spider mites

ive had spider mites on some of my plans that are currently in my grow area but i have killed the spider mites. can they come back? its been about a week since i killed them. also the plants dont look healthy that have had spider mites will they revert bk to being healthy after a while or will the spider mites have had a permanent impact on them??

cheers :)


Well-Known Member
Time to treat your plants again make sure that they all are dead. Your plants are resilent just give them a bit of time they will be fine, now go tell them you are sorry for no preventative care......lol


Well-Known Member
you say u killed the mites, but what about there eggs?????? if you have mites you have eggs. need to stay on top of them because they will destroy a crop,, azamax ,liquid ladybug ,are some good safe sprays.. get a magnifying glass nad check the underside of the leaves and look for mini eggs.. and dead bugs.. eggs take up to 2 weeks to hatch depending on temps.. the cooler the better.. they will come back but only if the colony has been destroyed..


Well-Known Member
You don't provide info on how you killed them or where you are in the grow. Most products/methods kill only the live spiders and not the eggs...so one needs to reapply a couple of times every 2 - 3 days. I suggest you read the label of the product that you used and see what info is provided. The leaves that are damaged, are damaged. I'm sure that your crop has been impacted but I'd guess that you could still get good buds.
You don't provide info on how you killed them or where you are in the grow. Most products/methods kill only the live spiders and not the eggs...so one needs to reapply a couple of times every 2 - 3 days. I suggest you read the label of the product that you used and see what info is provided. The leaves that are damaged, are damaged. I'm sure that your crop has been impacted but I'd guess that you could still get good buds.
i only used soapy water sprayed all over, but it seemed to do the trick havent seen any webs or mites since and it was probably more like two weeks ago actually! they are in budding so im reluctant to take them out and treat them more.. what should i do? :0


Well-Known Member
Unless you washed the plants completely under water with some crazy soap, you probably have mites still. If no adults or webs are present eggs still will be, give her a thorough look for early signs of new mite damage is what id do. Checking the under sides of leaves.


Well-Known Member
Have used Azatrol for years and am sold on the stuff. Haven't had mites in over a year, but Azatrol at 20 mL/ Litre has always worked for me, from minor outbreaks indoor to full on tightrope walking web colonies outdoors