No man, Nitrous doesn't harm the kid. And I PROMISE you can get it for childbirth in the USA. Our medical laws are a copy of the USA'a as are many countries, the FDA is an immensely respected organisation globally. Smaller countries with limited funds for their own research follow the FDA real closely.
Epidurals are pretty hardcore, you're talking a looooong needle straight up the SPINE. Sure it numbs it, but it kinda has to go in there first. Nothing is numb when it goes in bro woooohoooo nope. My wife took one look and told them to fuck right off lol...
Besides, South Africa has got this going for it: We're good at medicine, some of the best research institutes in the world are here. First heart transplant EVER happened in Cape Town. Stellenbosch University holds a shitload of patents in use globally on a daily basis. Trust me good hospitals won't do a thing that'll harm a baby bro.
That being said, it doesn't really do all that much for pain at ALL. Just kinda dissociates you from it a bit, you feel it every bit as strongly but you just care a touch less about it. MASSIVE respect to any woman that uses only that for pain during birth. You SOLDIERS you!