ha! i just noticed my tanktop is dirty with color from work :c
Daamn Sunni hot n she know it
Donnys dog got banned too.
Is Fab gone again? Miss him already. Tell him I said hello
sunni + unclebuck = RIU procreation heaven
sunni + unclebuck = RIU procreation heaven
that aside could you imagine their fucking political views on life if we had children hahaha
I miss rainbow.
I miss rainbow.
yeah i havent seen her in a coons age ,
donnys will be back he asked me to ban him i figure he was just drunk so i only gave him 7 days
Pictures! Pictures!bawahahha welli wouldnt go that far but i have been doing insanity by shaun t, everyone says they notice the different i dont until i take a photo ima show em off damnit i worked my butt off!
This is me not goofing off and my boys.