Well-Known Member
Excellent posts. As far as cost, I do not sell any of my plants so need to be mindful of the expenses. I gave away several ounces recently, for a good cause. My wife is the most frugal human ever to walk the planet so I must be as economical as possible if I want to keep relations good on the home front. She is already distressed about the electric bill so keeping the other costs down is a priority. Also, the fact that the nute makers are profiteering, taking what I think is an unethically high profit from their product, I think in collusion with the others in the industry, is enough to get my goat. If I can make the equivalent of Sweet in my kitchen for 1-2% of what it costs to buy it, well I should, just because it is the right thing to do. If it really has some exotic formula that justifies the high cost, so be it, I'll keep buying it. But if it is just sugar water, why not take control of making it and maybe even make it better?
That makes total sense bro! I know how the whole money thing goes. Everything is so expensive you virtually have to take donations from patients to survive. The problem is some patients may be really sick and can't work. They don't even have any money for food more the less medicine. Those are the ones you give the meds to for free. Other patients may have a good job, making lots of money but just have small pain issues every once in a while. Those patients can afford to donate more. Patients helping patients...
Thanks for helping others bro! That's why I started this thread. Keep up the good work and let us know how everything turns out.