Is this what I think it is?


Well-Known Member
Found these (about 20 or so) in a clusterIMG_0187.jpgIMG_0188.jpgIMG_0189.jpg in a ditch on the side of a country back road. No way it's anyones grow, if they are MJ.


Active Member
Dito that, definitely just a random weed/plant. They would however make a great camouflage plant if you were growing on a patio or backyard.


Well-Known Member
why would you think weed would be growing on the side of the road like that?

I've seen it happen before...It's a rural road, dude smoking some weed and throws out the ashes or cleans his weed and throws out the unwanted seeds.
We had a picture in our local paper two years ago of a nearly 2 foot plant growing in a parking lot behind and closed business. Just one plant..sticking up easy to see.