ghb grows ; Blue Pit by Breeders Boutique

I have not had good experiences flowering mothers in the past. Not sure I want to do it again.

exciting stuff with the cup D! Who knows, the year I make it out there you may make it to the US cup lol

It's a non riu'er :)

It's all about exposure ghb. The fact that we got an article in the High Times naming our entry in the top 20 in the World was worth all the money we spent. A young company only has the customers is serves to back it up, when third (non buying) parties have something to say then that is worth a lot of goodwill to you. I think we'll be trying for a Coffeeshop entry as well as a s33d company entries. The coffeeshop entries are definitely fixed, but that's down to who spends the most. When you spend money with HTimes, you get Passes. If the passes are Judges passes then you get instant votes.

I may have something nice....if you actually contact me, lmfao.

i pormise i might just contact you, maybe.............

I have not had good experiences flowering mothers in the past. Not sure I want to do it again.

exciting stuff with the cup D! Who knows, the year I make it out there you may make it to the US cup lol


i think i've only done it once or twice myself, they never behaved like normal plants, no stretch at all and very uneven growth with regards to canopy. i don't think the jtr is worth keeping around so rather than just throw it away i might as well see if i can get a pound or two off her, still undecided though.

maybe if i leave her for a week before flowering it might help, i just took 40 10 inch cuttings and she is just looking mighty pretty, she is in a 6.5l pot and is being watered twice a day so i need to make my mind up as to whether to transplant her.

oh and whats with the us cups, i'm sure there are like 5-6 and they are all high times ones too, do you know what that is all about?
It's quite funny actually. Most of the lads from the UK who rave on about coming to the Dam, in the past have even pm'd me numerous occassions to meet up, but low and behold, not one of them has ever actually come and met me. Then you have the flip side of the coin, every single guy or girl that has come from the US to visit the Dam has met me and smoked out. Now I am not sure what that says to be honest:) Either the Shermans are just far more polite, or what I think is more likely to be the case, the UK'ers are always baws deep in skanky hoes, full of powder and god knows what else..... And yup, that's the general impression you get when you are out in the Dam as well. Shape up UK'ers!!! lmfao.
you know me too well!, british people have a habit for misbehaving abroad. i always see americans behaving impeccably (except in mexico) but maybe because they come such a long way they make plans etc whereas to me, it's just a free for all. i'm only coming for a day then going for a wee drive to madrid to see some mates over there. i can't go to europe without passing through (albeit a fucked up route) the dam.
lol, yeh, North West UK to Madrid, why wouldn't you drive through Amsterdam:shock:

plane to a'dam car from there then back again 2 weeks later, i like a european road trip so much better than driving over here where everybody thinks they own the road. only a days drive really, if i have a nice ssh or maybe a good cheese it will fly by, i find it hard to get cheese in the dam though, always afghani blueberry bollocks, or even worse that exodus shit the greenhouse are pushing. can you help me?
Not on the cheese front I am afraid. Stopped running that a while back, and I agree, there are no good cheeses at the mo in the Dam. The exo cheese I see is utter crap. Doesn't even smell anything like the exo clone.
i can smoke cheese and hazes all day long but if i try and smoke some dog on an 18 hour drive i will no doubt kill myself. last time i came stones cafe had a ssh that was absolutely banging, tenner a gram like but very acceptable for the dam.

what's the flavour of the month then fella, i'm rolling a cheeseblunt at the min, happy times
I am loving this compost strain that I got actually. Just getting a nice cure on now, it's super sweet with a nice kush dunt to it. Def a mix of the deep blue and sour kush I ran outdoor last year. I finished the compost strains outside as well for giggles. Came out really well. Also this deep blue and dog melt got me going loopy:)
I am loving this compost strain that I got actually. Just getting a nice cure on now, it's super sweet with a nice kush dunt to it. Def a mix of the deep blue and sour kush I ran outdoor last year. I finished the compost strains outside as well for giggles. Came out really well. Also this deep blue and dog melt got me going loopy:)

dog n deep blue - not great daytime smoke, did you give up trying to hide the fact that you smoke years ago? if i smoked that stuff at this time of the day i would look like i was on smack and hadn't slept for a year. i'd have strangers asking me in the street "are you ok? do you want to sit down and have a dink of water?".
ah i couldn't wait til 420, had to light up now, i'll just pretend im on dst time, in which case i'm late fuck, best get to it

  • or what I think is more likely to be the case, the UK'ers are always baws deep in skanky hoes, full of powder and god knows what else..... And yup, that's the general impression you get when you are out in the Dam as well. Shape up UK'ers!!! lmfao.


actually I think the sour kush (or headband from dna reserva privada) is actually quite a heady number. Some of my phenos could easy go 13 weeks. The dog is a different mix of og and ecsd.
I also have some blue pit that is clone only leaning, and some dog of course, and some bubble, and some deep blue, BUT ITS ALL MINE SO BOG OFF, lol. j/k.

I don't really think anyone cares about who smokes in the Dam. I certainly don't hide it, I am reasonably active so don't look like a smack head after smoking the dog, just gives me a mega buzz! And most days I have got stuff to do (be it in the garden, or other business related, or just other things) so tend to not smoke until after deze dingetjes are out the way. I don't really smoke out in public unless in a suitable cafe. If I am not in a place that is suitable I tend to nick off somewhere, toot my joint or pipe then return stoned and smelling of weed instead.:)
i remember being there D thirteen years ago when i was eighteen, was still guilders, the amount of street dealers suprised and scared me a little tbh as a young kid, member buyin coke off one of them mid afternoon and kept saying no it u will just rip me off i dont want it etc, in the end this crack fiend obviously whips out a few wraps and a coin and starts shoving it under all our nose's to test lmao mid afternoon in a busy area people where talking dutch saying shit as they walked past but it was some nice coke lolol
i just stick to weed in amsterdam, i don't recall even having a drink over there. i certainly wouldn't be buying coke off the dodgy street dealers lol u crazy bastard.
high bud to leaf ratio and a resin dripper, if it smokes half as good as it looks it must be a winner.

what is the density like on those buds whodat? they look pretty stoney.
did you select that as a keeper pheno? it looks pretty deep blue in the leaf and the buds appear to have that blueish look to them, it also makes nice donkey dicks.
have you ever tried the dog, would you say it has much dog influence?


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i dunno bout yield on other bb strains but the bluepit i smoked my friend got 4.5oz from 12-12 from seed, think he runs a 400hps and there was other plants under the light with the bluepit
well like i mention the deep blue is a massive yielder and the dog though it is good on weight it just didn't give me very big buds, if i could get dog density and weight on a deep blue bud i would have 5oz buds, now surely everybody likes 5oz buds? lol.

i'm just gutted i wont be smoking any for a while, i need to get myself a little flat somewhere so i can put a 2400w tent in and flower these fuckers. i still have plants vegging in the flower room so we are talking 3+ months before i can even flower them.:roll: