
Viola! I think you've got it. Leave them alone and protect the borders and the homeland! what a concept, maybe your not a total ass, but I doubt it!
Isn't a viola a musical instrument? A close likeness to the violin? I'm sure you meant voila! or, there it is! Sorry to be a complete arse. If ever you were to leave this site you would be sorely missed.

How's your grow going by the way? I'm not even sure which strain you are growing, our converstions thus far have completely avoided why we are here in the first place.
Viola! I think you've got it. Leave them alone and protect the borders and the homeland! what a concept, maybe your not a total ass, but I doubt it!

So, there you go again. Instead of resorting to personal attacks, why not just strengthen your argument? Or could it be that you're political stance is not based upon logic at all and instead is nothing more than emotion? You see, you can stand up in front of the younger members here and spout your hate politics and get away with it for a time. That is ... until a logical opposing point of view is presented, then you do what most of your ilk do and resort to personal attacks.

well it comes down to a point where it's usless to talk to a Nazi Capitalist like your self amd the only thing left to say is Fuck You!
My avatar is the latest picture of my grow, one week into 12-12. Thanks for asking, the arse thing was for ViRedd and also th f.u.. That guy is warped. It's like trying to talk to Dick Cheney, It's useless. He believes in money and Jesus, ( well maybe not Jesus) end of conversation. I only wish I could tell Dickhead Cheny to get fucked, and show him the door (to Hell). And by the way it's white widow! Yummee!
well it comes down to a point where it's usless to talk to a Nazi Capitalist like your self amd the only thing left to say is Fuck You!

*lol* ... so, you finally brought out the "Nazi" card, eh? Did you leave your "racist" card at home, or just foget to pull that one out of your hat?

And, assuming that your "Fuck You!" comment wasn't a personal attack, I'll just kindly decline, as this is no time for romance! :)

By the way ... you really are an empty suit, aren't you?

Man you guys are going to get the entire politics forum locked.

Note to self: Dont talk politics with old hippies. :)
Man you guys are going to get the entire politics forum locked.

Note to self: Dont talk politics with old hippies. :)

Why lock the forum? I'm here to share ideas and nothing more. If there are those who cannot discuss politics without resorting to personal attacks, ban them ... but leave the serious folks alone. That's fair, no?

Here's the situation: It has been a long standing assumption among liberals that ALL pot smokers/growers are left leaning in their politics. When folks like MedUser have free reign to spout their anti-capitalistism, pro-socialism, pro-communism bull shit in forums like this, they have an influence on the younger members. Well ... I'm here to refute what they say and to interject an opposing viewpoint using logic and reasonable thought. My viewpoints have nothing to do with hate and envy, as theirs does, and everything to do with freedom and liberty. I believe in free minds and free markets. And ... I will NEVER resort to personal attacks in the process. That's fair enough, isn't it?


PS: I am also here to help the newbies learn to grow great pot. I've been growing my own as a legal medical user for years and have gained insight into the growing art. Check out my posts in the growing forums. :)
Come now Widow, they're just letting off steam. I'd prefer to read articulate posts though. It's fine to be insulting so long as you disguise it with some articulate craftsmanship. Makes it more entertaining for the rest of us.
That's right Vi, personal attacks should be banned. Intelligence should rule the day. Name-calling only puts a stop to a perfectly good thread. Like, I know you won't agree with this Vi, my religion thread. I really tried my best not to attack anybody personally, had a bit of a laugh I'll agree. But I was gutted to find the thread closed and Nomad getting the last word. Well, he seemed to more repeat himself over and over again, so i suppose the thread was rightly closed as it had stopped moving.

Anyway, lets keep it clean and try to keep emotion out of the fray.
I like to see it open too but we cant have any person attacks. I have seen a few attacks and thats why the religion thread was closed. Dont get me wrong some of that shit was very entertaining. I just dont want to lose any good, intelligent members because of some bs. Please no more "fuck you"s...etc.

As far as banning. I pretty much wont ban anyone that is a contributing member. If your under 18 or just a real pita then yes. I usually give a pm if someone is getting out of hand. I do realize this is the internet and people are going to argue but lets just keep it civilized.
I agree totally. Now please let the debates continue on in a civilized manner.

By the way ... we all can learn from one another. No one person has a lock on all the knowledge. To all ... Please share opposing viewpoints ... with logic and reason. :)

Well put Vi'. It is often hard to sit and listen to another's conflicting view points without getting angry. Insults merely make YOU look the fool as it shows you don't have the nous to continue with the conversation. When your first instinct is anger, re-read the post using a different tone. Put a happier tilt to it, because emotion is the hardest thing to read unless you are the person writing it. Please class this post as a generalisation, it's intention is for everybody not any singular member.
Well OK now. I should of said "fornicate you "so as to stick with Redds premise of talking your way out of a situation. Comes a time when you run up against a brick wall of hype and bullshit that you have to release some disgust. so from now on, I'll use the more palitable language. Thanks for the spanking! Hey redd what do you think of my avatar, about 8 days into 12-12, can you find fault with that, or am I hittin that arse! No more politics with you buddy, we're way too different!
Actually it is a potting mix not dirt. I dont have room for a hydro unit as my grow space is 2ft.X4ft. My wife tolerates it (she doesn't smoke or believe in it) like she tolerated me building a hotrod in the garage. She is a saint for putting up with me for the last 25 years, there is a place for her in heaven. here is my rod, hand built by me from a 44 year old car. The body is basically stock(with a lot of tlc) but the drivetrain is powerful, 500 Hp.
Hey, nice car. You're a lucky man to have a wife that doesn't smoke and yet, has no problem with you smoking and growing.

I have a space similar in size to yours. I use a TurboGarden all set up for Aero and a 600 HPS. I'd suggest that you check the TurboGarden out. The plants grow so damned fast I can hear the stems creaking. :) Here's a link. If you scroll down, you'll see the set up for aero. Also, I ordered a blank lid and drilled six site holes for 3" pots. This is my first grow after switching over to aero from Deep Water Culture (DWC), and believe me, six plants is enough. My friend just harvested 15 oz off of his six plants in his aero system that is very similar to mine.

Botanicare : Product Overview : Hydrogardens

Take care ...


PS: I have a buddy who owns a hydro shop and he specializes in aero. If you want a custom aero system to fit your exact space, he'll build you one cheap. Much, much, much cheaper than the TurboGarden and just as effective. He built one for the friend that I alluded to above and like I said, 15 oz from six plants. PM me if interested.