Before we vote again ?

I completely agree TWS. The legalization vote was one of the stupidest things I've ever seen. I'm sure 80% of the voters saw "Legalize Marijuana" and without another thought towards the matter, cast a yes at the ballot.

Look at the alcohol industry. Alcohol is "Legalized" so surely, you must be able to produce as much alcohol of varying strengths as you want right? Wrong.

Sure you can produce five gallons(my old states law) of low alcohol beer and wine, but if you go over that, its illegal unless it can be proved it was sold by a licensed retailer. Thats all fine and good, but try and sell some to me legally, you cant do it unless you are a legally licensed company. What if you enjoy 180 proof white lightning? Well you are out of luck, thanks to tight government regulations you will be charged with possession of untaxed alcohol if caught with even a pint of white lightning. This is the product of legalization and government regulation.

I dont want this to happen with marijuana. People would be restricted and regulated heavily. If you are able to grow, then there will be quantity limits, then potency limits, the works. We wont be able to make extracts or concentrates. It will be the opposite of what everyone has worked for all these many years.

The movement has came so far in the past 15 years, only to starty taking steps backwards now.

We fought for these freedoms, lets hold on to them and not vote them away....
Yes, but unless we can get the legal system we want, which may not be possible, it's just going to be completely illegal how is that better (other than for prices as growers for us ;) )

If your point is let's keep medical the way it is unless it's the right legalization bill (something a lot of WA people called for), then that I may agree with... still too many people going to jail in CA now though
Yes and I remember arguing with a member about how his state has the best laws and he will always be able to grow and Big pharma,alcohol and tabacco will never interfere. LOl. I see the writing on the wall and the feds are still busting people so legal or not It still sucks. He told me I was dreaming and making shit up. lol
Yes, but unless we can get the legal system we want, which may not be possible, it's just going to be completely illegal how is that better (other than for prices as growers for us ;) )

If your point is let's keep medical the way it is unless it's the right legalization bill (something a lot of WA people called for), then that I may agree with... still too many people going to jail in CA now though

Theres people going to jail in Washington.......... your point ?
I just meant it's better than no system :) Definitely agree they should keep it like it is in cali unless they can get real legalization, not this pseudo legalization.
My thinking, it's pressure from the UN. We have big plans for the rest of the world and they are making us play by the rules.
Uh... who you think forced the drug war on the UN? That was US. :) It is true we are under international treaties we promoted that bar legalizing marijuana.
I don't grow for money but love to grow and need to smoke. I would never vote something down because it would not benefit the BM but I don't want to lose the so called rights I might have now. The funny thing is the BM is the one watching the backs of the California people maybe ?
We need a revolution ! Maybe all states need to make it legal and then we can stick it to the Feds weather it's with the finger or a ............ Look at Waco Texas. They are not immuned ! I had to edit, don't want to condone violence or start a conspiracy ........ lol
There are many reasons. UN treaties, big business kick backs, law enforcement lobbies, and just plain ol assholes who want to tell everyone else what to do. It's far more complicated than just Let's legalize at the state level then force the feds to comply.

How will it end? I have no idea.
“Civil disobedience is not our problem. Our problem is civil obedience. Our problem is that people all over the world have obeyed the dictates of leaders…and millions have been killed because of this obedience…Our problem is that people are obedient allover the world in the face of poverty and starvation and stupidity, and war, and cruelty. Our problem is that people are obedient while the jails are full of petty thieves… (and) the grand thieves are running the country. That’s our problem.”

Howard Zinn
Being legal with constraints is better than not being legal at all. California could have legalized, but too many pro-pot people voted against it, mostly because they couldn't make as much money off it.

Step 1: get it legal, even if the bill isn't perfect. THEN work an amending and changing the stuff you don't like.
IMO , that is the wrong way to go about it. once it is legal the lawmakers do as they please with out your vote. Take a look at things a little better IMO.
Growers are a minority. Once it's legal the smokers aren't going to care as much about the growers as long as they get their bud. There won't be the same outcry/#s to fix it... and the non smokers will say 'they got their legal weed F them'. There is no incentive for it to be changed after it's legally in place for politicians.
I seem to see two opposite sides to this argument; the growers (who want to profit) and people who just like to get high.
If it isn't grown there's nothing to smoke and I personally don't want to pay the government for weed. It's not black and white like that. I don't Profit at all from it but I don't buy it.
I don't grow for profit and I donate to people with cards that I know. If every one did that it would be legalized. IMO:)
I don't grow for profit and I donate to people with cards that I know. If every one did that it would be legalized. IMO:)
Yeah but you would be the worst enemy of greedy people that want to make a profit. Those people with money that want to capitalize and make more money call the shots. IMO it would be awesome if it was a mom and pop culture. You, me or Dave down the street would all have a chance to get a little piece of the market, do what we love and make a living. It's inevitable though, laws will be made to give big business and those with huge capital a huge head start to control 90% of the market and we will be "micro-breweries" creating amazing products (homemade vs budweiser). It would be so awesome if the playing field was fair and the wealth could be spread out across to the people who truly love to grow instead of to a handful of shareholders/CEO's/executives. But I digress, we do live in capitalist America (which I love most of the time) and I accept that.