Need Help...Girls were looking good but...


Active Member
Whats up peeps? Need some help diagnosing what's wrong with my girls. These are about 5wks into flowering using the Lucas forumla with GH nutes Micro and Bloom at the recommended ratios. This last time around I added some Epsom salt at a 1/4 tsp/gallon. They are being grown in a DWC. The reservoir is 11 gallons. The nutes were changed a week ago and I have added back 5 gallons of fresh water. The leaves are spotting and starting to get a little crispy in some places, this started about 1-2wks ago. The light is a 400w HPS which is about 12" above the plant. The temp stays at 79-80 degrees with the light on. I was thinking of changing the nutes and flushing with straight water for a day or two. What do you think??? Please help!!!!


Golden Ray

Well-Known Member
Wow they really look sick. So sorry to see that but I think you have spider mites, I would do a real good check. Another thing, Flush. Good luck amigo


Well-Known Member
it looks like you have ph lockup,your ph seems to high which will make your plant lock up and not take the nutes. but from the pictures your knew growth seem s alright.whats your ph and whats your ppm?