First grow! 600w HPS 3X6 12 seeds!

Movin on up! Well half of them... two of them are gimpy. one is healthy it seems but wanting to fall over. i put a light fan barely moving if at all. theres still 4 under soil. but the stuggling ones are still progressing for sure. they had problems with their little shower caps under the helmet.
I just put one of them in its new home. Looks like #1 Stunna will make it, but not sure how its gonna turn out. the leaves look deformed, not as bad as the other one, looks like one leaf is not there nearly.
jus watered them, and transfered two of the seedlings. looking good. going out prolly buy ducting get ready for 100% and partial nutes soon... very partial... but i think these guys are gona FLY
damn just got done with some updates today. i made some ventilation. i bought cheap ducting was like $13 for 8' i think but for sure wasnt 8 '.... and $10 carbon filter. and some green duct tape. i used an old little fan that ive had for a couple years. im a bit exhausted so im jus gona upload pix and not explain every single thing right now lol.
but i am gona put it on 100% power prolly tonight im workin with numbers right now to see what i can do. the plants seem jus fine. ill jus have to baby sit and keep adjusting. also i found a okay genetic bagseed jack and kush type that i jus popped into water into a water, into a ziploc, into a drawer. sorry for retarded grammar.
i put the temp reader right on the rim of the pots. to get more of an idea of how they are feeling. cuz they look good, but of course a bit too much maybe. neways before i moved it it was only at 92-94 and it 80 in my room. damn sure pressin my luck.... im gona do one more watering for them for the light adjustment and then start nutes on the ones that i think are ready. but imma do like 1/4 dosage and see how they take it.

any suggestions advice, comments, hate mail? anything?
k 100% power... 93.7F 66% hum. very happy with that. althought... it is 421AM. but it is 80 in my room still. idkw... but yea gnyte....

oh yea thank goodness for the D.I.Y. Venting!!!


Well-Known Member
93.6F 61% with zipper open and closet slightly open. not bad. learning ways to cool the temp, while my broke ass needs to find a way to get an ac! gona wait til tomorrow for pictures. it's going to be beautiful.... but two of them still havent even cracked the shell. and Hopes shell came off!
Like others said, the temperatures are obviously hot, and you need some ducting and fan work in there. I also struggled at first with heat, and still isn't where I would want to but I make due with low 80s. I understand the money thing, I'm always hurting when it comes to buying grow equipment. Just keep doing what you can for now and try to keep those babies alive in those heats until you can some heat out.
woke up to a very sunny day, temp inside was 95.5 and indoors 80.6 64% hum. not too bad... thats with 100% n zipped up and closed.
Before watering and start of day 3 Veg. gona prolly start really light nutes tomorrows watering. im watering everyday, since i am blasting them... i was a bit worried, but they loook good an happy! learning so much....


Well-Known Member
let the long road begin, good luck with your grow its going to be an interesting ride on your first grow, it always is. just remember the KISS philosophy and dont kill em with kindness.
Best of luck and before you know it you will be harvesting some good juicy buds
let the long road begin, good luck with your grow its going to be an interesting ride on your first grow, it always is. just remember the KISS philosophy and dont kill em with kindness.
Best of luck and before you know it you will be harvesting some good juicy buds
Thanx for the encouragement and advice sir! Nicely said! X D
Well... mainly good news!!! they look great! even the handicapped ones are definately 100% on their way. but they are a bit deformed, wonder if they can grow out of it... Hope is a bit unhealthy from overheat prolly from water drops in the beginning. but im learning alot and they are giving me the happy vibe! Wutang #1 busted thru finally, probably will go into a new home tomorrow. #5 unexpectedly had a decent root and had its helmet off underground. couldnt find #3... then found in the tray under... took forever to find, almost gave up, but i never give up!!! not even cracked... i jus popped it in water now. and the new guy is barely cracked in water. temp is not really going over 96 which is fine with me, since my room lows are like 80 usually. jus gotta have good timing with my misting and watering and height i believe... possible very little nutes tomorrow. i think the first 6 will be ready tomorrow. had a long day so im sure ill be high enough later and bored to post pix n all that.

but i do have a question. do they look like they are actually doin good. as in the curl, color, the hairs all that. looks pretty healthy to me but need some input. these pix kinda suck tho... but all those white hair like bumps on leaves r good? looks like burns but im pretty sure it looks like the hair thats on the stem but on the leaves. iono any info?
got c02 runnin ghetto fab style! lookin good cept i came home 6am and there was dried yeast n sugar all over the wall... the yeast got too crazy! jus gotta clean up the mess and everything else is lookin good! gettin grow big nutes today. got pictures but too long of a day need to chill out for now.

oh my seeds should come in today... if not oh wells.... ill probably try once more overseas if i dont recieve.
seeds came in.... wow.... nice freebies too.... only runnin 2 of the new seeds with this group for now. today they had their first feeding of growbig, jus 1/4 serving. everythings going well.