Impossible! The deficit is falling as well as unemployment Obama wrecking economy

That's God-damned ironic...

You are the dumbest, most ignorant cunt Iv ever "spoken" to.

Obviously not. The people who lie and mislead all the time in this forum just despise me for ruining their parties.

I could care less. You can never show me your facts because you aren't standing on any, and everyone here knows it. What you have to say about me doesn't bother me at all, it just reinforces that you have absolutely no substance and undermines every opinion you espouse.
Physical delivery?

Its rare.
For silver its a fucking huge hassle as you can only get silver from the custodian in 10,000 ounce blocks. Millionaires need only apply. Even then you only get a certificate issued from the Warehouse, which you must then get with a broker to actually get your metal, then there are storage fees, insurance, transport fees. Its actually much much cheaper and far easier for the vast vast majority of actual people to go to the retail outlets and buy it.

Gold is a bit better in that the minimum you need is 100 ounces and you can get them direct from the custodian, for a fee.

of course anyone with a brain who does a little bit of searching can find all the evidence one needs to prove this point.

From a futures broker:
Taking delivery is not a common occurrence in the futures markets, and does involve a number of considerations.

From the COMEX itself:

physical Delivery

Both the futures and gold ETFs provide a mechanism for the physical
delivery of gold. Investors interested in obtaining gold through the
purchase of COMEX Gold futures or gold ETFs should recognize that
there are standard procedures and quantities used for delivery and
redemption. For example, a large commercial bank, who acts as the
trustee of the SPDR GLD ETF deals with creation and redemption
of gold from its London vaults in blocks of 100,000 shares (10,000
troy ounces). This trustee does not deal directly with the public, so
any individual investor wishing to exchange shares for physical gold
would have to come to the appropriate arrangements with a broker.
In contrast, COMEX Gold futures (100 troy ounces) are available
for delivery, in accordance with the details of the contract, from an

exchange licensed New York City depository.

From ETFnews:
The vast majority of futures contracts end up being settled in cash

From the business insider:
Most commodity futures contract positions are closed prior to the delivery period. This means that more often than not, the people that contract to trade on the exchange liquidate their contractual commitments prior to having to take delivery

Then this little tidbit from the Zerohedge vaults:
an accounting of how JP Morgan is built on a house of cards since they took over Bear Stearns gold and silver hedging strategies.

From Gold Price.
In Gold and silver future trading, the precious metal is usually not delivered but a cash settlement is affected.

Taking delivery of a commodity is not usual and some brokers might try and talk you out of it as it involves more work for them.

of course more damning evidence such as this is certain to show up:
In theory investors are able to take delivery of the futures contract on expiry, although few do, instead choosing to roll the contract.

This may not be a bad thing as there is currently only 6 million troy ounces of eligible gold in the COMEX depositories. Whilst these gold inventories would allow delivery against all the May contracts currently traded on COMEX it is only enough to allow delivery against 33% of the June contracts. Contracts spanning May through until August represent 31 million troy ounces of gold, of which less than 5% of these could be delivered upon at current COMEX depository holdings.

This isn't some new thing, even the boys over a Kitco complain about how hard it is to get the physical from the COMEX.

Then special tidbits like this here pop up:

Investor gold is not "eligible" for delivery on futures contracts. The gold that can be delivered is sitting in "registered" accounts. The amount of registered gold currently is 2.28 million ozs. The total open interest in futures contracts for gold is 416,000 contracts, or contracts representing 41.6 million ozs. Essentially there's 18x more paper gold in the form of futures open interest than there is gold that can be delivered. The June front month for gold has 255,000 open contracts, or 25.5mm ozs open. That's 11x the amount of gold available for delivery.

Im sure its all just some conspiracy theory though. It always is you know.
So stop flapping you mouth and PROVE IT. Just like you demand of everyone else.

I bow out having not "learned as others have on this forum"....not at all....not even close.

Why would anyone succomb to that demand you have not proven a single thing on any matter for volumes here?....redemption is not for you...

.....stick to your pyramid structure.....ponzi scheme literally.....

...forget your great grandparents knew what legal tender and lawful money is......

....... lots of us are structuring holographiclly and would prefer to sit at the round table rather than take is for everyone not just secret legal fine' for you go learn why 12usc411 will NEVER be removed lest we publiclly accept public policy as foundational law.....which of course would be severly unAmerican...but at least out in the open not in the closet anymore.......

Bitches divert economic arguments to moral ones such as slavery or being homo upon failure of such economic argument.....classic students for democratic society style....more will call these tactics out as time goes on.....
I'm sorry that you apparently are unable to read. Let me help you out with your own link: "Gold (GC) futures are physically delivered upon expiration."

So when the June contracts expire, where do they get all they gold they don't have?

There are more contracts for gold than there is gold available. So how do they physically deliver gold that doesn't exist?
Physical delivery?

Its rare.
For silver its a fucking huge hassle as you can only get silver from the custodian in 10,000 ounce blocks. Millionaires need only apply. Even then you only get a certificate issued from the Warehouse, which you must then get with a broker to actually get your metal, then there are storage fees, insurance, transport fees. Its actually much much cheaper and far easier for the vast vast majority of actual people to go to the retail outlets and buy it.

Gold is a bit better in that the minimum you need is 100 ounces and you can get them direct from the custodian, for a fee.

Individual people aren't the ones trading on futures markets and taking delivery of metals. We both know that. The people doing most of the trading have millions and billions at their disposal to play with.

of course anyone with a brain who does a little bit of searching can find all the evidence one needs to prove this point.

This is an article suggesting that people buy Comex gold contracts in order to take physical delivery of the gold. I'm dumbfounded that you're posting it to try and prove your point.

From a futures broker:

And yet the text that follows that line is talking about how to take physical delivery of gold or silver and telling you when you can expect it:

"In order to take delivery of the gold or silver with Lind-Waldock as contract expiration nears, you would be required to have the full contract value deposited in your account with Lind-Waldock at the price it was purchased.

Then, on First Notice Day, (November 28 for the December futures contract) COMEX will start "assigning" contracts to clients who had bought (established long positions). The last trading day of the December contract is December 29, 2008, but COMEX then would need a few days to process all of the deliveries. You would not actually be able to take physical delivery of the contracts until some time in early January."

Again, how is this supposed to be making your point...? This is touting that Comex contracts allow investors to take physical delivery of much smaller quantities (relative to what they're comparing against) of gold in New York versus significantly larger quantities in London.

I think you posted the wrong link? My search didn't find that text in this article. Indeed, this article is describing how gold gets to CME to be physically delivered and how you can actually take physical delivery.

I'll add back some of the text that you excised: "But this does not mean that all that business is founded only on speculation. For example, a jewelry manufacturing firm may contract to sell a gold contract as they physically buy gold. Perhaps because the product they are making has not been sold to a customer yet.

For simplicity's sake, imagine a jeweler needs 100 ounces of gold to make four hundred gold rings. The process may take him two weeks, and in that time period he may not want to take the price risk. So the jeweler decides to sell one gold contract (100 ounces) on the CME at the same time as he buys the physical gold for production. In this way he is hedged, which means he no longer has price risk. In two weeks' time, when the rings are ready and he has found the buyer, he sells the rings to the buyer and at the same time buys back the contract."

an accounting of how JP Morgan is built on a house of cards since they took over Bear Stearns gold and silver hedging strategies.

Again, I am totally dumbfounded. You're posting a statement telling us about the vast quantities of gold that have been...physically delivered?

From Gold Price.


of course more damning evidence such as this is certain to show up:

So tell me, where does the CME gold settlement procedure describe "roll[ing] the contract"? I've been asking to see that for a very long time now.

The conspiracy this web site paints is ridiculous. Looking at only the futures markets ignores the London physical market, which is the largest market.

This isn't some new thing, even the boys over a Kitco complain about how hard it is to get the physical from the COMEX.

You realize you already posted an explanation on how to take physical delivery of gold and silver from the very same broker this person mentions using, don't you...? See your second or third link above for the detailed memo from the broker. Perhaps we should forward it to this guy?

Again, ignoring the London physical market--the largest market--makes absolutely no sense. It's what makes these Comex conspiracy theories so hilarious.

You, Mr. Finance Degree, certainly know what hedging is, so why do you pretend to be ignorant for the sake of spreading this nonsense?

Im sure its all just some conspiracy theory though. It always is you know.

All of the links touting your conspiracy theory are amateur web sites, forum posts, or blogs. You think they're credible because you agree with them, otherwise you would use your brain and recognize how ridiculous it is.
Individual people aren't the ones trading on futures markets and taking delivery of metals. We both know that. The people doing most of the trading have millions and billions at their disposal to play with.

This is an article suggesting that people buy Comex gold contracts in order to take physical delivery of the gold. I'm dumbfounded that you're posting it to try and prove your point.

And yet the text that follows that line is talking about how to take physical delivery of gold or silver and telling you when you can expect it:

"In order to take delivery of the gold or silver with Lind-Waldock as contract expiration nears, you would be required to have the full contract value deposited in your account with Lind-Waldock at the price it was purchased.

Then, on First Notice Day, (November 28 for the December futures contract) COMEX will start "assigning" contracts to clients who had bought (established long positions). The last trading day of the December contract is December 29, 2008, but COMEX then would need a few days to process all of the deliveries. You would not actually be able to take physical delivery of the contracts until some time in early January."

Again, how is this supposed to be making your point...? This is touting that Comex contracts allow investors to take physical delivery of much smaller quantities (relative to what they're comparing against) of gold in New York versus significantly larger quantities in London.

I think you posted the wrong link? My search didn't find that text in this article. Indeed, this article is describing how gold gets to CME to be physically delivered and how you can actually take physical delivery.

I'll add back some of the text that you excised: "But this does not mean that all that business is founded only on speculation. For example, a jewelry manufacturing firm may contract to sell a gold contract as they physically buy gold. Perhaps because the product they are making has not been sold to a customer yet.

For simplicity's sake, imagine a jeweler needs 100 ounces of gold to make four hundred gold rings. The process may take him two weeks, and in that time period he may not want to take the price risk. So the jeweler decides to sell one gold contract (100 ounces) on the CME at the same time as he buys the physical gold for production. In this way he is hedged, which means he no longer has price risk. In two weeks' time, when the rings are ready and he has found the buyer, he sells the rings to the buyer and at the same time buys back the contract."

Again, I am totally dumbfounded. You're posting a statement telling us about the vast quantities of gold that have been...physically delivered?

So tell me, where does the CME gold settlement procedure describe "roll[ing] the contract"? I've been asking to see that for a very long time now.

The conspiracy this web site paints is ridiculous. Looking at only the futures markets ignores the London physical market, which is the largest market.

You realize you already posted an explanation on how to take physical delivery of gold and silver from the very same broker this person mentions using, don't you...? See your second or third link above for the detailed memo from the broker. Perhaps we should forward it to this guy?

Again, ignoring the London physical market--the largest market--makes absolutely no sense. It's what makes these Comex conspiracy theories so hilarious.

You, Mr. Finance Degree, certainly know what hedging is, so why do you pretend to be ignorant for the sake of spreading this nonsense?

All of the links touting your conspiracy theory are amateur web sites, forum posts, or blogs. You think they're credible because you agree with them, otherwise you would use your brain and recognize how ridiculous it is.

The statistic is LESS THAN 5% delivery rate.

Youre talking out your gash, love.
Individual people aren't the ones trading on futures markets and taking delivery of metals. We both know that. The people doing most of the trading have millions and billions at their disposal to play with.

This is an article suggesting that people buy Comex gold contracts in order to take physical delivery of the gold. I'm dumbfounded that you're posting it to try and prove your point.

And yet the text that follows that line is talking about how to take physical delivery of gold or silver and telling you when you can expect it:

"In order to take delivery of the gold or silver with Lind-Waldock as contract expiration nears, you would be required to have the full contract value deposited in your account with Lind-Waldock at the price it was purchased.

Then, on First Notice Day, (November 28 for the December futures contract) COMEX will start "assigning" contracts to clients who had bought (established long positions). The last trading day of the December contract is December 29, 2008, but COMEX then would need a few days to process all of the deliveries. You would not actually be able to take physical delivery of the contracts until some time in early January."

Again, how is this supposed to be making your point...? This is touting that Comex contracts allow investors to take physical delivery of much smaller quantities (relative to what they're comparing against) of gold in New York versus significantly larger quantities in London.

I think you posted the wrong link? My search didn't find that text in this article. Indeed, this article is describing how gold gets to CME to be physically delivered and how you can actually take physical delivery.

I'll add back some of the text that you excised: "But this does not mean that all that business is founded only on speculation. For example, a jewelry manufacturing firm may contract to sell a gold contract as they physically buy gold. Perhaps because the product they are making has not been sold to a customer yet.

For simplicity's sake, imagine a jeweler needs 100 ounces of gold to make four hundred gold rings. The process may take him two weeks, and in that time period he may not want to take the price risk. So the jeweler decides to sell one gold contract (100 ounces) on the CME at the same time as he buys the physical gold for production. In this way he is hedged, which means he no longer has price risk. In two weeks' time, when the rings are ready and he has found the buyer, he sells the rings to the buyer and at the same time buys back the contract."

Again, I am totally dumbfounded. You're posting a statement telling us about the vast quantities of gold that have been...physically delivered?

So tell me, where does the CME gold settlement procedure describe "roll[ing] the contract"? I've been asking to see that for a very long time now.

The conspiracy this web site paints is ridiculous. Looking at only the futures markets ignores the London physical market, which is the largest market.

You realize you already posted an explanation on how to take physical delivery of gold and silver from the very same broker this person mentions using, don't you...? See your second or third link above for the detailed memo from the broker. Perhaps we should forward it to this guy?

Again, ignoring the London physical market--the largest market--makes absolutely no sense. It's what makes these Comex conspiracy theories so hilarious.

You, Mr. Finance Degree, certainly know what hedging is, so why do you pretend to be ignorant for the sake of spreading this nonsense?

All of the links touting your conspiracy theory are amateur web sites, forum posts, or blogs. You think they're credible because you agree with them, otherwise you would use your brain and recognize how ridiculous it is.

Attack the source, ignore the facts, move goal posts.


Too bad you have NOTHING in which to back your claims up.
The statistic is LESS THAN 5% delivery rate.

Youre talking out your gash, love.

Oh but , but that's an amateur web site, you know the CME group, which owns the COMEX.

The source wouldn't know anything about themselves.

Dumb Shit then goes on to claim that the futures market is used for hedging, WHICH I ALREADY CLAIMED NUMEROUS TIMES!! Holy fucking FAIL.

It wouldn't matter if the president of the CME group himslef said that less than 5% of Futures are claimed as physical. Dipshit would say that the President was some amateur blog writer or that he was somehoiw lacking, or my favorite. It was taken out of context. LOL you can Quote a whole paragraph and the little bitch says you took her out of context. LMAO what a pathetic LOSER.
Oh but , but that's an amateur web site, you know the CME group, which owns the COMEX.

The source wouldn't know anything about themselves.

Dumb Shit then goes on to claim that the futures market is used for hedging, WHICH I ALREADY CLAIMED NUMEROUS TIMES!! Holy fucking FAIL.

It wouldn't matter if the president of the CME group himslef said that less than 5% of Futures are claimed as physical. Dipshit would say that the President was some amateur blog writer or that he was somehoiw lacking, or my favorite. It was taken out of context. LOL you can Quote a whole paragraph and the little bitch says you took her out of context. LMAO what a pathetic LOSER.

Where did CME say there's a 5% delivery rate?
I live in Las Vegas. The economy here was hit harder than most places. It is getting better, even the republican backed (Owned and operated by republicans) newspaper, the Review Journal, reluctantly admits, even though slow, the economy is on the rebound. Things are getting better, the streets are busier, the shopping malls are more crowded, the unemployment figure, 11.9% at the end of the Bush era, is not good yet, but is at 9.7% and falling. I would like to really know what the republican plan would have done to make it better, Oh, that's right, they didn't have one, and still don't, well except to do away with government as much as they can. Please explain what any republican can say to counter this claim, just the facts, please, not just get rid of Obama.
The only 5% number you had came from an amateur conspiracy web site with the subtitle "Financial Wars." It didn't come from CME.

Wait wait, are you saying Max Keiser is some amateur conspiracy geek?

He has his own financial news show, he created the hollywood stock exchange, invented the software that hedge funds use.

Perhaps you means Dave Kranzler, Wall street Veteran and hedge fund manager? What would he know right?

Or perhaps it was The account executive for a futures brokerage?

Anyone of those people has more knowledge of the futures market and the rarity of physical delivery in their little finger than you have in your entire body.

Then when asked to provide evidence that would refute our evidence, you got bupkis.

Denial is not a river in Egypt.

Admit it, you got nothing.

Now move along.
I live in Las Vegas. The economy here was hit harder than most places. It is getting better, even the republican backed (Owned and operated by republicans) newspaper, the Review Journal, reluctantly admits, even though slow, the economy is on the rebound. Things are getting better, the streets are busier, the shopping malls are more crowded, the unemployment figure, 11.9% at the end of the Bush era, is not good yet, but is at 9.7% and falling. I would like to really know what the republican plan would have done to make it better, Oh, that's right, they didn't have one, and still don't, well except to do away with government as much as they can. Please explain what any republican can say to counter this claim, just the facts, please, not just get rid of Obama.

A republican can just make shit up. People will believe it. Nothing different than what Democrats do. Two sides of the same coin.
amateur conspiracy web site
Attack the source, Attack the source!

Let me ask you, on that web site that you said was a conspiracy web site, do they use facts and figures from the CME to show their point? Or is their info all unsourced and made up for all we know? Everything is sourced, ETF databases,

Did you know that Ad Hominem is a logical fallacy and causes your statement to be invalid?

Have you even looked at how much Eligible gold there is vs how many long contracts there are?

Or do you just speculate and hope no one actually looks into things and then makes you look like a bufoon?

No one ever claimed that you couldn't get physical, we claimed that it was very uncommon, difficult and almost no one did it. I claimed on several occasions that the COMEX futures market is used for hedging purposes, than later on you tell us that its used for HEDGING purposes, like we hadn't ever claimed that from, the beginning.

Do you have any friends in real life? Just wondering because you got a severe case of lack of humility and you are one sore loser. I can't imagine your company is enjoyable to anyone.
A republican can just make shit up. People will believe it. Nothing different than what Democrats do. Two sides of the same coin.

One side is heads, (Democrats) and the other tails, (republicans). Being as this represents heads, the head or the intelligence and the other tails or the ass end, I venture to opine there is a drastic difference, excuse the metaphors. Obviously there is a difference in the way they want to govern, IE Gridlock. Had the republicans allowed Obama to fulfill his plan, the economy, and America would be in a much better position. Rebuild the infrastructure, this would create quite a few jobs, crumbling bridges, rotting sewer systems, a power grid in rapid decline, streets and parks going to ruin, fast tracking alternative energy, all blocked by a republican congress that either never allows a bill to come to the floor, (the House) or filibusters every bill in the Senate. Ridiculous! The founding fathers never anticipated an automatic filibuster, in their day a participant must hold the floor physically by reading the bill over and over or filling in with nonsense. It is totally the republicans fault the recovery is on hold. They'd rather see a shutdown as opposed to Obama getting anything done.