first post, need help!!!


hey sucks that my first post is a cry for help...but thats life.
so i have 2 seedlings and one germinted seed that hasnt sprouted yet. (it took it much longer to germinte so i only 'potted' it a few days ago)
they are in a vermeculite pearlite mix (about 50/50) and the seed is in peat with a handful of pearlight.

i started them off with sunlight bringing them inside at night as it gets cold, for about 2weeks.
but as its getting colder and there is less sun, i bought two 25watt cfl and brought them into my 65x40cm closet. and put them about 2.5 - 4cms (1-1.5inchs) away from the plants.

they were fine for about a week then today i woke up to find one 'fallen' over and its second set of leaves curled up.
the other first (and only) set of leaves are also curled up and dark green.

so i should say a few things.
i am going to repot them in coco in a few days and i have ordered 2 150watt cfls.
secondly i 'misted' them twice with yates thrive, using a tiny tiny bit of the powder.
as soon as i saw this i flushed them with clean tap water (im still waiting for my ph kit to arrive...should be any day now) and raised the lights to about 5cm (2 inchs)
im assuming its a heat problem as the closet door was closed but the lights are only 50watts... so im gonna leave it open, and the room is pretty cold so itll cool the closet.

im not sure what to do...


Well-Known Member
Yea def need pics put your hand to the light and leave it there for a min. if it feels hot to you gonna b hot to your little ones, they can't move if they don't like it, their just stuck there in the heat


Well-Known Member
First, carefully replant the one that has fallen over, plant is deeper. Be gentle, the roots are very fragile at this point. As for the other, it looks like a chemical burn. Not positive that you should have sprayed your plants with that solution just yet. I'm not a nutrient expert because I don't use them and the those lights that you are using isn't going to cause that sort of burn. If it was me, I would get rid of any soil that has that solution in it, replant and use regular balanced ph water until it heals. It could take it a bit to heal being at such a young age.

Also, do you have any air circulation in that box?


First, carefully replant the one that has fallen over, plant is deeper. Be gentle, the roots are very fragile at this point. As for the other, it looks like a chemical burn. Not positive that you should have sprayed your plants with that solution just yet. I'm not a nutrient expert because I don't use them and the those lights that you are using isn't going to cause that sort of burn. If it was me, I would get rid of any soil that has that solution in it, replant and use regular balanced ph water until it heals. It could take it a bit to heal being at such a young age.

Also, do you have any air circulation in that box?
Hey thanks,
so should i replant straight away, or wait for the coco to come (should be a day or two) if i plant in soil or peat now is it ok to replant in coco a few days later??
i'm conflicted..waiting for the coco may be to late but i bought it and want to use it and replanting twice in a few days is probably just as bad....

no circulation but i leave the door open most of the time and the room is cool, and i am planing on buying a cheap wall fan/computer fan to cool it down.


Well-Known Member
Hey thanks,
so should i replant straight away, or wait for the coco to come (should be a day or two) if i plant in soil or peat now is it ok to replant in coco a few days later??
i'm conflicted..waiting for the coco may be to late but i bought it and want to use it and replanting twice in a few days is probably just as bad....

no circulation but i leave the door open most of the time and the room is cool, and i am planing on buying a cheap wall fan/computer fan to cool it down.
If you plant in soil now, you should wait till it has a better root system and recovered from the stress of the replanting. I know it sucks to have to wait to do these things, but its best for your plant. You don't want to keep stressing your plant because growth will come to a halt, and no one likes that. But replanting and making sure it has a root system instead of a long tap root before you give any more nutes would be your best bet.

Air circulation is really good for your plants. It strengthens their stalks and keeps you from running into issues with your plant just falling over. You are wanting to create the best environment for your plants like they are outside. So give them a nice breeze and your plants will thank you for it.

Also, I'm not sure how you are going to continue to grow your plants, but you will need a lot more than those 2 cfls for your plant to produce anything worth wild. When I used cfls long ago I started with 6 and moved up as the plants got bigger.

If you wanted, you could carefully sit you plant back up and lightly pack the dirt higher on the stem, not tight, but enough to keep it up right, and then when you get your other soil, replant the whole thing.

Good luck and welcome to the forum.


If you plant in soil now, you should wait till it has a better root system and recovered from the stress of the replanting. I know it sucks to have to wait to do these things, but its best for your plant. You don't want to keep stressing your plant because growth will come to a halt, and no one likes that. But replanting and making sure it has a root system instead of a long tap root before you give any more nutes would be your best bet.

Air circulation is really good for your plants. It strengthens their stalks and keeps you from running into issues with your plant just falling over. You are wanting to create the best environment for your plants like they are outside. So give them a nice breeze and your plants will thank you for it.

Also, I'm not sure how you are going to continue to grow your plants, but you will need a lot more than those 2 cfls for your plant to produce anything worth wild. When I used cfls long ago I started with 6 and moved up as the plants got bigger.

If you wanted, you could carefully sit you plant back up and lightly pack the dirt higher on the stem, not tight, but enough to keep it up right, and then when you get your other soil, replant the whole thing.

Good luck and welcome to the forum.
Thanks a lot for your help!
So i think what ill do is follow your advice, ill replant in some peat and pearlight, making sure the stem is deep.
wait a little till the roots are stronger, assuming the whole thing doesn't die...and then repot into coco. is it ok to go from peat to coco?
im purposefully choosing peat instead of soil because im assuming going from peat to coco is better then soil to coco...but its just my assumption..

as for airflow i will get something, as your right.

lights like i stated above should be arriving soon 2 150watt cfls, one warm and the other daylight.

Thanks again for your help!! - love your avatar btw, cant look away :)


Well-Known Member
Thanks a lot for your help!
So i think what ill do is follow your advice, ill replant in some peat and pearlight, making sure the stem is deep.
wait a little till the roots are stronger, assuming the whole thing doesn't die...and then repot into coco. is it ok to go from peat to coco?
im purposefully choosing peat instead of soil because im assuming going from peat to coco is better then soil to coco...but its just my assumption..

as for airflow i will get something, as your right.

lights like i stated above should be arriving soon 2 150watt cfls, one warm and the other daylight.

Thanks again for your help!! - love your avatar btw, cant look away :)
It was my pleasure, that's why were here.

The medium doesn't really matter as the plants will adapt. Its just not advised to keep changing back and fourth. Pick one and roll with it till the end. So I would recommended after the final transfer, let that be her final place to grow.


It was my pleasure, that's why were here.

The medium doesn't really matter as the plants will adapt. Its just not advised to keep changing back and fourth. Pick one and roll with it till the end. So I would recommended after the final transfer, let that be her final place to grow.
so i replanted into a seed raising coir (fertilized peat..) with pearlite gave them a nice watering till it ran off. and raised the lights a tad. im gonna get a fan in there asap, and already have a plan for ventilation...
i was wondering what else i can do, should i water it again once its dry (like once a day) or give it some time to search for water?...and how will i know if its a lost cause and to move on?


New Member
i would support them alil till you get the fan in there to build the stem strength. u can use a tooth pic and a straw with a slit in it to help support it.
the burn on the leaf i think is from spraying the leaves while the lights on them it burns them i had both problems on my grow and that what i found it to be.
you can check out my grow for pics of what i did. good luck with the grow hope it helps!!


i would support them alil till you get the fan in there to build the stem strength. u can use a tooth pic and a straw with a slit in it to help support it.
the burn on the leaf i think is from spraying the leaves while the lights on them it burns them i had both problems on my grow and that what i found it to be.
you can check out my grow for pics of what i did. good luck with the grow hope it helps!!
thanks ill try the prop idea, hope itll help. i will never spray there leaves again, as that makes sense and i read that in a bunch of other places!!
i just feel so helpless...(violin)


New Member
Dont worry about it itl still grow fine all the new growth should be nice and healthy green. it took me about 3 tries to grow a good plant and i still have issues you learn as you go along. Good luck