Random Jibber Jabber Thread


Well-Known Member
My brother just bought a Kawasaki ninja 1000 or some shite! I never rode a crotch rocket until 10 mins ago, tons of dirt bikes but never felt power like that between my legs. 130 mph and just cruising along the street! All I gave her though, I felt like I was pushin life at 90 but had to see what she had. My hands and legs are still shaking! Was a fun ride for sure.


Well-Known Member
Buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

The space between Me and and, and and, and You is too narrow.

You're welcome.


Sector 5 Moderator
It has come to my attention that the jibber jabbering here is not random enough. Could you guys please pick it up a notch or two? I'm thinking more of a "contrived randomness" would be good.