknstein is this you ;)
HELL NO, I would never start talking about that shit here man...I don't kiss and tell :roll:
Haha, no he's working, and will probably shit for me sayin all this stuff
And tell her what she's won Jonny...
It's not like it's all the time, just when we get to drinkin, and none of us drink much, so it's been a few times, it's not like I don't have a DOC (dick on call) hehe
I..I...I just don't know what the fuck to say about this
Uh oh, fun police lol. Wait whos playin bad cop lmao. Nobody reads these things anyway.
Always my wife :hump:
Yep we just finished, if you can't tell, no inhibitions, lol
Ahh ya, I can
Thor and Alien, LOL.
Start kickin each other in the snatch, and 11 pages later...........
I know right...I just read this thread from the beggining and WOW she really put me on front street didn't she....I HOPE their parents NEVER see this :roll:


Well-Known Member
Thanks for puttin our names out there baby girl

And REALLY thanks for putting that OUT there.....learn not to kiss and tell :cuss:

HELL NO, I would never start talking about that shit here man...I don't kiss and tell :roll:

And tell her what she's won Jonny...

I..I...I just don't know what the fuck to say about this

Always my wife :hump:

Ahh ya, I can

I know right...I just read this thread from the beggining and WOW she really put me on front street didn't she....I HOPE their parents NEVER see this :roll:
IDK man, I must have missed the good shit.
After the fucked up thread jack by page 3, I skipped to the end to post.