Sex after Childbirth

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
As you all know, I had a C-section and delivered a happy healthy baby girl. That would have been enough for me but after 5 weeks postpartum I had a wonderful surprise!

Sex is great!

I have always been one who really had to put in a great deal of effort and imagination to enjoy intercourse in the past. The first time I had sex with my husband after childbirth was like experiencing sex for the first time for me!

What has been your guys experience after childbirth? Vaginal or C-section. Did your sensitivity go up or down?


Ursus marijanus
As you all know, I had a C-section and delivered a happy healthy baby girl. That would have been enough for me but after 5 weeks postpartum I had a wonderful surprise!

Sex is great!

I have always been one who really had to put in a great deal of effort and imagination to enjoy intercourse in the past. The first time I had sex with my husband after childbirth was like experiencing sex for the first time for me!

What has been your guys experience after childbirth? Vaginal or C-section. Did your sensitivity go up or down?
I've never had sex before childbirth. cn



Well-Known Member
My wife had a c-section also. She too seems to have an elevated vigor for the sexy time. It's less frequently now, I imagine that plays a part.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
My wife had a c-section also. She too seems to have an elevated vigor for the sexy time. It's less frequently now, I imagine that plays a part.
MY drive used to be higher than my husband but with him having sleep apnea(tired all the time) we really couldn't do it any other time but the weekend. I also had nothing to do all day but get bored and horny.

Now my drive is a bit lower than my husband's. I am the one who is tired all the time and busy with baby stuff. So when he asks for sex it makes me feel special because usually I would ask first.


Staff member
i dunno never been preggos. but im very happy for you and your little family :) ^_^

and of course GETTIN IT ON

Julius Caesar

Active Member
If you want to keep a nice and tight vajayjay, have children before you are 30.

"The vagina stretches a great deal during childbirth, like an accordion opened all the way. Post-partum does it re-tighten completely? Yes, usually, at least in young women, that is, women in their late teens and early twenties. Within six months after delivery, the typical young woman's vagina feels pretty much how it was before she gave birth.
Now for the two exceptions. If you stretch elastic a great deal, over time, it fatigues and no longer snaps back entirely. That can happen to the vaginas of young women after multiple births. Their vaginal muscles fatigue and no longer fully contract. In addition, aging fatigues vaginal muscle. Whether or not women have given birth, as they grow older, they may complain of looseness. Today, many woman delay childbearing until after 30, and some have children after 40. Combine the rigors of older childbearing with the effects of aging on the vaginal muscles, and many women complain of looseness. Women who give birth after around 30 may notice persistent looseness after delivering only one child. Individual differences account for the fact that birth- and age-related looseness happens to some women and not others."


Active Member
Sex drive was just as vigorous for my wife after she had our daughter and I became a big fan milky showers while she was riding me. Colostrum is like icing on the cake.



Well-Known Member
Never had a baby, but that's great to know! :D

If you want to keep a nice and tight vajayjay, have children before you are 30.

"The vagina stretches a great deal during childbirth, like an accordion opened all the way. Post-partum does it re-tighten completely? Yes, usually, at least in young women, that is, women in their late teens and early twenties. Within six months after delivery, the typical young woman's vagina feels pretty much how it was before she gave birth.
Now for the two exceptions. If you stretch elastic a great deal, over time, it fatigues and no longer snaps back entirely. That can happen to the vaginas of young women after multiple births. Their vaginal muscles fatigue and no longer fully contract. In addition, aging fatigues vaginal muscle. Whether or not women have given birth, as they grow older, they may complain of looseness. Today, many woman delay childbearing until after 30, and some have children after 40. Combine the rigors of older childbearing with the effects of aging on the vaginal muscles, and many women complain of looseness. Women who give birth after around 30 may notice persistent looseness after delivering only one child. Individual differences account for the fact that birth- and age-related looseness happens to some women and not others."
This may be true, but each individual vagina out there has a certain degree of "looseness" or "tightness" that that person was born with... it's just anatomy. And the vagina is like any other muscle... if you don't strengthen it, it'll just get worse and worse with age... don't forget to do Kegals! Guys too! :D


New Member
Sex After Childbirth -

A man decides to take his wife and son out for some ice cream . His son and wife are with him in line looking at the menu and the son is a little overwhelmed with all of the choices . His father asks Fat head boy , what the hell do you want ? His son kinda cowards down and shrugs - I dont know dad .

By this time the father is outraged and yells out just pick a damn flavor fat head, while everyone looks on with shock and disgust . As the family moves to the front of the line the cashier gives in and asks - Why would you call your son such a demeaning name sir ?
The man replies back , every man wants a nice home . I have this and also a big truck , but what I wanted more than them both was a tight pussy and I found it and then this damn fat head came along and ruined it for me !


Well-Known Member
before the baby, playtime was frequent and fun. after the baby, playtime was way more frequent and way more fun. she told the dr to her face she wasnt gonna wait 6 weeks before sex and she didnt. bout 2 1/2 weeks later we were playin ball!