What do you know about aliens?

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Well-Known Member

In the late 1950s, three men who identified as the Son of God were forced to live together in a mental hospital. What happened?
This is the best premise for a reality show I've ever heard! I'm going to the article, and this should be the theme music -

Can three sons of god live together without driving each other crazy???



Well-Known Member
I love your thinking process: you called me an asshole, and just called these guys mean, but you don't judge us? Everyone who posts on a public forum is judged, get used to it...
I didn't call you an asshole. I believe I said "I think you like to be an asshole"? No? But you were implying that I'm the village idiot.

If you don't know by now, I like you Tyler and I think your an ok dude. I normally like reading your posts.

And I did call them mean because of what they said about Me. Like how I should not have kids and I should be sterilized. That's not cool.

I don't mind being judged but there are ways of going about things.

Reality is very interesting, you should try it one of these days...
I live in reality every day, or at least My reality. And I'm sick of it, I need some kind of escape. Life is so boring, or at least My life is so boring.

You are exactly right, you are not a bad person because you have a chemical balance, that is out of your control. What is in your control is to train yourself how to think critically, learn to use logic and avoid logical fallacies. This may open up an entirely new, exciting world to you. If you don't prefer it, you can always go back to your erroneous ways...
I'm never going to be the best critical thinker because I have ADD but that doesn't stop Me from being a regular thinker. I do some critical thinking, but I'm not sure how to be the "best" critical thinker. I'm just going to be Myself and hopefully I will improve with time.

There is only objective truth, there is no subjective truth, no my truth and your truth. Either something is objectively true or it is not...
Right, but some of you guys don't believe My objective truth and make Me out like I'm a liar. My objective truth is not everyone's objective truth even though it did happen, for example the aliens that I saw.

You often attempt to push your beliefs onto others: you have posted your YT video series many times on this forum, and you a constantly pointing others to links to your threads so that they may be subjected to your mentally ill ramblings. True, no one has to read them, but it doesn't stop you from incessantly pushing them...
I do want to be known and in order to be known I sometimes have to show Myself to others.

No worries..this is forum and you can state your opinion here..happy to know you see someone and you have meds that's all..but how can you be Jesus when my brother says he is? Answer me that?

BTW not trying to be mean:hug:
I'm not Jesus. My name is not Jesus and I cannot perform any miracles like Jesus allegedly did. I do believe that I am Christ, the Son of God, though.

Maybe your brother is Jesus, but I'm not. I'm Christ. Is there a difference? I believe there is a difference. Jesus was the alleged first coming, I am the "Second" Coming. But I'm not sure what coming I am but I still believe that I am Christ. I could just be a lunatic that believes I'm Christ but than again, I could be Christ.

Its a really tough question. What makes Me Christ and not your brother? I honestly don't know. I cant say that someone is Christ or not because that's not My place. I just personally believe that I am Christ because of the reasons that I have stated on RIU. In conclusion, I have fulfilled prophecies, I have prophecies for the future and I have the Name above all names. But its all subjective apparently because I don't have many, if any, people that believe Me.

I didn't think you were being mean, by the way. Questions are always welcome in My opinion.

Way to avoid the whole subjective/objective point that I made. :(
You really have a hard time with conversing with others, you seem to repeatedly infer things that have not been said or implied and respond to those imaginary points. You should try to stay on point once in awhile then people won't be so critical.
I have a hard time staying on point because I go on tangents all the time.

Doesn't quite sound like bipolar.IMO:smile:.maybe you need a better shrink..?
Its not My shrink that has diagnosed Me with the bipolar, it was the doctors in the mental hospitals. My shrink is fine, I like her a lot.

I just noticed you are capitalizing any reference to yourself..hmmm..also why do you reference Jesus of 2000 years ago as Him..?
I capitalize the M in Me because I believe I am Christ. I also capitalize the H in Him when referring to the 2,000 year old Jesus because I believe He was Christ too. Though He died a long time ago. I believe I capitalize the H in Him when talking about Jesus out of respect.

aren't you He? ?
No, I'm not 2,000 years old but I know what you mean. I'm the new Christ, the one that gets persecuted a lot by skeptics.

Shouldn't you know all the answers to everything?
No I don't know all the answers. I just know what I know. If I had all the answers than people probably still wouldn't be listening to Me.

I do know some wonderful things that could really help the people of the world but no one cares. Maybe some people care but what can they do about it either?


In the late 1950s, three men who identified as the Son of God were forced to live together in a mental hospital. What happened?
I got a good laugh when reading that. Three Christ's in one mental hospital.

In person I'm not that imposing. I don't want to tell people that I'm Christ. Actually that's one of the last things I want to tell someone in person but online is different because I don't know who I'm talking to. I meet seem a little imposing on the internet, and that's because I have an agenda on here.



Well-Known Member
I didn't call you an asshole. I believe I said "I think you like to be an asshole"? No? But you were implying that I'm the village idiot.

If you don't know by now, I like you Tyler and I think your an ok dude. I normally like reading your posts.

And I did call them mean because of what they said about Me. Like how I should not have kids and I should be sterilized. That's not cool.
We judge one's actions and words. If I act like an asshole and others act mean, you judge it as such. If you act like a deluded basket case, or idiotic, we judge you as such...
I don't mind being judged but there are ways of going about things.
On a public forum everyone gets to go about things however they choose (provided they stay within the forum rules)...

I live in reality every day, or at least My reality. And I'm sick of it, I need some kind of escape. Life is so boring, or at least My life is so boring.
The thing I like most about you is your honesty. Experiencing chronic (pun intended) boredom is a big red flag t hat one is not living correctly. I live by myself during the week, and I spend 90%+ of my time in my home. I am literally never bored. There are just too many things to learn, discover, create and appreciate! There is only one objective reality, you don't seem to get that. The reasonable person attempts to discover what that actually consists of, then to blend their lives into it. Unreasonable people seem to attempt to live in a mind created 'reality' that has little to do with the facts and nature of objective reality. As they go further and further down the path of their subjective 'reality', they tend to lose control over the real world and become increasingly frustrated, confused, anxious, and bored. After all, if we don't know where we are, how can we ever get where we want to go?
I'm never going to be the best critical thinker because I have ADD but that doesn't stop Me from being a regular thinker. I do some critical thinking, but I'm not sure how to be the "best" critical thinker. I'm just going to be Myself and hopefully I will improve with time.
My son has ADHD, and he is one of the best critical thinkers I know. Sure, he has a tendency toward delusion from time to time, but it's his learned critical thinking process and logic that gets him back on track. A good place to begin your training is familiarizing yourself with logical fallacies - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Category:Logical_fallacies
The more familiar they become, the more they will stand out to you in your thinking process and communication. Memorizing the concepts behind these will take you far...

Right, but some of you guys don't believe My objective truth and make Me out like I'm a liar. My objective truth is not everyone's objective truth even though it did happen, for example the aliens that I saw.
We've been over this, there is only one objective truth (reality). If it's your perception of the truth, it is subjective truth. If your subjective truth doesn't match up with objective reality, your subjective truth is incorrect. The goal is to attempt to match up these two things by shifting our subjective perception closer to objective reality...

I do know some wonderful things that could really help the people of the world but no one cares. Maybe some people care but what can they do about it either?
What wonderful things? I've seen you tout the wonders of hydrogen energy, only to be corrected by Guy. You seem never to acknowledge the corrections people take the time to post. You just ignore them or non sequitur your way around them, in order to keep touting your same tired, erroneous bullshit. It's almost like you don't care about reality at all, you just NEED your cherished ideas and beliefs to be right and ignore all reason and evidence against them...

I got a good laugh when reading that. Three Christ's in one mental hospital.

In person I'm not that imposing. I don't want to tell people that I'm Christ. Actually that's one of the last things I want to tell someone in person but online is different because I don't know who I'm talking to. I meet seem a little imposing on the internet, and that's because I have an agenda on here.
I'll bet that you don't tell people that you're christ IRL. You'd be laughed out of every place you found yourself, and according to Heis's article, that includes the mental hospital...


Sector 5 Moderator
Aliens don't pay their bills. I loaned one $20 and he never paid me back. They don't smoke pot either, so I don't trust the bastards. I've never gotten a birthday card or even a smile out of them, and they will cut you off in traffic and think nothing about it. The grays are pretty good golfers on their short game but not great with the woods. That being said, they will kick your ass at most board games. That's pretty much all I know about them - and they have very stinky breath.


Well-Known Member
A few minutes ago I was just looking at the spot where I saw that alien. Earlier today I got that same BB gun, with the same scope on it and I sat on My bed, the same spot that I saw the alien, and I watched the same roof where I saw that alien last year. I didn't see any alien today. I don't know if I ever will see an alien ever again in My life.

But it was the same BB gun with the same scope, I watched from the same that I saw the alien last year, and today I watched for about 15 minutes. I actually timed it today. All I saw was the roof and the tree behind the roof.

But I counted the roof shingles again and if 2 roof shingles equals roughly 1 foot than the alien that I saw was 3-4 feet tall. No adult human is 3-4 feet tall, so I must have seen an alien last year. I don't know who or what else could have been that small. And who in their right mind would wear a translucent/invisibility suit and go on My neighbors roof? And why? All I can say is that aliens are not like people (probably) and they might have different ways of doing things. I honestly don't know why an alien would jump on My neighbors roof either but the alien was too small to be an adult human. But the alien I saw was humanoid. He had a head, arms and torso. I'm not sure if I saw the legs or not but I'm sure he had legs too.

I just wish that the alien would show up again at My house and let Me take a picture of him with My cell phone. It would be much cooler if I had a video camera but I don't. But don't ask Me how that alien got on top of that roof in the first place. And how did he get off too? I don't know. I wonder if he was the only alien in My neighborhood too, last year. I don't know when he got on that roof or when he actually left either. All I know if that I saw something so cool that I will never forget it. It was like nothing I have seen in My whole life. For all I know the aliens could still be in My neighborhood right now, or on My very own roof, but they can be totally invisible so you cant spot them unless they want to be seen.

So it was about the same time of year as last year when I saw the alien. Same everything but no alien showed up in My scope. Bummer.

I just hope that if I ever see an alien ever again, I will get it on video or at least take a photo with My cell phone. A guy can hope, right?



Well-Known Member
No human is 3-4 feet tall, so it was an alien...

Your right, no normal human adult is 3-4 feet tall. That's My best guess as to how tall the being was. But I don't know for sure it was an alien, I only assume it was an alien because a normal adult human would never be that small.

If I only took a picture with My cell phone camera than there would be that much more evidence to support My claim. A few weeks ago or so I did take a picture of My neighbors roof where I saw the alien but there were no aliens in that picture. I would upload that picture onto RIU but I don't believe that cell phone came with a USB cable. And even if I did have a USB cable, I wouldn't know how to do the upload. I'm a little computer illiterate, I do know enough to get by though.

But yeah, I wish I knew if I saw an alien or a very small person for sure because if I had 100% evidence of an alien that visited Me than I'm sure that would be ground breaking. I wish I caught it all on video, if I ever even get a video camera, because I would be watching it every day too. Seeing that alien was the coolest thing that I ever saw in My life. He put on quite the show for Me. All I can say is that at first the alien was totally invisible, than he went translucent. When the alien first went translucent it was letting circles of light splash right through the "face" that it made. I call it a "face" because there were two "eyes" that were letting light pass through the whole time I saw the "face" and the "face" was round like a circle. Most of the time, it was letting circles of light splash right through the forehead of the "face". After that "face" went away I could see the aliens body that was translucent too. I saw him moving around and looking at Me. It looked like he was watching other things besides Me too. He was see through. I could make out his figure but I could still see the tree that was behind him a little bit too. It was the strangest experience that I ever had. But the technology was superb. I cant imagine all of the other technology that they might have as well. But being invisible could have its advantages, especially if your an alien visiting a race of people that are twice your size.

I just hope that they will visit again and I pray that I will be able to get a video of it (if I ever get a video camera). Or if not a video than a picture. This is too important and imperative for it to only be hearsay. Someone needs to get this on video so that the alien phenomena can be prove to be fact. I just wish that I'm the one that proves aliens exist. I'm hoping that they wont forget Me and come to see Me again. I mean, I have a greater chance of seeing an alien again than just your average guy. Like I said, maybe they visited Me because they know I'm Christ. Hell, for all I know, they could have planned on Me being Christ a long time ago if I'm not mistaken. You guys might not believe Me, but I believe I have fulfilled prophecy, I have seen 5 signs in the sky, I saw the UFOs and I also saw that alien. Maybe they planned on it a long time ago. I have no idea. I could be wrong about everything I have ever said, but what if I'm right about some of it? For example, what if the aliens did plan on Me being Christ for the world? To save the world and bring about an everlasting peace? To unite the people of this earth with our galactic brothers? What if?

I may be the least of these, but who's to say what My destiny is? Maybe the aliens want a country of their own on earth and they want to teach us their superior ways of living. I would give the aliens their own country. I think it would be cool living beside an extraterrestrial race. I bet their technology would bless the whole world and there would be no more hunger or thirst or homelessness or any of the plagues that keep people down and out. Who knows, maybe they would give us their space ship technology and we too could be space cadets.

I don't believe the aliens want to hurt us because first of all, if they are so smart than they could have destroyed us a long time ago. Secondly, I had an encounter with an alien and nothing bad happened to Me, for example there was no physical harm. The worst thing that happened to Me about seeing that alien is that lots of people don't really believe Me because aliens are just imaginary beings, right?

But I think we could learn a lot from the aliens, it could be the next step in evolution that is just waiting to happen. Its going to happen one day, whether I'm alive or dead, we are going to enter space in teams. For Christ's sake, I could engineer SPACE JETS that would take us not only through the air, but into outer space and underwater. It would be simple if I owned the military and I bet they already own jets that can do these types of things.

I cant time travel to the future yet, so I have to take it one day at a time. I'm just praying that the truth will be known and good things will come to the people of the world.



Well-Known Member
Your right, no normal human adult is 3-4 feet tall. That's My best guess as to how tall the being was. But I don't know for sure it was an alien, I only assume it was an alien because a normal adult human would never be that small.

If I only took a picture with My cell phone camera than there would be that much more evidence to support My claim. A few weeks ago or so I did take a picture of My neighbors roof where I saw the alien but there were no aliens in that picture. I would upload that picture onto RIU but I don't believe that cell phone came with a USB cable. And even if I did have a USB cable, I wouldn't know how to do the upload. I'm a little computer illiterate, I do know enough to get by though.

But yeah, I wish I knew if I saw an alien or a very small person for sure because if I had 100% evidence of an alien that visited Me than I'm sure that would be ground breaking. I wish I caught it all on video, if I ever even get a video camera, because I would be watching it every day too. Seeing that alien was the coolest thing that I ever saw in My life. He put on quite the show for Me. All I can say is that at first the alien was totally invisible, than he went translucent. When the alien first went translucent it was letting circles of light splash right through the "face" that it made. I call it a "face" because there were two "eyes" that were letting light pass through the whole time I saw the "face" and the "face" was round like a circle. Most of the time, it was letting circles of light splash right through the forehead of the "face". After that "face" went away I could see the aliens body that was translucent too. I saw him moving around and looking at Me. It looked like he was watching other things besides Me too. He was see through. I could make out his figure but I could still see the tree that was behind him a little bit too. It was the strangest experience that I ever had. But the technology was superb. I cant imagine all of the other technology that they might have as well. But being invisible could have its advantages, especially if your an alien visiting a race of people that are twice your size.

I just hope that they will visit again and I pray that I will be able to get a video of it (if I ever get a video camera). Or if not a video than a picture. This is too important and imperative for it to only be hearsay. Someone needs to get this on video so that the alien phenomena can be prove to be fact. I just wish that I'm the one that proves aliens exist. I'm hoping that they wont forget Me and come to see Me again. I mean, I have a greater chance of seeing an alien again than just your average guy. Like I said, maybe they visited Me because they know I'm Christ. Hell, for all I know, they could have planned on Me being Christ a long time ago if I'm not mistaken. You guys might not believe Me, but I believe I have fulfilled prophecy, I have seen 5 signs in the sky, I saw the UFOs and I also saw that alien. Maybe they planned on it a long time ago. I have no idea. I could be wrong about everything I have ever said, but what if I'm right about some of it? For example, what if the aliens did plan on Me being Christ for the world? To save the world and bring about an everlasting peace? To unite the people of this earth with our galactic brothers? What if?

I may be the least of these, but who's to say what My destiny is? Maybe the aliens want a country of their own on earth and they want to teach us their superior ways of living. I would give the aliens their own country. I think it would be cool living beside an extraterrestrial race. I bet their technology would bless the whole world and there would be no more hunger or thirst or homelessness or any of the plagues that keep people down and out. Who knows, maybe they would give us their space ship technology and we too could be space cadets.

I don't believe the aliens want to hurt us because first of all, if they are so smart than they could have destroyed us a long time ago. Secondly, I had an encounter with an alien and nothing bad happened to Me, for example there was no physical harm. The worst thing that happened to Me about seeing that alien is that lots of people don't really believe Me because aliens are just imaginary beings, right?

But I think we could learn a lot from the aliens, it could be the next step in evolution that is just waiting to happen. Its going to happen one day, whether I'm alive or dead, we are going to enter space in teams. For Christ's sake, I could engineer SPACE JETS that would take us not only through the air, but into outer space and underwater. It would be simple if I owned the military and I bet they already own jets that can do these types of things.

I cant time travel to the future yet, so I have to take it one day at a time. I'm just praying that the truth will be known and good things will come to the people of the world.


How are the meds and therapy going?


Well-Known Member
Your right, no normal human adult is 3-4 feet tall. That's My best guess as to how tall the being was. But I don't know for sure it was an alien, I only assume it was an alien because a normal adult human would never be that small.

If I only took a picture with My cell phone camera than there would be that much more evidence to support My claim. A few weeks ago or so I did take a picture of My neighbors roof where I saw the alien but there were no aliens in that picture. I would upload that picture onto RIU but I don't believe that cell phone came with a USB cable. And even if I did have a USB cable, I wouldn't know how to do the upload. I'm a little computer illiterate, I do know enough to get by though.

But yeah, I wish I knew if I saw an alien or a very small person for sure because if I had 100% evidence of an alien that visited Me than I'm sure that would be ground breaking. I wish I caught it all on video, if I ever even get a video camera, because I would be watching it every day too. Seeing that alien was the coolest thing that I ever saw in My life. He put on quite the show for Me. All I can say is that at first the alien was totally invisible, than he went translucent. When the alien first went translucent it was letting circles of light splash right through the "face" that it made. I call it a "face" because there were two "eyes" that were letting light pass through the whole time I saw the "face" and the "face" was round like a circle. Most of the time, it was letting circles of light splash right through the forehead of the "face". After that "face" went away I could see the aliens body that was translucent too. I saw him moving around and looking at Me. It looked like he was watching other things besides Me too. He was see through. I could make out his figure but I could still see the tree that was behind him a little bit too. It was the strangest experience that I ever had. But the technology was superb. I cant imagine all of the other technology that they might have as well. But being invisible could have its advantages, especially if your an alien visiting a race of people that are twice your size.

I just hope that they will visit again and I pray that I will be able to get a video of it (if I ever get a video camera). Or if not a video than a picture. This is too important and imperative for it to only be hearsay. Someone needs to get this on video so that the alien phenomena can be prove to be fact. I just wish that I'm the one that proves aliens exist. I'm hoping that they wont forget Me and come to see Me again. I mean, I have a greater chance of seeing an alien again than just your average guy. Like I said, maybe they visited Me because they know I'm Christ. Hell, for all I know, they could have planned on Me being Christ a long time ago if I'm not mistaken. You guys might not believe Me, but I believe I have fulfilled prophecy, I have seen 5 signs in the sky, I saw the UFOs and I also saw that alien. Maybe they planned on it a long time ago. I have no idea. I could be wrong about everything I have ever said, but what if I'm right about some of it? For example, what if the aliens did plan on Me being Christ for the world? To save the world and bring about an everlasting peace? To unite the people of this earth with our galactic brothers? What if?

I may be the least of these, but who's to say what My destiny is? Maybe the aliens want a country of their own on earth and they want to teach us their superior ways of living. I would give the aliens their own country. I think it would be cool living beside an extraterrestrial race. I bet their technology would bless the whole world and there would be no more hunger or thirst or homelessness or any of the plagues that keep people down and out. Who knows, maybe they would give us their space ship technology and we too could be space cadets.

I don't believe the aliens want to hurt us because first of all, if they are so smart than they could have destroyed us a long time ago. Secondly, I had an encounter with an alien and nothing bad happened to Me, for example there was no physical harm. The worst thing that happened to Me about seeing that alien is that lots of people don't really believe Me because aliens are just imaginary beings, right?

But I think we could learn a lot from the aliens, it could be the next step in evolution that is just waiting to happen. Its going to happen one day, whether I'm alive or dead, we are going to enter space in teams. For Christ's sake, I could engineer SPACE JETS that would take us not only through the air, but into outer space and underwater. It would be simple if I owned the military and I bet they already own jets that can do these types of things.

I cant time travel to the future yet, so I have to take it one day at a time. I'm just praying that the truth will be known and good things will come to the people of the world.

Just omit the non-bolded parts... lol


Well-Known Member
How are the meds and therapy going?
My meds and therapy are going fine. I feel fine.

Don't be a hater, you know you wish you saw an alien too.

You said you like Me for My honesty and I'm being honest again. I'm not saying I'm right about everything but I'm being truthful.

Just omit the non-bolded parts... lol
You guys are just jealous. I guess I'm just special for seeing that alien. How many people literally saw an alien? I would say that I'm one in a million. But I'm not sure if that number is accurate, I could be one in a billion.

You wouldn't be making fun if you saw what I saw. If I had the whole encounter on video than it would be a different story and you all would be amazed and speechless. I could have taken a picture of the alien with My cell phone but I didn't even think about it, I was too mesmerized by the whole ordeal. I'm kicking Myself in the ass now for not taking a picture of the little alien. You guys wouldn't be joking if I had pictures, you would be believers.

EDIT- You guys act like I'm crazy for seeing an alien. I can assure you that I was not looking for any aliens when I saw the UFOs or the alien on top of My neighbors roof. They came to Me. So why am I the crazy one for just being a truthful witness of an actual event? Once again, I was not looking for any aliens when I saw them, I was just going about My normal business, and they came to Me. Maybe they came to Me because... Well I honestly don't know why they came to Me, the only reason I can think of is that its because they know I'm Christ. But I believe that they set it up for Me to be Christ. I didn't ever plan on being Christ, it just happened when I found out right after I turned 23 in August of 2008. I'm not an alien and I don't know what the aliens think or what their intentions are but I wouldn't mind knowing.



Well-Known Member
You think what you saw was an alien

Half a dozen of us have been trying to explain the distinction to you for 62 pages now

So go ahead and t
hink what you saw was an alien all you want, it wasn't


Well-Known Member
You think what you saw was an alien

Half a dozen of us have been trying to explain the distinction to you for 62 pages now

So go ahead and t
hink what you saw was an alien all you want, it wasn't
You were not there with Me that day when I saw that being so you have no idea what I saw besides what I have explained.

As far as I know, no other person saw what I saw that day because I didn't point the alien out to any of My family members because I didn't want to expose the alien and have him get caught. And what would have happened if he got caught? The last thing I wanted was for him to get caught by people because God knows what they would have done to him. I don't want to be the one to start a war between people and aliens. The best thing I could have done at the time was take a picture with My cell phone but I wasn't even thinking about it.

I don't know if I saw a 3-4 foot human on top of My neighbors roof wearing an invisibility/translucent suit, or if it genuinely was a little alien guy. I can only use My best judgment and assume it was an alien, now, because of how small he was. Plus no person that I know has that kind of invisibility/translucent technology. And even if the government has that kind of technology, why would they send a 3-4 foot person to spy on Me on top of My neighbors roof? It sounds crazy but it was an actual event that happened to Me, unless My eyes were tripping for about 2 hours on just one spot. Lets just say My eyes were tripping and I was hallucinating for just 2 hours on one spot, than was I tripping when I saw the UFOs a month prior too? For the record, I was driving when I saw the UFOs on July 2 of 2012. I drove across the city and I got some Burger King, I pulled out of the parking lot and I saw the ~8 UFOs for about 5 minutes or less. I was going to take a picture with My cell phone but the street light turned green and I didn't have insurance on My Jeep at the time so I figured I would get My mother and take her there. She wouldn't wake up for Me so I called 911 so someone could get it on video. Was I tripping for that too?

Like I said, if the aliens are so smart than they didn't need to put their lights on the UFOs that night. I believe they wanted Me to see them. And that alien I saw could have stayed invisible too but he didn't. He appeared to Me.

The only options are either I'm straight out lying, or I was tripping for all the signs that I saw, or I'm telling the truth. You guys get to be the judge of that.

I don't know what else to say.

EDIT- I believe that I saw what type of being was in the UFOs. I believe the UFOs that I saw were authentic alien space craft because there were about 8 of them and they were close together, not like airplanes at all. They were very bright and bluish in color. They were moving very slowly. And the reason why I deem them as UFOs is because I have never seen any other objects in the sky at night that look remotely close to that. I have never reported seeing any UFOs before or after because I never saw UFOs before or after. Or were My eyes tripping when I saw the UFOs too? Now I believe that I saw an alien that came off of the UFOs on top of My neighbors roof. I could be wrong, but what if I'm right?

Its either that I'm a big fat liar, or My eyes were tripping, or I'm telling the truth to the best of My abilities. You be the judge.



Well-Known Member
Any evidence presented against a conspiracy theory can be dismissed as part of the conspiracy by the believer.

He could turn the fact that no one has any footage of these aliens into proof that their invisibility suits are just that good. That's the mindset of a conspiracy theorist. Everything fits into the conspiracy. It's why it's damn near impossible to reason with these people.


Well-Known Member
My meds and therapy are going fine. I feel fine.

Don't be a hater, you know you wish you saw an alien too.

You said you like Me for My honesty and I'm being honest again. I'm not saying I'm right about everything but I'm being truthful.

You guys are just jealous. I guess I'm just special for seeing that alien. How many people literally saw an alien? I would say that I'm one in a million. But I'm not sure if that number is accurate, I could be one in a billion.

You wouldn't be making fun if you saw what I saw. If I had the whole encounter on video than it would be a different story and you all would be amazed and speechless. I could have taken a picture of the alien with My cell phone but I didn't even think about it, I was too mesmerized by the whole ordeal. I'm kicking Myself in the ass now for not taking a picture of the little alien. You guys wouldn't be joking if I had pictures, you would be believers.

EDIT- You guys act like I'm crazy for seeing an alien. I can assure you that I was not looking for any aliens when I saw the UFOs or the alien on top of My neighbors roof. They came to Me. So why am I the crazy one for just being a truthful witness of an actual event? Once again, I was not looking for any aliens when I saw them, I was just going about My normal business, and they came to Me. Maybe they came to Me because... Well I honestly don't know why they came to Me, the only reason I can think of is that its because they know I'm Christ. But I believe that they set it up for Me to be Christ. I didn't ever plan on being Christ, it just happened when I found out right after I turned 23 in August of 2008. I'm not an alien and I don't know what the aliens think or what their intentions are but I wouldn't mind knowing.

Why do you insist on repeating the same comments in every post. If we read them once, you don't have to keep repeating them over and over and over. WE KNOW it was on your neighbors roof, WE KNOW you wish you had a camera, WE KNOW you think he was watching you because you are Christ (sorry, can't help but LOL about that one). WE REMEMBER the details of how it was invisible and then became translucent.

This board is not your personal blog. You do not need to write a wall of text every post REPEATING the same drivel you have already posted a dozen other times. Learn to have a dialogue like an adult instead of repetitious insane ramblings. IMO, your incessant and needless repetition actually takes away from your credibility.


Well-Known Member
Its either I'm the biggest fattest LIAR, or My eyes were tripping for ALL OF THE SIGNS, or I'm telling the truth. You be the judge.


EDIT- I did make a mistake on the youtube video... It was Good Friday that I saw the black cloud and NOT Black Friday. Sorry guys!



Well-Known Member
Its either I'm the biggest fattest LIAR, or My eyes were tripping for ALL OF THE SIGNS, or I'm telling the truth. You be the judge.

No. There are other explanations. You don't see with your eyes as much as you do with your brain. Your brain could be malfunctioning and misinterpreting the visual signals. Human brains misinterpret visual signals ALL OF THE TIME. Just google optical illusions. There are some illusions that make our brains think there is movement on a static picture, there's illusions that demonstrate our brains interpret things as faces in preference to what is actually there. We are hard-wired as a face identifying mechanism and it makes mistakes of the false-positive kind. We also do hallucinate without drugs sometimes.

So you have ignored previous attempts to explain why this comment of yours is a false dichotomy. The very fact that you have been given this exact same information previously demonstrates that you either ARE a liar, have a terrible memory, or willfully ignoring the information that contradicts what you think.


Well-Known Member
Any evidence presented against a conspiracy theory can be dismissed as part of the conspiracy by the believer.

He could turn the fact that no one has any footage of these aliens into proof that their invisibility suits are just that good. That's the mindset of a conspiracy theorist. Everything fits into the conspiracy. It's why it's damn near impossible to reason with these people.
I don't know if you would call THIS a conspiracy theory. I don't see who's trying to hide the truth. These things happened to Me and I'll be the first one to let you know My beliefs.

I admit to being Christ. I admit to fulfilling prophecy. I admit to seeing the 5 signs in the clouds. I admit to seeing the UFOs. I admit to seeing that little alien guy. I admit. So whats the conspiracy? These things happened directly to Me and I'm being open and truthful to whoever wants to read about it. I even made a video about all of it for you to see. So where's the conspiracy?

For the record, I do believe in some conspiracies and I guess you could call Me a conspiracy theorist but THIS is not a conspiracy.

And yes, your right about the fact that "their invisibility suits are just that good". But I have no idea where they are, I only saw one alien and that was for only a few hours, one day in My life. But yes, if they wanted to be invisible than you would never be able to see them but I don't even know if they are actually even on the planet at this time. I can only speculate.

You can reason with Me all you want, but its not going to change any facts. I'm 100% certain that I saw these things. For example, I saw the 5 signs in the clouds, I saw the UFOs, and I saw the being wearing an invisibility/translucent suit. That's what I believe and if I caught it all on video than there would be no debate.

Why do you insist on repeating the same comments in every post. .
I don't know what else to say besides the truth. I'm not going to be adding in fictitious nonsense that didn't happen. I know I have been repeating Myself a lot, but sometimes some people need to read something more than once to get it. But your right, I have been repeating Myself. I'm sorry.

If we read them once, you don't have to keep repeating them over and over and over. .
I doubt everyone has been following the thread from the beginning and therefor I don't know what they have read. I'm just telling the truth to the best of My ability.

WE KNOW it was on your neighbors roof, WE KNOW you wish you had a camera, WE KNOW you think he was watching you because you are Christ (sorry, can't help but LOL about that one). WE REMEMBER the details of how it was invisible and then became translucent. .
At least your paying attention. I don't know whos been following the thread. Some people see a long thread and they usually just jump to the end.

This board is not your personal blog. .
Yeah, but its My personal thread. I'm the OP here. I'm just trying to give you guys something to read because I like to type about it and plus, its a true story.

You do not need to write a wall of text every post REPEATING the same drivel you have already posted a dozen other times. Learn to have a dialogue like an adult instead of repetitious insane ramblings. IMO, your incessant and needless repetition actually takes away from your credibility.
Sorry to have offended you.

I don't need to be credible, I would like to be but its not going to change any facts. If I were you guys I would be very skeptical too because these things are like miracles. And I don't believe in miracles. I want to know what are the chances of all these things happening to one person. I bet the chances are infinitesimal to non-existent. I mean what are the chances that aliens would pick one person to... Well you guys know, the prophecies, the signs in the clouds, the UFOs, the little alien guy, and the fact that I'm claiming to be Christ. What are the chances? The probability is that I'm crazy rather than telling the truth. HAHA, that's right, I might think I'm crazy too if I didn't experience these things in the first person.

Anyways, I just like to talk.

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