angry!!!!!!! what should i do with this?

Well-Known Member
im SO MAD!!!! today (7th day of flowering) i found out its a MALE aughuguhguhghuhhhhhh what should i do with it now? make hash? can somone tell me some advice and simple ways to make hash and where to get equipment to do it? note that i live in america and this is illigal

Well-Known Member
im not starting over this is my only plant, plus i have a seedling so no females will be polinated


Well-Known Member
does the male have crystals on it? your not going to get much hash from a 1 male plant. and the screens for hash run about $200 to 300 for one male plant thats kinda a waste. I hate to say it man just work on those seedlings ,its hard to cull a male I know.good luck PH2


Well-Known Member
it's a male. they are worthless unless you plan on breeding. kill it and start over. or just smoke it if you insist.

Stoney McFried

Well-Known Member
Yeah, i just saw somebody say something about hash screens for 200 and I thought I'd go looking for something cheaper.I thought the males produced a little thc, but I guess I was misinformed.
if you silk screened a male you would get a lot of pollen but not much resin.


Well-Known Member
Grab it by the stem, bite off its head and swallow. :). Or plant him in the wild somewhere to send pollen around the wild! :D

Well-Known Member
NO i will not do that why the hell would i do that?? im makeing hash or turning it into a tranny


New Member
Whatever. You'll learn within time :|
Just be sure to let us all know how you like it but in saying this one of my friends who lives about 5 miles from me brought over a male plant when I wasn't growing and I let it finish flowering and it was some good bud. Not the usual :spew:It has to be fully flowered though in order to get any kind of buzz off of it.

I know have about 7 males and 3 felame plants that I have not been happy with over the last 7 months so they are waiting to be made into hash. I would never consider doing this with only one male plant.
And by the sounds of it, it isn't even that big. :|
NO i will not do that why the hell would i do that?? im makeing hash or turning it into a tranny


Well-Known Member
either way man, your pretty much fucked :\. Better luck next time!. Sell it to some try hard retards for like $200 =].


New Member
yeah sure...................:evil::twisted::evil:.........................................................
either way man, your pretty much fucked :\. Better luck next time!. Sell it to some try hard retards for like $200 =].